Brief overview of CIA interventions 1953-1989 (2:15)

I applaud heroic Iranian effort to crush the insidious foreign network of
saboteurs as a matter of national defense against foreign covert terrorism
[1] .
The creature caught red-handed is American, though it may be with Israeli
assistance in some assigned covers as Mossad is known to cooperate with
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to interfere in Middle Eastern and Central
Asian affairs. It's apparent CIA hunger for revenge after U.S. was kicked
out of Iran in the aftermath of 1979 Revolution arising from the nationalist
outrage at U.S.'s coddling the ill dictator Shah by providing medical
treatment upon Shah's arrival in U.S., which provided the opportunity for
Ruhollah Khomeini [2] to return from exile to become the first Supreme
Leader in a newly formed theocractic government after overthrow of the
corrupt and despotic secular government was achieved.
Iran busts CIA terror network [3]
Tehran Times Political Desk
May 18, 2008
TEHRAN - The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the
detection and dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United
In a coordinated operation on May 7, Iranian intelligence agents arrested
the terrorist network's members, who were identified in Fars, Khuzestan,
Gilan, West Azerbaijan, and Tehran provinces, the Intelligence Ministry
announcement said.
The group's plans were devised in the U.S., according to the announcement,
which added that they had planned to carry out a number of acts such as
bombing scientific, educational, and religious centers, shooting people, and
making public places in various cities insecure.
One of the terrorists was killed in the operation, but the rest are in
detention, the Intelligence Ministry said, adding that the group's main
objective was to create fear among the people.
The United States Central Intelligence Agency comprehensively supported the
terrorist group by arming it, training its members, and sponsoring its
inhumane activities in Iran, the Intelligence Ministry stated.
The terrorists had maps, films, pictures, and sketches of important and
sensitive sites in various cities in their possession when they were
They also had a large number of weapons and ammunition and a great deal of
highly explosive chemicals and cyanide.
The blast at a religious center in Shiraz last month was carried out by this
group, and it also had plans to carry out similar attacks on the Tehran
International Book Fair, the Russian Consulate in Gilan Province, oil
pipelines in southern Iran, and other targets, the communiqué stated.
Thirteen people were killed and over 190 others wounded in a bombing carried
out on April 12 at the Rahpuyan-e Vessal religious center, which is part of
the Seyyed-ul-Shohada Mosque complex, located in a residential area of
What do CIA do? Murder, sabotage, subversion and covert warfare, not just
espionage as CIA is famous for.
When, in late 1950's, asked a peculiar question in a televised interview
(not certain of the accuracy of source), former President Harry Truman, who
had dealt contentiously with the formation of the organization after the
conclusion of WWII, said with candor:
"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence
Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American
I believe CIA was _definitely_ behind the assassination of President Kennedy
and 1968 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. May very well
have been involved [4] in the attempt to kill Ted Kennedy by drugging him to
drive the vehicle intoxicated to dive off into the water that drowned his
female companion in Chappaquiddick incident in Massachuscetts. Somehow Ted
escaped as a survivor, with a tarnished reputation as a framed man that
continue to haunt him (he tried to run [5] for Democratic Presidential
nomination in 1980 but failed).
CIA truly hated the Kennedys. Late thug spook E. Howard Hunt [6] , one of
the conspirators of JFK murder as a self-proclaimed "benchwarmer", consider
himself a 'patriot' (as in ultranationalist conservative in hyper-patriotism)
and hated the Kennedy family with such a furious passion that he wanted the
_whole_ family terminated to eliminate the liberal American dynasty as
potentially antagonistic towards the ruling Elite's prime objectives.
Over the last six decades since its formation after previous incarnation as
Office of Strategic Services [7] created during WWII, CIA is estimated to
have killed as many as six or seven _million_ human beings - casualty count
of the indigenous peoples in the Vietnam War included - directly and
indirectly, through frequent intervention by sabotage and black op terror
attacks & propaganda and overthrowing democratically-elected foreign
governments that do not mesh with U.S. interests in trade and
American-centered hegemony, especially in West Europe (Operation Gladio [8]
) and Central & South America.
CIA is plain evil, no question about it. I congratulate Iran in crushing the
terror network, because Imperial America have demostrated time and again its
utter hypocrisy on the importance of human rights and democracy -- which is
all bullshit talk while doing the complete opposite in carrying out torture
(rendition), extrajudicial assassination, drug smuggling [9] for black op
funding, etc that would be a serious violation of U.S. and international
law, yet CIA is the exception to the rule of law anywhere in the world, even
in the U.S.
In other words, it is an outlaw organization formed to serve U.S. corporate
interests, the _legalized_ organized crime as a Mob Infrastructure blessed
and sanctioned by U.S. government (executive & state, justice and defense
departments) as long as CIA _consent_ in agreement with the executive
decisions, unlike JFK which CIA had the history of clear animosity in
relationship after JFK refused to order the assistance of U.S. Armed Forces
to cover the assault on post-revolution Cuba in failed Bay of Pigs invasion
-- which JFK meekly consented to under considerable pressure by senior CIA
staff and had to admit it on the air in a televised broadcast to explain the
embarrassing blur of judgment. Unlike yellow-gutted cowards Commander in
Chief George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, both of which revel in
delusions of grandeur by the vigorious denial of reality that do not mold to
their narrow view of the Neoconservative utopia.
Wonder no more about George H.W. Bush (who later became a Vice President
under Reagan '81-89 and elected 41st President 1989-1993) who briefly served
[10] a stint as a CIA director in the mid-70's and was said to have the
knowledge [8] of JFK & RFK conspiracies, likely a co-conspiracer himself as
an alumni of The Order of Skulls & Bones secret society at Yale University
-- because he's a member of the ruling Elite oligarchy with the degree of
disdain towards the American concept of truth, liberty and accountability in
the transparency of Government.
