"The Holy Terror" tells the tale at great wordy length of Rud Whitlaw, who pretty early on discovers his gifts of demagoguery in an England of the early 1930's. Like many of his age he can't quite decide between exercising his talents under what many now would simplistically reduce to the Stalinist or Hitlerian umbrellas. But having teamed up with a handler who warns him against having a sexual relationships, lest his mystique be lost, he enters on a course of subversion of the "British Popular Socialist Party" or as they are nicknamed "the Purple Shirts". This outfit led by Sir Bohun is quite obviously modelled on the British Fascist black shirts of Sir Mosley the daddy of the current Mosley distracting Sunday Paper readers from the Romani this weekend.
After some internal woes and fights, a party meeting is called which will pit Rud Whitlaw and his "common sense for the common man" vision of a joint fascist empire between the UK and USA against the "send the high in suntan home" vision of Bohun. The meeting sees the 1930's equivalents of today's BNP loyal yet rival factions of skins pitted against each other. Rud is brought to the HQ of the Purple Shirts (in the general Chelsea neck of the London woods) and locked in a party discipline cell in the basement. But within hours he is rescued with the help of the local constabulary and plod who once Sir Bohun has left the building (like Elvis) discover in chapter 9 of the second book of "the Holy Terror"
"And so exit Bohun," reflected old Doctor Carstail. "I guess this ends
"If half this stuff about him is true, he's
Rather driving home the point, HG Wells gives us one last look at Sir Bohun as he sets off on a cruise liner to South American exile with his lover.
"He was going back to the great freedom of nature--in a general sort of
way. Presently Bonina, as weary of that so-called Civilisation as he was,
would break away from the tutelage of her trustees and come after him. So
she had promised him. They would get some little hundred tonner, they
would get together a crew of congenial souls and sail off westward from
Valparaiso, to lead lives of untrammelled scorn, defiance and impulse in
the South Seas. They would have a great time. They would perhaps
buy or acquire some little sunlit island and become Sun Children. They
had worn the harness of a decadent social life long enough.
Now they would love like tigers, now they would pursue each other naked
about the atoll, slashing at each other wildly and deliciously with
riding whips, or rush through the breakers rejoicing, and dive and fight
sharks with the long thin knives they would carry between their teeth.
When his leg was better, that is."
Naturally as HG Wells wrote at the beginning of the book published in 1939:
"Every person, place and thing in this story--even the countries in which
it happens--are fictitious, and any resemblance, though it runs to the
pitch of identical names and circumstances, is at most a realistic device
and free of any libellous intention whatever. It is an imagination about
everyone and nobody, about everyland and nowhere, justified by the Lives
of Suetonius and our present discontents. Maybe it is life-like, that is
the incurable ambition of the novelist, he will not disavow it; but if so
it is because its characters have come alive. Their motives run about in
our world also, and it is our problems with which they wrestle in their
distinct and perhaps simpler but similar world. The England, the America,
the London in this book are not the England, America and London of
geography and journalism, but England, America and London transposed into
imaginative narrative."
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You may read the whole HG Wells "The Holy Terror" here for free

You may avoid reading it (coz it's very long and mostly shite) and just learn about HG Wells here-

You can learn about the MI5 agent's mortgage payment woes here

You can see a picture of Mosley and his BDSM video of purple pleasure here