People power and non-violent movement can topple the dictators; abolish apartheid system and liberate colonial rules.
" We have to believe in what we are doing. We can restore democracy and human rights if we collectively work together internally and internationally," said Khin Maung Win, Director of Burma Democratic Concern in United States.
“We have to resist and fight against any attempt to nullify 1990 Election result. This is the duty of all the Burmese people who love freedom, democracy and human rights. We have to fight against any kind of entrenching military dictatorship or legitimizing military rule in Burma,” added Khin Maung Win.
General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. International community strongly condemned the junta for refusing to allow elected representatives to meet as a People's Assembly and for failing to honour the results of the elections and hand over power. UN General Assembly has since 1991 passed successive annual Resolutions calling on Burma "to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 elections".
Burma Democratic Concern warned that words need to be backed up by action -- by action that is united and that is focused on to implement results of the 1990 elections. To be able to do so, we must have the United Nations Security Council's binding resolution on Burma to solve long standing crisis and the world leaders must make sure to adopt one before military massacre again thousands of its own innocent people.
“We would like to give the message to the United Nations that we do not recognize junta's seven steps road map or 2010 election plan. This is the true desire of Burmese people coming from the bottom of our hearts and the results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented accordingly. United Nations must not desert people of Burma by falling into the junta’s seven step road map and 2010 Election plan,” said Kyaw Lin Oo, Director of Burma Democratic Concern in Thailand.
Burma Democratic Concern today launched the petition at the 10 Downing Street to ask the Prime Minister Mr Gordon Brown to support 1990 Elections result in Burma and urge International Community not to follow junta’s 2010 Election plan.
The petition can be found at

For more information contact
Myo Thein
00-44-78 7788 2386
[United Kingdom]
Khin Maung Win
00 194196126 22
[United States]
Kyaw Lin Oo
00 664107 9352