And again Escada tries to silence critical voices against the company´s
fur trade by legal proceedings, represented by the law firm "Avocado Law". This time they effected the deactivation of the website www.escada-campaign.org.
This decision is based on the opinion, that the usage of the term "Campaign" does not clearly state the critical reference and therefore violates copyright. Customers could allegedly be misled to expect "Escada Campaign" to be some kind of a sales promotion set up by Escada.
All attempts of the Global Network to avert this decision have not been successful, so that the website of the Escada Campaign will from now on be found on a new domain:
Escada´s constant repression efforts show all the more how much they suffer from this campaign and how they are willing to try anything to attack and silcence this global campaign. But they won´t tire us, they won´t bully us and they will for sure not get rid of us. Sooner or later also Escada has to realize that there is only one possibility to escape our protests - them being absolutely fur free.
As long as only one animal has to die for Escada´s fashion, to be sold in their shops, activists will be standing outside and express their anger and fury against the company. Against the ignorance and violence which come along with Escada´s
everyday business.
Information about the campaign from now on at

The new e-mail addresses:

Global Network Against the Fur Industry
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SMASH Escada
22.05.2008 20:43
Respect to all AR activists!