If you think Iran (and by extension, Russia) will take this lying down, you're sadly mistaken. This would still be an illegal Act of War and Naked Aggression.
John Byrne
Published: Saturday May 3, 2008
Military focus shifts from nuclear facilities to Revolutionary Guard
The Pentagon is drawing up plans for a "surgical strike" against an alleged insurgent training camp in Iran, according to the UK Sunday Times' Michael Smith.
(Alleged, because these Extremists haven't been able to provide any evidence of its existence, and when pressed for this, they have been publicly humiliated more than once.)
Attributing the assertion to Western intelligence officials, Smith asserts that US officials have become increasingly frustrated with Iran's Republican Guard force -- an elite corps of the country's military -- which the Bush Administration has designated a terrorist group.
(Probably because they keep disrupting the little-mentioned American/Israel-sponsored Terrorist groups, part of the illegal Covert War being waged by these countries inside Iran.)
Western officials have accused Iran of helping arming rebel militias in Iraq, and have accused Iran of supplying IEDs.
(But when asked to share their evidence, we've discovered that it simply does not exist, once again embarassing these pathological LIARS, but somehow not stopping their Mad drive for another devastating, illegal war.)
Smith was the first to reveal the Downing Street Minutes, an account of a secret 2002 meeting between Bush Administration officials and British intelligence surrounding Iraq, in which MI6 director Richard Dearlove remarked that facts around Iraq were being "fixed" around a policy for war.
"US commanders are increasingly concerned by Iranian interference in Iraq and are determined that recent successes by joint Iraqi and US forces in the southern port city of Basra should not be reversed by the Quds Force," Smith writes."'If the situation in Basra goes back to what it was like before, America is likely to blame Iran and carry out a surgical strike on a militant training camp across the border in Khuzestan,'" he quotes a defense official as saying.
(However, the two are unrelated. This is simply the latest empty excuse these Israeli and American Extremists are trying to use to feign justification for another war. But like the others, they have no basis for an attack, and everything they claim to the contrary has been shown to be nothing more than LIES.)
Nuclear facilities 'not targets'
Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker and RAW STORY's Larisa Alexandrovna revealed internal Pentagon planning in a buildup to a potential Iran conflict. Since the reports ran, however, rhetoric about Iran has been toned down and concerns of a potential all-out war have diminished.
American officials are opposed to any attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, Smith says. They believe, however, that an attack on a militant camp could send a message to the Republican Guard.
(Or start the war ...)
CBS News reported last week about a potential strike on Iran.
"Targets would include everything from the plants where weapons are made to the headquarters of the organization known as the Quds Force which directs operations in Iraq," they wrote.
(Even though it does NOT 'direct operations in Iraq'. And since the US is directing operations in Iran, using the same logic, would Iran not be justified in attacking the US? Isn't the fact that Bush/PNAC illegally attacked and now occupy Iraq justification enough?)
"U.S. officials are also concerned by Iranian harassment of U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf as well as Iran's still growing nuclear program," CBS adds.
(However, this gas also been exposed as a facade.)
"New pictures of Iran's uranium enrichment plant show the country's defense minister in the background, as if deliberately mocking a recent finding by U.S. intelligence that Iran had ceased work on a nuclear weapon."
(Not really, no. And the report actually stated that they weren't working on a weapon, and this single contrary allegation originated from a dubious source, reminiscent of the lies fed to the US by Ahmed Chalabi.)
Sources told Smith that no attack was planned on Iranian nuclear facilities. Such attack plans have been criticized, because many of Iran's facilities are located underground and not all locations might be neutralized by an airstrike.
(And because the illsuion of this 'crisis' has only been created in order to feign justification for an illegal war, which is about Regime Change, not a nuclear program which came into being AFTER the 'Neo-Conservatives' planned this war.)
"If an attack happens it will be on a training camp to send a clear message to Iran not to interfere," one intelligence officer said.
(Or invite a retaliation, which would then be used by the US and Israel to pursue a full-scale war, claiming to be the victims, as opposed to the aggressors they would be.)

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