(Burger King in Canada withdrew veal before Burger King
in the US. Now we have the same situation with KFC
However in regards to seals, the US has a better record than
Yum! Brands, Inc., based in Louisville, Ky., is the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system restaurants with more than 35,000 restaurants in more than 110 countries and territories. - KFC, Long John Silver's, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and A&W. - as well
as Yum Restaurants etc. Mitch McConnell and the other
Kentucky senator serve as its pawns. One does not get into
that many countries without the help of the CIA.
Birds kidnapped by KFC have their
throats slit. They are often dropped alive into boiling water.
For updates and videos

1. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and other Yum Foods holdings should be boycotted
as well
2 KFC board members affiliated with Home Depot and CVS.. those businesses
should realize that connection to KFC can mean sales losses
3. continued picketing at the homes of KFC and Yum Foods
CEO's and board members
4. KFC Canada, Burger King Canada, McDonald's Canada, Wendy's Canada
etc. should use their financial power to end Canada's seal clubbing by honoring
the HSUS boycott of Canadian fish and by other means.
5. Let people know that leukosis is a euphemistic term for cancer when a chicken
has it, cancer which can be passed onto human beings, that the uric acid
or trioxypurine in chicken is addicitve and causes the crippling pain of
arthritis, that ecoli or colon bacteria are in chickens as well as mammals,
that the cattle and other animal parts in chicken food (feed is human
chauvinism) cause avian spongiform encephalopathy or Mad Chicken Disease.
6. Coalition with anti factory farming groups
It is time for KFC Canada, Burger King Canada, McDonald's Canada
Wendy's Canada etc. to use their financial power to end
sealclubbing barbarisms there and to join
the HSUS boycott of Canadian fish
Help us urge all KFCs worldwide to adopt the sweeping reforms that PETA has won in Canada. Donate Now!I have great news! Thanks to the help of PETA's more than 2 million members and supporters, we've just scored a major victory for chickens killed by fast-food chain KFC.
Following more than five years of intense campaigning, numerous undercover investigations, and over 12,000 demonstrations against KFC around the world, I'm happy to announce that KFC Canada will be making sweeping changes to the ways it raises and kills chickens slaughtered for its restaurants.
KFC Canada agreed to this historic new animal welfare plan following seven months of closed-door negotiations with PETA. With today's announcement, the company plans to do the following:
* Phase in purchases of 100 percent of its chickens from suppliers that use controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK)—the least cruel form of poultry slaughter ever developed. KFC Canada is the first major restaurant chain to commit to phasing in the exclusive purchasing of chicken meat from CAK slaughterhouses.
* Make a vegan faux-chicken item available at the majority of KFC restaurants in Canada.
* Improve its animal welfare criteria to reduce the number of broken bones and other injuries suffered by birds.
* Urge its suppliers to adopt better practices, including improved lighting, lower stocking density and ammonia levels, and a phaseout of growth-promoting drugs and breeding practices that painfully cripple chickens.
* Form an animal welfare advisory panel to monitor the changes and recommend further advancements.
However, outside Canada, KFC has yet to stop the worst abuses of chickens. We are now focusing on using this momentum to force KFC—both in the United States and around the world—to meet the new standards set by KFC Canada. By making an urgent donation today, you can help our campaign work to spread these improvements for animals to all of KFC's stores worldwide.
In short, PETA's KFC campaign is far from over. We will continue to pressure KFC to stop the worst abuses of chickens, like scalding birds to death, slitting their throats while they're still conscious, and drugging and breeding them to grow so large that they cripple beneath their own weight.
Please write to KFC in the U.S. using its on-line comment form urging it to make the same changes worldwide that KFC Canada has made. Please also take a moment to e-mail

For all that you've already done—and will do now—to help in this historic KFC campaign, thank you.
Warm regards,
Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid E. Newkirk
Demo at Yum CEO's House
Posted at 04:38 PM | Permalink | CommentsComments (51)
Saturday night, PETA campaigner Matt Rice was in Louisville, KY, with a giant crippled chicken to protest at a Yum Brands (the parent company of KFC) fundraiser at CEO David Novak’s house. The shindig was supposedly to fight global hunger, which is totally laughable. Global hunger isn’t laughable of course, but KFC pretending to give a hoot about it is. Let’s be real here: since it takes several pounds of wholesome grain to produce a single pound of unhealthy chicken meat, KFC does more to contribute to global hunger than it does to stop it. KFC holding a fundraiser to fight global hunger is like Marlboro holding a fundraiser to fight lung cancer. The WorldWatch Institute puts it like this, “[M]eat consumption is an inefficient use of grain—the grain is used more efficiently when consumed directly by humans. Continued growth in meat output is dependent on feeding grain to animals, creating competition for grain between affluent meat-eaters and the world’s poor.”
