If you care about the impact of GM on food and the environment it makes no sense to be quiet about this.
Human beings are the only species left on the planet where there still exist formidable technical, ethical and legal barriers to genetic engineering – this is a battle that can be won, if we only raise our voices against the Government’s plans. Most governments view the creation of GM babies in the same way as human cloning, and many have banned it – Britain would be the first to break this consensus.
Although this Bill prevents the creation of GM babies (with a major loophole) for the present, while the technology is still unsafe, the Government’s own documents have admitted that GM babies are the ultimate goal. So this is the moment when there must be democratic debate, so that we don’t repeat the GM food experience, where most people only heard about it for the first time when Monsanto’s GM soya began to flood into supermarkets. And it is crucial that the debate is not framed as science vs religion - so those who support women’s rights, and have learned from the experience of GM food must have their voices heard. Even if you live outside the UK, your help is vital, since the British Government is sensitive to international pressure.
The Bill is likely to be debated in the House of Commons in mid-May.
§ Write to your MP letting them know your views on the Government’s plans. It is always better to use your own words, but if you do not wish to, here is a sample letter you can use www.hgalert.org/Sample_letter.html. Please send copies of your messages to

§ Forward this message to others who may be concerned.
§ Write to the Minister responsible for the legislation: Dawn Primarolo MP, Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall London SW1A 2NS;

§ Support Human Genetic Alert’s (www.hgalert.org) campaign: let us know what you have done, and, if possible, send us a donation to help with the campaign.
§ For more information on this issue, visit www.hgalert.org/Stop_GM_Embryos.html, and www.hgalert.org/topics/hge or