one EU country alone- Ireland. This morning the Broadsheets reported
a huge swing to No!
The bad behaviour and neo-facism of Rome's mayorality coupled with
the soft-security propensities of Martinon and Sarkozy again point to the
necessity for adequate recognition of human rights as opposed to a Corporate treaty.
in which government is at the hard edge of local and national questions
regarding the inadequate distribution of wealth- with continuing privatisation
and a free market economy and a collapsed health system.
The Government is seeking to calm the storm by assuring people that it
will get better and our mainstream media is ignoring issues of global
importance such as the wave of migrancy unleashed by an Italian state
that is ignoring the rules of International Laws and Treaties under
Shengen- the question was asked on a Popular Political Board Site this

This Treaty is concerned in Trade and bilateral agreement, the Sarkozy
negotiations that ex- Prime Minister Blair attended allowed for the dropping
of the article on rights to be attached as protocol. A government and mayorality
that is in breach of existent treaties through incitement to crime against
an Ethnic group has or will ratify this treaty through Parliament and then
blithely ignore their duties under EU Laws?
Both Britain and Ireland have received EU wide criticism over the limits
placed on the free movement of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens in 2007.
Ensuring wealth in a free market economy where anything can be
bought through use of camps, of unequal law*; and by ignoring the needs
of a populace with regard to taxation and required infrastructure such as
provision of adequate drinking water, healthcare and education is bringing
about a protest vote where no-one feels that their dignity and basic rights
are upheld in any manner.
We are not all people who are interested in buying things in order to
stave off the fear that we see others experiencing. Irish media has refused
to look at the issues on Migrancy or the internal problems in the Italian
state as a matter of course- with daily headlines on polls.
There is no discussion of the political implications of the Lisbon Treaty
but a relentless bullshit stream of being made Pariahs if we, as a society
question the inequality that we witness on a daily basis.
* 'Soft-security methods'
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