We were also there to remind consumers to boycott KFC until it takes the advice of its own animal welfare panel to end the worst abuses of chickens by its suppliers.
Animal abuse corporation appoints pricegouger from Cardinal
Health to its board

time to let Home Depot, CVS, and other businesses
represented on the KFC board that boycotts can be
Board of Directors of Yum Foods
David W. Dorman
Director since 2005
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AT&T David W. Dorman has been the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of AT&T Corp., a company that provides internet and transaction-based voice and data services, since November 2002. Prior to this, he was President of AT&T from 2000 to 2002 and the Chief Executive Officer of Concert, a former global venture created by AT&T and British Telecommunications plc, from 1999 to 2000. Mr. Dorman was Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of PointCast Incorporated from 1997 to 1999. Mr. Dorman also serves on the board of Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. He was appointed a director of Yum! Brands effective January 28, 2005, and he is a member of the Compensation committee.
Massimo Ferragamo
Director since 1997
Chairman of Ferragamo USA, Inc. Massimo Ferragamo is Chairman of Ferragamo USA, Inc., a subsidiary of Salvatore Ferragamo Italia, which controls sales and distribution of Ferragamo products in North America. Mr. Ferragamo has held this position since 1985. Mr. Ferragamo is also a director of Mayors Jewelers, Inc. He was elected a director of Yum! Brands effective October 7, 1997, and he is a member of the Compensation committee.
J. David Grissom
Director since January 2003
Chairman, Mayfair Capital J. David Grissom is Chairman of Mayfair Capital, Inc., a private investment firm formed by Mr. Grissom in 1989. In addition, Mr. Grissom has been Chairman of The Glenview Trust Company, a private trust and investment management company, since 2001. He is also a director of Churchill Downs Incorporated and Providian Financial Corporation, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Centre College. He was appointed a director of Yum! Brands November 21, 2002, and he is a member of the Audit committee.
Bonnie Hill
Director since March 2003
Chairman, B. Hill Enterprises LLC Bonnie G. Hill is President of B. Hill Enterprises LLC, a consulting company. She has held this position since July 2001. She is also co-founder of Icon Blue, Inc., a brand operating company, and has been its chief operating officer since July 2001. She served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Times Mirror Foundation, a charitable foundation affiliated with the Tribune Company from 1997 to 2001 and Senior Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs, of the Los Angeles Times from 1998 to 2001. From 1992 to 1996, she served as Dean of the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. Ms. Hill currently serves as a director of AK Steel Holding Corporation, Albertson�s Inc., Hershey Foods Corporation, The Home Depot, Inc., and California Water Service Group. She also serves on the boards of many charitable organizations. She was appointed a director of Yum! Brands March 20, 2003, and she is a member of the Compensation commettee.
Robert Holland, Jr.
Director since 1997
Industry Partner, Cordova, Smart & Williams, LLC Robert Holland, Jr. has been an Industry Partner, Cordova, Smart & Williams, LLC, a private equity investment firm, since 2004. He has also maintained a consulting practice for strategic development assistance to senior management of Fortune 500 companies since 2001. He was Chief Executive Officer of WorkPlace Integrators, Michigan�s largest Steelcase office furniture dealer, from 1997 until 2001. From 1995 to 1996, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Ben & Jerry�s Homemade, Inc. Mr. Holland is also a director of Mazaruni Granite Products, Carver Federal Bank, Lexmark International, Inc. and Neptune Orient Lines Limited. He was elected a director of Yum! Brands effective October 7, 1997, and he is a member of the Audit and the Nominating and Governance committees.
Kenneth G. Langone
Director since 1997
Founder, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President, Invemed Associates, LLC Kenneth G. Langone is the founder, and since 1974, has been Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President, of Invemed Associates, LLC, a New York Stock Exchange firm engaged in investment banking and brokerage. He is a founder of Home Depot, Inc. and has been a director since 1978. He is also a director of ChoicePoint, Inc., and Unifi, Inc. He was elected a Director of Yum! Brands effective October 7, 1997, and is a member of the Audit and the Nominating and Governance committees.
