Bear in mind this venue, the Westfields Marriott, is not confirmed in the Bilderberger's press release, but the location, Chantilly Va., is.
On the agenda this year is a Nuclear free world (Iran?), cyber terrorism (CIA websites posing as 'Al Qaeeda'?), Africa, Russia (with real Russians invited or just the Moscow
Carnegie Endowment again?), finance (monetary reform?), protectionism,
US-EU relations (How is Yalta US sphere of influence coming along?),
Afghanistan (surrounding the Russians) and Pakistan (surrounding the
Russians again), Islam and.... yes Iran.
Please join me in attempting to get the full 'World War III Criminals' participant list published on the web.
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The end is nigh.....
06.06.2008 12:09
I doubt he will be unable to refrain from bombing Iran.
Then there are the trials of the people held in Guantanamo. Expect to see guilty verdicts and death sentences there.
What a legacy.
Jolly Roger