The 11th June Sheffield Guantánamo protest highlighted the case of Binyam Mohamed who, after years of torture is facing the threat of the death penalty. On 31 May over 100 people attended a public meeting concerning his plight and Reprieve organised a protest in Trafalgar Square which took place on Sunday 15th June to highlight the suffering of Binyam Mohamed. The London Guantánamo Campaign are asking for urgent action to be taken for Binyam Mohamed.
Articles: Urgent appeal for British resident Binyam Mohamed, “close to suicide” in Guantánamo | Guantánamo: Torture victim Binyam Mohamed sues British government for evidence | Binyam Mohamed’s letter from Guantánamo to Gordon Brown | Meeting Report: Binyam Mohamed: The Last Londoner in Guantánamo Bay | Take URGENT ACTION for Binyam Mohamed! | New report details torture of Guantánamo prisoner Binyam Mohamed | Guantanamo bay / Binyam Mohamed Protest, London 15.06.08
Links: | The National Guantanamo Coalition | Reprieve | Andy Worthington
Binyam Mohamed a refugee from Ethiopia, who was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK, was seized in Pakistan and rendered to Morocco where he was held for 18 months and subjected to horrendous torture, which, included, but was not limited to having his penis cut with a razor on a regular basis. After Morocco, Binyam was transferred to Afghanistan, where he endured further torture at the CIA run “Dark Prison”, from there he was moved to Bagram airbase and then finally put on a plane to Guantánamo in September 2004, two and a half years after his ordeal began.
Last December it was reported that Binyam Mohamed was close to suicide and in May he wrote to Gordon Brown and pointed out that "my Moroccan torturers were using information supplied by British intelligence" and he also sued the British government for refusing to provide evidence that may assist in his defence at Guantánamo. This month Reprieve, issued a detailed and devastating report, Human Cargo: Binyam Mohamed and the Rendition Frequent Flier Programme (PDF), which presents compelling evidence of his rendition and torture. Last week the Pentagon officially filed charges against Binyam Mohamed, who will face a trial by Military Commission for “conspiracy” and “providing material support for terrorism”, and a UK court approved his request for judicial review, requiring the British government to reveal whatever evidence it holds regarding the British security services’ knowledge of his rendition from Pakistan to Morocco for torture, and details of whatever information was also provided to his Moroccan torturers about his life in Britain.
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Great footage of London protest for Binyam on
17.06.2008 16:14
Watch, leave comments, and start a debate!
due process...
30.06.2008 10:02
For normal people, who believe in the rule of law and not the law of the jungle, there's a thing called "due process" - also known as the right to have your day in court. If anyone has a problem with that, perhaps they should be locked away and have the key thrown away indefinitely. See how they like arbitrary detention then.
It might be worth looking a little further at who the real terrorists are, also unconvicted; Binyam and others like him aren't responsible for the murder of millions of Iraqis, Afghans, Africans or a media ban on what's happening in Northern Ireland, nor do they rank among the world's top three arms sellers. The villains and the sickos are closer at hand than you think...sleep tight!