Jonathan S. Linen
Advisor to the Chairman of American Express Jonathan S. Linen has been Vice Chairman of American Express Company, a diversified worldwide travel and financial services company, since August 1993. From 1992 to 1993 Mr. Linen served as President and Chief Operating Officer of American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. From 1989 to 1992, Mr. Linen served as President and Chief Executive officer of Shearson Lehman Brothers. Mr. Linen is also a director of Bausch & Lomb, World Monuments Fund and the U.S. Travel & Tourism Promotion Advisory Board. He was appointed a director of Yum! Brands effective January 28, 2005, and is a member of the Audit committee.
Thomas C. Nelson Appointed Effective January 26, 2006
Chairman, President & CEO of
National Gypsum Company Thomas C. Nelson has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of National Gypsum Company, a building products manufacturer, since 1999 and was elected Chairman of the Board in January 2005. From 1995 to 1999, Mr. Nelson served as the Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of National Gypsum Company. He is also a General Partner of Wakefield Group, a North Carolina based venture capital firm. Mr. Nelson previously worked for Morgan Stanley & Co. and in the United States Defense Department as Assistant to the Secretary and White House Fellow. He also serves as a director of Belk, Inc., and the Carolina�s Healthcare Systems Board of Advisors. He is a member of the Audit committee.
David C. Novak
Director since 1997
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President, Yum David C. Novak became Chairman of the Board on January 1, 2001, and Chief Executive Officer of Yum on January 1, 2000. He also serves as President of Yum, a position he has held since October 21, 1997. Mr. Novak previously served as Group President and Chief Executive Officer, KFC and Pizza Hut from August 1996 to July 1997, at which time he became acting Vice Chairman of Yum. He is a director of J.P. Morgan Chase. Novak is a member of the Yum! Brands Executive committee.
Thomas M. Ryan
Director since 2002
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer, CVS Corporation and CVS Pharmacy, Inc. Thomas M. Ryan is Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of CVS Corporation, an operator of retail pharmacies. He became Chairman of CVS in April 1999 and Chief Executive Officer and President in May 1998. From 1994 to present, Mr. Ryan also served as Chief Executive Officer and President of CVS Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Ryan is a director of Bank of America, and Reebok International Ltd. He was appointed a member of the Yum! Brands' board of directors in January 2002 and elected to a three-year term in May 2002, and he is a member of the Compensation and the Nominating and Governance committees.
Sam Su
Director since 2008
Vice Chairman of the Board and President of Yum! Restaurants China, Yum Sam Su became Vice Chairman of the Board on March 14, 2008, maintaining his position as President of Yum! Brands China Division. The China Division operates across 450 cities in Mainland China, with 2,140 KFC quick service restaurants, 351 Pizza Hut casual dining restaurants, and 53 Pizza Hut Home Service units. It also has created and is testing East Dawning, a quick service restaurant concept serving Chinese food. The China Division also includes KFC in Taiwan and KFC and Pizza Hut in Thailand. Sam was named President of Greater China for Tricon Global Restaurants International in 1997.
Jackie Trujillo
Director since 1997
Chairman Emeritus, Harman Management Corporation Jackie Trujillo has been Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Harman Management Corporation (�Harman�), one of KFC�s largest franchisees, since July 2004. From 1995 to 2004, she was Chairman of the Board of Harman. She was elected a director of Yum! Brands effective October 7, 1997.
Robert D. Walter
Director since May 2008
Founder and Executive Director
of Cardinal Health, Inc. Robert D. Walter is Founder and Executive Director of Cardinal Health, Inc., a global provider of products and services that improve the safety and productivity of health care. Mr. Walter founded Cardinal Health at the age of 26, transforming the company from its inception as a food wholesaler into the leading provider of products and services supporting the health care industry. Today, Cardinal Health is ranked #19 on the Fortune 500 list, employing more than 40,000 people on five continents with annual revenues in excess of $87 billion. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Cardinal Health went public in 1983 at a split-adjusted price of $1.04 per share and has attained a better than 5,000 percent increase in share value since that time. Mr. Walter served as Chief Executive Officer until April 2006. He serves on the Board of Trustees of Battelle Memorial Institute and Ohio University and on the Board of Directors of American Express.
