It's interesting to watch these criminals as they keep doing, over and over and over, exactly what they call their opposition "antisemitic" for pointing out ...
Tue Jun 3, 9:10 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Tuesday Iran's nuclear program must be stopped by "all possible means" and Tehran must be made to see it would suffer devastating repercussions if it pursued atomic weapons.
(However, Iran hasn't done anything wrong, isn't pursuing weaponization, doesn't have the capability to develop weaponization, and this entire facade is strictly focused on starting a war against Iran that Israel and the US 'Neo-Conservatives' (Fascists) planned when they drew up plans for invading Afghanistan and Iraq.)
"The Iranian threat must be stopped by all possible means," Olmert said in a speech during a visit to Washington. "The international community has a duty and responsibility to clarify to Iran, through drastic measures, that the repercussions of their continued pursuit of nuclear weapons will be devastating."
(What "continued"? They haven't done this. We can stop the 'threat' by not spreading this malicious LIE to our citizens any more, and removing from power anyone who actively seeks to start illegal war.)
Writing by Jeffrey Heller; editing by Mohammad Zargham

Just because Israel lied to the world and built a secret nuclear weapons lab under Dimona (rendering all US 'aid' illegal) does not mean that the other nations of the middle east are as evil and duplicitous as Israel is. As far as anyone can tell, Iran is building a nuclear power station because they understand that the oil will not last forever, they lack the refining capability to meet their growing energy demands, and under the NNPT, which Iran and the US (but not the aforesaid duplicitous Israel) have signed, Iran has a legal right to build a power station.
Rice says no point in talking to Iran now
Rice says no point in talking to Iran unless the regime changes its behavior
AP News
Jun 03, 2008 12:16 EST
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday there's no point in talking to Iran unless the clerical regime changes its behavior and gives up its suspected nuclear weapons ambitions.
(Nobody 'suspects' them of such 'ambitions'. Not even the people who repeat this LIE in order to try and feign a reason to start the war they've planned.)
Rice said true diplomacy "is not a synonym for talking," but must be combined with pressure tactics.
(It's that perverted view of diplomacy that's the root of the problem. Well, that and the fact that diplomacy can't work here, because there is no crisis, and Israel and the US are just trying to start a war, while trying to shirk the image of the aggressors.)
Speaking to the pro-Israel group AIPAC, Rice made it clear she doesn't believe Iran has quit pursuing a nuclear bomb.
(Yes, AIPAC's 'hate Iran week' brings out the worst in everyone involved, but also demonstrates where the real threat lies ...)
There may be a time to engage the Iranians, but "not while they continue to inch closer to a nuclear weapon under the cover of talk," Rice said.
(They're not doing this, so I guess she's really saying that dialogue should begin immediately.)
The secretary posed a series of rhetorical questions (as opposed to contrary evidence, which everyone involved knows doesn't exist ...) to cast doubt on Iran's claim that its nuclear program is purely peaceful and for civilian purposes. She asked why Iran has allegedly not been forthcoming with the U.N. nuclear agency and why part of its program is run by the military.
(The IAEA already said this will all be put to rest, and the military runs it because it's a sensitive area of research, demanding a high level of security.)
She also pointed to a new skeptical report by U.N. nuclear watchdog Mohamed ElBaradei.
(In which he, again, said there is no evidence to support Israel/PNAC's LIES, intended to cover for their aggression, and distract attention from their plot for another illegal war.)
"It's just hard to imagine that there are innocent answers to these questions," Rice said.
(Not if you ignore Ideology, and focus on the evidence ...)
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was scheduled to address the lobby group later Tuesday.
Olmert, embattled politically at home, could be making his last trip to Washington as Israel's leader. He planned to discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts and Iran with Rice and President Bush on Wednesday.
Israeli newspapers have reported that Olmert also hopes to acquire a sophisticated U.S. missile defense system, advanced radar and new warplanes.
(Despite the fact that, under existing US laws, until Israel brings its clandestine programs of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons - WMD for short - under international monitoring, all US 'aid' to the Zionist military-Apartheid state is illegal.)
But the visit is being overshadowed by Olmert's legal troubles at home, where a corruption investigation has decimated his popularity ratings and fueled growing calls for his dismissal.
The normally talkative Israeli leader did not emerge from his private quarters to speak to reporters during an overnight flight from Israel, arriving in Washington a couple of hours before dawn Tuesday.
White House press secretary Dana Perino said Tuesday that Bush is thinking about the Mideast peace negotiations, not Olmert's political problems. "Our focus hasn't been on that," she said. "President Bush has to keep his focus on the big picture. He's not spending a lot of time worried about that."
Rice told AIPAC that the U.S.-backed peace talks offer the best chance for a meaningful settlement of the six-decade conflict in the Middle East, but she also said the diplomatic process must carry over to the next U.S. president.
(Bullsh*t. The entire process, lorded over by the sponsor of the party perpetuating its expansionist war, is solely to designed to generate positive PR for Israel, and stall any real process which would force Israel to accept its legal and moral obligations to the Palestinians.)
Olmert's trip comes at the height of the worst crisis of his two-year term. Israeli prosecutors are looking into hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions that Olmert received from American donors in the years before he became prime minister.
Last week, the key witness in the case, American Jewish businessman Morris Talansky, said he gave Olmert cash-stuffed envelopes over 15 years, in part to help fund a penchant for luxury goods and five-star hotels. The testimony devastated Olmert's already compromised credibility and sent his popularity plummeting.
(But it was interesting to watch the Zionist Extremists turn on one of their own, just because he was pretending to make peace while continuing Zionist expansion, while they want to decimate Gaza.)
Olmert, who has weathered four previous police investigations since he took office, has said he will step down if indicted. But that has not helped ward off his political opponents.
Last week his key coalition partner, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, issued him an ultimatum: Step aside or Barak's Labor Party will topple the government and bring about new elections, more than a year ahead of the scheduled March 2010 vote.
On Monday, Barak told Labor lawmakers that he has drawn up the necessary legislation to dissolve the parliament — a move that would likely win approval in the 120-seat house. Barak did not say when he would submit the bill for a vote, but said elections this year are "entirely possible."
Olmert, meanwhile, has tried to project a business-as-usual appearance, meeting Monday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss the status of peace talks before heading to Washington.
With Bush looking on, Olmert and Abbas relaunched 'peace talks' last November (while Israel planned military incursions into Gaza, expansions in the W. Bank, and a further tightening of the illegal Collective Punishment of Gaza) after seven years of Israeli-Palestinian fighting. The two leaders have set a year-end target to reach a blueprint for peace before Bush leaves office.
But those talks appear to have made little progress. Olmert's woes and the increasing likelihood that Israel is heading for new elections make it unlikely that goal will be reached or that Bush and Olmert will still be around to see the results of the process they launched in Annapolis, Maryland.
(And the fact that the entire process is a facade ...)
Associated Press Diplomatic Writer Anne Gearan contributed to this report.

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