They set the seeds for the Growth disaster that Gordon Brown was stupid enough
to indulge in. When it was time to undo the Madness of Thatcher selling off the Family Silver, and restore the pre Thatcher Tax structure. Brown initiated the criminal irresponsibility of selling off these Nation's Gold.
The Labour Party, still controlled by the New Labour has just been able to hang on with its ridiculous 'security' plan to strengthen the Fascist element in British Law, and has further discredited Gordon Brown by making all sorts of sleazy deals with their own rebels, and even the Ulster Unionists. Brown's victory in the House is another nail in Brown the Prime Minister's coffin.
The scarey headline somes from a financial advisors email just received:
"Why Gold Could Reach $20,000 an Ounce
By Tom Dyson
The amount of liquid savings I keep in gold would make the average investor choke.
In fact, on the occasions when I have told people how much of my money is in gold, they think I'm nuts. Gold represents more than 50% of my savings.".
It is easy to stop inflation, Tax the Rich! Keep Capitalism working or there will be the Fascism New Labour plans. -There is no Socialist Road, the SWP wasted the anti war emotion in a futile March that enabled Blair to go to War, and they had no folllow up direct action to stop the War once it had started.
So Britain's resources are drained to profit foreign Corporations.
A small glimmer of hope comes:
"In a study entitled ‘Will soaring transport costs reverse globalisation?’, its authors Jeff Rubin and Benjamin Tal argue that the unprecedented impact of rising energy prices on the cost of ocean transport means that moving goods from one nation to another has become a bigger barrier to global trade than tariffs." .