Newspaper Article
Crippled, Injured, Sick, and Tortured Birds: Undercover Investigations Expose Kentucky Fried Cruelty Worldwide
“[KFC] never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.â€
—Dr. Adele Douglass, former animal welfare advisor to KFC, Chicago Tribune
Every time undercover investigators enter the facilities of KFC’s suppliers, they find hideous abuse and suffering. At one KFC “Supplier of the Year†slaughterhouse in West Virginia, workers were caught tearing birds’ heads off, ripping them apart, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, and throwing them against walls—all while the birds were still conscious and able to feel pain. This is in stark contrast to KFC’s claim that it “only deal[s] with suppliers who promise to maintain our high standards and commitment to animal welfare.â€
Some of the largest and most respected newspapers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia have written scathing editorials decrying the conditions at these facilities, and customers have spoken with their wallets, turning away from KFC in droves as they learn about the hideous ways that the more than 850 million chickens who end up in KFC’s buckets each year are abused.
The investigations detailed below prove that KFC desperately needs to adopt the recommendations of its animal welfare advisors (five of whom have quit in recent years after KFC refused to listen to their advice) to eliminate at least the very worst abuses that chickens suffer for KFC.
In the United States
Tyson's Dirty Deeds Exposed During New Undercover InvestigationTyson's Dirty Deeds Exposed During New Undercover Investigation A PETA investigation into two Tyson Foods plants exposes disgusting conditions that the KFC supplier does not want you to see. Watch the undercover video, then write to Tyson and KFC urging both companies to end their cruel practices!
PETA Infiltrates Yet Another KFC 'Supplier of the Year'A PETA undercover investigation at a Missouri slaughterhouse owned by KFC “Supplier of the Year†George’s, Inc. documented that live birds were being thrown by workers, scalded alive, and injured by broken transport cages.
Pilgrim's Pride InvestigationWorkers at a former KFC “Supplier of the Year†slaughterhouse in West Virginia were caught tearing birds apart, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, stomping on them, and throwing them against walls—all while the birds were still conscious.
COK Perdue InvestigationWorkers at a KFC-supplier slaughterhouse in Maryland were documented punching frenzied, terrified birds and spiking them like footballs, among other sadistic acts of cruelty.
COK InvestigationMaryland-based animal rights group Compassion Over Killing documented the entire 45-day cycle of a KFC chicken shed. Check out a week-by-week snapshot into these horrible conditions and the drug-induced, crippling injuries caused by one of KFC’s top suppliers.
Tyson InvestigationA whistleblower at a Tyson slaughterhouse testified that birds intentionally were scalded to death, were blown apart by makeshift firecrackers, and had their legs broken by workers to fit them into slaughter-line shackles. Tyson is KFC’s number one supplier.
Tortured by TysonA PETA undercover investigation found workers who were ripping live animals’ heads off and shoddy, outdated slaughter machines cutting open birds’ legs, wings, and chest cavities at this Tyson plant in Alabama.
UK ArticleKFC United Kingdom exposed! Journalist Martin Coutts wrote a scathing article for the Sunday Mirror—one of the largest newspapers in the world, with nearly 5 million readers—that detailed a lengthy undercover investigation conducted at one of KFC’s largest U.K. suppliers: “Distressed and Dying in a Cramped Shed … Nobody Does Chicken Like KFC,†announced the headline.
Australia InvestigationKFC Australia exposed! Crippled birds were found among the corpses of other animals in barren, windowless sheds during an undercover investigation into KFC supplier Ingham’s. See the rescue of 20 chickens by Animal Liberation Victoria from a KFC supplier outside Melbourne.
New Zealand InvestigationKFC New Zealand exposed! A group of New Zealand activists went to a KFC supplier farm and found crippled chickens everywhere, including those who had slowly died of dehydration after their crippled condition left them unable to reach water. Five chickens were rescued.
Germany InvestigationKFC Germany exposed! Investigators at this KFC supplier in Germany found 38,000 chickens who were forced to live in a crowded barn covered in their own excrement and were given steady doses of antibiotics to keep them alive through conditions so filthy that the birds would have otherwise died.
India InvestigationKFC India exposed! An undercover investigation of a KFC supplier in India found chickens stuffed into extremely crowded warehouses littered with chicken carcasses, birds immobilized by crippling leg deformities caused by cruel breeding practices, sick and injured chickens who never received medical attention, and chickens suffering at the hands of callous workers who neglected to observe even minimal standards of animal welfare.

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