By Haaretz Service
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has said Israel holds at least 150 nuclear weapons, the first time a U.S. president has publicly acknowledged Israel's atomic arsenal.
(Now that this is no longer a secret, they can start obeying that law which says that 'aid' to any state with a covert program of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons (WMD) is illegal, and stop giving Israel billions each year in taxpayer money.)
Asked at a news conference at Wales's Hay literary festival on Sunday how a future U.S. president should deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, Carter put the risk in context by listing atomic weapons held globally.
(He should have started pointing out that there is no such threat ...)
"The U.S. has more more than 12,000 nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union (Russia) has about the same, Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more. We have a phalanx of enormous weaponry ... not only of enormous weaponry but of rockets to deliver those missiles on a pinpoint accuracy target," he said, according to a transcript of his remarks.
Carter also condemned Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip as "one of the greatest human rights crimes now existing on Earth," according to the Agence France-Presse news agency.
(International Law calls it Collective Punishment, and it is a War Crime.)
Carter said in reference to the situation of Palestinians in Gaza that, "There is no reason to treat these people this way."
The 83-year-old was subjected to criticism on a recent visit to Israel for his meetings with officials from Palestinian militant group Hamas as well as his trip to Syria where he met with Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hamas leader Khaled Meshal.
(But the slurs leveled at him by Israel were simply an angry distraction, since he proved Israel's ruling Extremists were the ones rejecting peace, and responsible for perpetuating the war.)
He has also in the past branded a "crime and an atrocity" the Israeli blockade of Gaza, imposed in response to ongoing rocket attacks launched from the territory.
(Actually, it was imposed in response to the ELECTION of Hamas. The rockets were a response to this illegal blockade, and Israel's own defence staff warned that imposing such restrictions on Gaza would result in rocket attacks. Israel's ruling Extremists ignored this warning.)
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Neoliberal-Facists could trigger collapse of US Empire.
27.05.2008 07:11
Ex-presisdent Carter´s statement confirms the strong evidence that already exisited about Israel´s weapons program. It is belived it began in 1953, supported by France and Britain, and now Israel has at least 200 weapons including thermonuclear devices.[1]
In fact, confirmation came in 1986. Then an Israeli citizen was abducted in Rome by Mossad agents who drugged him and smuggled him to Israel. Mordechai Vanunu then spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 years in solitary confinement for revealing details of Israel´s Nuclear weapons Program to the Sunday Times, including that Israel had more than 100 nuclear weapons.
Vanunu was released from prison in 2004, and put under house arrest. In July 2007, Vanunu was sentenced to a further six months imprisonment for speaking to foreigners and traveling to Bethlehem.
Recently, Iran called on the IAE inspectors to go to Israel to officially confirm that they posses a nuclear arsenal. Member countries voted against the move, whilst even though the CIA confirmed that Iran was not trying to build nuclear weapons [2] the US and UK continued their proapaganda to the contrary.
After Britains invlovement was reported in 2006 [3], the continuing US preparations for military aggression have been reported in these pages [4].
Some commentators believe that a strike against Iran will cause a world wide depression as oil prices soar to over $200 a barrel, the US enters a 1930´s style depression triggering the collape of its it´s worldwide financial and mititary empire along with a further disintegration of the Dollar as te world´s resverve currency, the State of Israel collapses and England suffers massive military retaliation by supporters of Iran.
1. Israel and weapons of mass destruction: Wiki
2. 'No proof' of Iran nuclear arms: BBC News, 2006.
3. Britain took part in mock Iran invasion: Guaridian, UK: 2006.
4. Bombing Iran: The Extremists' Mad Clamor Persists
Yours as ever
Harold Hamlet
Harold Hamlet