1. John Burns - Chief Executive Officer, National Health Service, Dumfries ( johnburns@nhs.net) Scotland.
2. John Angus Cameron, General Medical Council Register number 2335485 ( anguscameron@nhs.net Previously - 4 Hartree Square, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML12 6JJ).
3. Alexander Barlas Christie GMC No. 0141246, ( aattadale@aol.com) Home Address 17 Corberry Hill, Dumfries, DG2 7NG Scotland.
4. James McClellan Graham GMC No. 2328735, ( jamesgraham@nhs.net Home Address 4 Blair Street Dalbeattie Scotland DG5 4DZ.
Can the details below be posted on your sites/newspaper links etc. for investigation and SWIFT MOVING by others!
Thank you.
Rosemary (E. Whitelaw)
Publisher/Author Name: ELIZA EARSMAN
Following criminal procedures by named individuals in the NHS (National Health Service) Dumfries, Scotland, restitution is required.
This can be used as a TEST CASE. Assuredly their accountability will be!
Repeated requests to the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, JOHN BURNS, have gone unanswered.
Maybe his individual MASONIC file is causing him problems.
It is recognizable however that he is not employed to withhold investigation or account.
We are requesting that independent and international individuals/groups contact that same JOHN BURNS/take whatever action is deemed legitimately necessary, and impress on him that ACCOUNTABILITY will be met. He has no 'opt out' clause.
Further details on request - see e.g. links below.
Rosemary E. Whitelaw
Publisher/Author Name: ELIZA EARSMAN.
BOOK REVIEW e.g. newgreatbooks.blogspot.com/2008/04/secret-history-revealed-new.html
TESTIMONIALS/further info e.g. www.amazon.com/gp/product/product-description/0955624800
For the SPECIFIC attention of:
Chief Executive Officer
National Health Service
Mid North
Crichton Hall
DUMFRIES - Scotland.
Telephone: UK 01387 272702
Email: johnburns (at) nhs.net
Re: John Burns, John Angus Cameron (GMC register number 2335485), Alexander Barlas Christie, James McClellan Graham.
Dear Sir,
We refer to previous emails - see below.
We quote: Time is cost. Cost is loss. Loss is loss of human lives and limbs and slaughter. (See Days of Elijah: ISBN 9780955624803)
We hope your refusal to thus far reply will be dealt with soon.
Can you - JOHN BURNS - say how soon?
Rosemary E. Whitelaw.
Copies to international and interested others.
Masonic files are open and public.
FAO also: Editors/News Reporters/Book Buying Public.
Days of Elijah: World History/Current Events/Non-Fiction.
To: johnburns (at) nhs.net
Date: Wednesday, 21 May, 2008, 1:26 PM
For the SPECIFIC attention of
Dumfries, Scotland.
Dear Sir,
Now that clarification has been reached ... we continue to draw to your attention your need to comply with local and international law.
You are required to ensure that details laid before you - copies below - are independently verified. Your records will be are amended and legitimized.
Following that, you are required to take legitimate action to ensure that full and correct financial restitution is received.
DAYS OF ELIJAH details now have international favor.
Many are those for whom - understandably - short fuses have been ignited and long ropes given!
I draw to your attention this statement: Time is cost. Cost is loss. Loss is loss of human lives and limbs and slaughter. (See DAYS OF ELIJAH: ISBN 9780955624803)
We hope this will be dealt with soon.
Masonic files are open and public.
Rosemary E. Whitelaw
Copies to others.