May 11, 2008.
This is a short collection of already published reports and essays of Project Humanbeingsfirst which expands upon the simplification of modernity as expressed on the project's website:
What is all this verbiage by Project HumanbeingsfirstTM really all about? Is there a reductionist and simplified explanation in terms of first principles for all this complexity of modernity that gives birth to such urgent matters of human concern in the first place?
Yes. In the simplest terms: “Might defines right” leads to “Hegemony is as old as mankind”, which in turn leads to “If we don't have real enemies then we have to create or imagine some and yell 'we are being attacked'” in order to a) justify one's hegemonic barbarianism upon others; and b) motivate an unwilling plebeian peoples into sacrificing for the conquests of the ruling elite. Euphemistically: “imperial mobilization”. Grotesquely: “quest for Lebensraum”. That's all there is to it.
This omnibus, comprising a total of 23304 words, merely elaborates on the above single sentence, in any of its variations. Others have written volumes, from modern day doctrinal state-craft such as Zbigniew Brzezinski in 'the Grand Chessboard', to tens of hundreds of historians and scholars since time immemorial who have documented what is already the faits accomplis of imperial histories. From Alexander, through the Roman and British Empires, to the French, Russian, and now the American – all of it mostly a staid exposition of “Might defines right” in varying glorified acts of the “white mans burden”. What is different in this specifically culled, minimalist, six reports set of Project Humanbeingsfirst is that these take up the forensic analysis of “contemporaneously unfolding history” to preempt new faits acommplis of the future. The letter to America prefacing the six reports situates the complete context for modernity. If you benefit from these humble writings, please do feel free to let us know how you benefitted; email: Thank you for reading.
The WAR on TERROR 2008 Omnibus May 11 2008