There is a high probability of political assassination on future presidents
who do not merely refuse to acquiesce to the unreasonable and immoral
requests of the military-industrial-Congressional complex but challenge the
organized power complex, just as CIA have done to JFK to show _who_ is the
boss to those in the know in the body of Government.
CIA is the instrument of international tyranny that callously disregard
U.S.'s Constitutionally-bound rule of sovereign and national security
interest alongside freedom-hating Fascist domestic organizations Department
of Homeland Security directed by a traitorous Israel-American Zionist dual
citizen Michael Chertoff, DEA, ATFE and FBI.
The depraved crimes of the CIA in the facilitation of American Imperialism
is extricably linked to the rise of global anti-Americanism which I
understand, nay, empathize with, as such is the case with Iranian
indignation at American meddling with Iranian affairs in undermining the
revolutionary regime that continue to feel the traumatized effect of
oppression under the brutal pluto-autocrat Mohammad Reza Pahlavi*, *Shah of
When CIA simply stop meddling in interfering with foreign states to commit
terrorism, sabotage and overthrow by policy change (unlikely) or dissolution
(ditto), anti-American attitude will simmer.
Yet U.S. government, under past and present presidential administrations,
has proven to be such an arrogant superpower that it believes itself to be
so supreme as to become invincible like evil Superman carrying out the dirty
deeds as an international hit man. And after the tragic saga of the Kennedy
brothers, it's a safe bet CIA continue to operate as an organized mob that
do not just spy to protect American welfare, sovereignty and national
security by furnishing reliable and truthful intelligence but engage in
covert terrorism as a matter of policy to effect "regime change,"
_regardless_ of subverted nations' free and fair democratic process. CIA is
guilty of entangling with brutal dictatorial regimes, as they did with the
assisted funding and intelligence in the attempt to install [11] then ally
turned adversary [12] Saddam Hussein in the 60's and 70's.
As the crimes of CIA pile on, it become the burden of consequence that
effect not only the American government in policy and operation but also the
American people as volunarily enslaved and fleeced taxpayers that do not
consent to fund CIA's perverse and idiotically regressive plans in policy,
official and secret. This is called blowback, discussed in depth by Chalmers
Johnson in his 2000 best-seller.
Fuck with Islamic Republic of Iran again and there will be a blowback -- so
major in gargantuan FUBAR (US military speak for *F*ucked *U*p *B*eyond
*A*ll *R*ecognition) it will decide the fate of the United States as a dying
empire with undemocratic monetary policy in depreciating dollar value,
corrupt & bloatedly ineffective government and protracted wars based on
stupid and egocentric policies.
Non-interventionist policy will truly benefit America that will speedily
recover from the pain and agony of illogical wars and hemmoraging money sunk
into the defense budget to uphold and maintain the Imperial U.S. Empire, but
unfortunately, that will never happen as long as the mainstream media --
Internet, radio, newsprint and television -- remain corrupted and
subservient (Operation Mockingbird [13] a nefarious example).
Eliminate CIA, splinter overbearingly bureaucratic and fascist programs,
prosecute 'prominent' persons of interest for treason (Zionist and
Israel-American dual citizens with proven disloyalty to America) and expulse
subversive foreign lobbying organizations (Israel, Saudi, etc) to institute
a transparent, responsible and accountable government, and America _will_
recover its spiritual fire of of liberty. Exactly what John Quincy Adams
philosophized as follows:
*"...FRIENDS AND COUNTRYMEN,* if the wise and learned philosophers of the
elder world, the first observers of nutation and aberration, the discoverers
of maddening ether and invisible planets, the inventors of Congreve rockets
and Shrapnel shells, should find their hearts disposed to enquire what has
America done for the benefit of mankind?
Let our answer be this: America, with the same voice which spoke herself
into existence as a nation, proclaimed to mankind the inextinguishable
rights of human nature, and the only lawful foundations of government.
America, in the assembly of nations, since her admission among them, has
invariably, though often fruitlessly, held forth to them the hand of honest
friendship, of equal freedom, of generous reciprocity.
She has uniformly spoken among them, though often to heedless and often to
disdainful ears, the language of equal liberty, of equal justice, and of
equal rights.
She has, in the lapse of nearly half a century, without a single exception,
respected the independence of other nations while asserting and maintaining
her own.
She has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when
conflict has been for principles to which she clings, as to the last vital
drop that visits the heart.
She has seen that probably for centuries to come, all the contests of that
Aceldama the European world, will be contests of inveterate power, and
emerging right.
Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be
unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.
*But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.*
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.
She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.
She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the
benignant sympathy of her example.
*She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own,
were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve
herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and
intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors
and usurp the standard of freedom. *
The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to
She might become the *dictatress of the world*. She would be no longer the
ruler of her own spirit...
[America's] glory is *not dominion, but liberty*. Her march is the march of
the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is,
Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been her Declaration: this has been,
as far as her necessary intercourse with the rest of mankind would permit,
her practice."
I have discussed CIA at length, and you know how much I despise the
organization as completely selfish and immoral without redemption.
CIA has been involved in joint operations with Mossad and MI-6 in the past
as part of the vast allied intelligence network. Probably now in Iran and
Iraq with Mossad's (mercs and agents) murder spree of innocent Iraqi &
Iranian civilians and officials in destructive vehicle and building bombing
The subject of Mossad, that's for another time.











