Hello from Edinburgh. From one capital to another can I please ask you all to tell George Bush to go to hell when he visits your fair city today (Sunday 15th June).
Sadly I am unable to be with you but will watching out very eagerly for any news of the assassination (oops I mean demonstration - don’t I?). There are 2 demos – one in London and one in Windsor. For more info: www.stopwar.org.uk
Remarkably the visit of the leader of the free world and commander in chief in the war on terror has been conspicuous by its absence in the mainstream media. The BBC website didn’t have it on Saturday and neither did most of the newspapers. The Daily Telegraph had a very short account of his Rome visit on page 19. Scotland’s own newspaper `The Scotsman` didn’t seem to have anything and neither did Rupert Murdoch’s `Sun`. The Daily Express had a small item on page 27. The Independent, possibly the least bad of the corporate press had a piece on page 4 while the Daily Mirror had something on page 7, which I attach.
Nothing much in the meejah today – I tuned in to the trooping of the colour hoping to see her Maj handbag Dubya but that must happen tomorrow (I write this on Saturday evening) No mention of Bush’s imminent arrival in the BBC1 or ITV Saturday evening news.
Are we to take it that the most powerful man in the universe is sneaking in and out of the country like a thief in the night?
He will surely be remembered as the worst US President of all time and the one who came closest to starting World War 3. Who knows? That could still happen if he and the remaining neoconservatives led by Dick Cheney decide to attack Iran.
So, if you read this in time then get out there and yell yourself hoarse with my blessing.
Finally if you need any inspiration perhaps you could draw some from the indefatigable Brian Haw who recently clocked up 7 years of a 24/7 protest in London’s Parliament Square. His website:
