Featuring; Austria, Italy, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, USA & UK.
anonymous communique; reported by:

The world of 'pollution', that has become a field of study for large social parts, is for others an everyday field for direct action for its subversion. Life in capitalism seems to have lost its meaning, everything seems to be predictable, known and dead before they are even realised. Without any measure, everything gains substance and value based only on the profit it produces. The System doesn't hesitate to exploit everything alive for its own reproduction, to turn everything living into a cog of its terrifying machinery. It has no hesitations to pollute the air, the food and the water of its 'subjects' in order to gain profit. Those that claim to govern us, experiment and exploit humans as easily as they do to animals.
Every day that passes, hundreds of animals are butchered inside laboratories. Their lives are turned to one, brief time, study, on an indifferent laboratory ratio, in its best, on an intriguing reaction. Multinational companies (the same ones that drive their employees to hunger) test their products on them. Pharmacy industries and medical teams (the same that are responsible for innumerable deaths of patients) test their studies on them.
Of course, the animals are also used, apart from the evolution of medical methods, for teaching. As a part of the 'holy' plan of education, they form part of the educational procedure within the university. They are not treated as something alive, with an inalienable right to freedom, but as a component of the courses.
Willing to resist somehow the generalised exploitation of earth and the animals, a few days ago we liberated around 250 white rats from the building of the aristotle university that holds the faculties of Biology, Zoology and Pharmacy. Rats, stacked gasping for breath in dirty cages, had never felt the breeze, the only color they had seen was white, and never faced the sunlight...
...untill their civilization turns into ruins
Thessaloniki 2/5/2008"
received anonymously:
"Hunting = Conservation? Ridiculous!
During the nights of 30 to 1 May and from 1 May to 2 May we destroyed a total of 5 hunting towers and 3 individual hunting seats in the vicinity of Mögelin and Milow.
In addition, we spray-painted some of the murdering facilities, 'Hunting is murder!' and 'ALF.'
It should be noted that in one of the towers there was a full bucket of feed. This shows once again how hypocritical the hunters are who use feed to attract animals and increase their population, then shoot them and justify their murder by claiming a need to reduce the population.
We are the hunters, until their institutions and the joy of hunting is destroyed, until the end of hunting!"
reported anonymously:
"the irish ALF struck local targets again on the night of may 3rd in Dublin city, Ireland.
local fur shops such as sydney vard furriers and 'barnardos' were spray painted with slogans such as 'FUR IS MURDER', 'FUR SCUM' and of course 'A.L.F.'
and the locks were glued while 'rohu' furs had their locks glued.
'La Cave' restaurant who sell the cruel 'fois gras' duck/goose liver dish was also targeted with spray paint. Trinity college, openly enact in vivisection, had their science entrance sprayed with 'vivisection is scientific fraud', 'free the animals', 'vivisection-lies' and, 'ALF'.
also, a local tattoo parlour, who up until recently before being sold to a new, loving home held a python snake in a small tank and cruel conditions in their studio, had their front window spray painted and their locks glued as pay back for the snake."
received anonymously:
"In the early hours of the 4th of May, the ALF paid a second visit to Norwich market. This time a fishmongers stall was targeted & got a similar treatment as the butchers before. All the locks were glued & graffitti reading 'STOP KILLING ANIMALS' & the ALF logo were left on the shutters. We also decided to cover one of the fancy signs in red spraypaint.
After this we still felt there was work to be done so we paid a quick visit to a Mcdonalds 'resturant' nearby. We filled the front door lock with glue & left graffitti reading 'McMurder' & the traditional 'Meat is murder'. After this we felt pretty pleased but we thought they deserved a warmer welcome so we turned our attention to their windows. Unfortunatly the bastards housed their
resturant in an old building, with lots of little windows, but it didn't put us off. We smashed 3 of the largest windows & left the owner to enjoy his morning surprise."
reported by the Djurens Befrielsefronts Stödgrupp (Swedish Animal Liberation Front Supporter's Group):

"March 19th - Orebro; The butcher shop Myro kott & vilt was hit by the DBF. Three signs was sawed down and destroyed before activists finished the job by glueing the locks and wrote 'Murderer' on the building. - DBF
May 2nd - Stockholm; The furrier Göran Larsson was visited by the DBF at his home on may 2. 'Scum' and 'DBF' was written on his big villa in a Stockholm suburb. His front door was covered in red paint to show his neighbours that the house was bought with blood money. A similar treatment is to be expected on the other two houses he own. - DBF"
anonymous report:
"On May 2 the Frente de Liberación Animal (FLA) attacked with paint a milk distributor in Mexico State because of the way they treat cows who are our sisters in these centers of torture and frustration. Its facade was completely painted with liberationist slogans, thus demonstrating our radical position against all forms of animal exploitation that exists.
For each bourgeois we have a bomb,
For each speciesist we have a knife!
reported by the Djurens Befrielsefronts Stödgrupp (Swedish Animal Liberation Front Supporter's Group):

17th - Stockholm; The owner of the fur shop Kiwi Päls got his house
painted and his Merecedes sabotaged in a creative manner.
22nd - Stockholm; Furrier Agneta Strömgrens shop windows were attacked
with etching fluid and a bucket of tar was poured over the entrance.
24th - Stockholm; In solidarity with the 124 monkeys locked inside
The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, the building
was spraypainted on the night of lab animal day. Set the monkeys
free! - DBF
27th - Stockholm; 10 litres of paint was splashed all over the fur
shop Tapperssons Pälsateljé. - DBF
27th - Stockholm; Two cans of spraypaint was emptied on furrier
Eva-Carinas fur shop. - DBF
27th - Stockholm; Like a river of blood ran the litres of red paint
coming down of the steps from the entrance belonging to Elsons fur
shop. The shop has no more money to clean the paint and etching
fluid away after earlier DBF attacks and just leaves it as it is.
This action is dedicated to our sisters and brothers in arms in Oslo,
Norway, who keep up their actions against the fur industry. Strength
through unity! - DBF Stockholm
27th - Stockholm; Furrier Agneta Strömgren doesnt know whats best for
her. Not more than a few days after she changed her windows
after the last action, her new armoured glass windows were hit with
etching fluid yet again. - DBF
29th - Stockholm; Furrier Ivan Petterssons facade was covered in
slogans. - DBF
29th - Stockholm; Furrier Cathrine Jönsson facade bombarded with red
paint. As long as animals are tormented in the fur industy we will
continue! - DBF
29th - Odensala; On the night to april 29 dozens of birds bred for
hunting were released out of their cages and flew away from the hunters
telescopic sight. Since birds are equipped with wings we thought it
was only right for them to use them and released all partridges kept
on Suckunge farm outside Stockholm. The farm is expanding their sheds
to be able to keep more birds trapped, but with this simple action we
would like to point out that whatever you build we can tear down.
Slogans were also spray painted at the site as the night sky filled
with birds flying to freedom for the first time in their life. - DBF
30th - Stockholm; Circus posters along city centre was torn down."
anonymous communique:
"In 2006 in Austria, a total of over 800,000 animals, of which 250,000 were deer, 125,000 rabbits, 46,800 foxes and over 120,000 birds were shot! In the same year 120,000 hunting licenses were issued!
- Weidwerk, Austria's largest hunting magazine
- Österreichischer Jagd- und Fischerei-Verlag (publisher of hunting books)
- NÖ Landesjagdverband (lower Austria hunting association)
all quartered at Wickenburggasse 3 in 1080 Vienna
were in the 17th calendar week attacked with butyric acid (magazine, office and sales room)
Hunting is war against animals
A large number of the animals killed in the forest and fields are unplanned (including pets), but the planned killings of wild animals also mean incredible fear and pain! It rarely happens that an animal dies immediately. The rest are killed by the hunter after being found or succumb slowly to their painful injuries.
The animals who successfully escape the hunters lust for murder experience trauma and broken families.
Hunting is not conservation
Hunting is a grave encroachment on nature:
-- Feeding to have more animals to shoot
-- Manipulation of natural habitats to make room for 'huntable' species
-- The introduction of non-native species for easy hunting, for example, pheasants
-- Tons of lead from bullets
That is why we say:
No peace with animal killers!
For the animals!
Animal Liberation Front - Vienna / Lower Austria"
anonymous communique (translation):
"May 1
While masses of workers were demonstrating in every part of the world on the first of May, the Frente de Liberación Animal was attacking the 'pet' store that since 1972 has traded in the lives of hundreds of animals, Eukanuda, which has links with Procter & Gamble, a company of animal experimentation and torture and (equally) the marketer of food for 'pets' with operations in over 10 countries; this time the symbols of the ALF and the slogan 'Animals are not merchandise' appeared on the walls, curtains and windows of the shop, giving the first warning to this shop of bars and frustration.
With this action we can make clear that it is not only the workers who are exploited in a given country, but also the animals who alone are treated with more cruelty than a human animal. Many people ask, 'why fight for the animals, and not for your people who are being exploited?' The FLA answers that the human animal knows and is familiar with exploitation, that the labor reforms are a trap of the industrialists and of the government, that their children live in poor conditions, not because of them but because of the irresponsibility and valemadrismo of the government, that the system in which they live is garbage and even so they are not furious about their situation, but in contrast the animals are harmless beings who do not know why they are in cages, that do not know why they are separated from their mothers or why their lives are crushed for the benefit of others; they deserve to be free, they deserve to be avenged, they do not take up arms but the people can, they have no voice but the people do, they can not organize but the people can, the animals need our intervention to be free, the people by their own forces are going to be free and will be if one wants it and if one dares, but while the national liberation movement is not radicalized and those who try are called provocateurs and irresponsible, the animal liberation movement will continue underground.
War on speciesism!
FLA Mexico"
reported by activists in Italy:
"May 1st - Crema (Italy)
The local Stefanel shop has been attacked with red paint and slogans on
their windows like 'defend the animals - attack stefanel.'"
Note: Stefanel recently vowed to adopt a fur-free policy for all their brands.
reported by

"Dyrenesfrigjoringsfront.com has received information about more actions
against the Norwegian fur trade. Media reports a record-high number of
actions - counting more than 50 actions in the last six months.
Morten Sauer, a representative for the coalition for Norwegian fur shops,
confirmed in a recent news article that illegal actions work according
to the activists goals: 'It's only a question of time before some of our
furshops has to give in after batling the activists.'
* 15th of march:
DFF-activists claim responsibility for several sabotage actions against
fur shops in Oslo and say they will contine their campaign of economic
sabotage until all the furshops are closed down:
-Furshop 'Studio Olesen': windows etched and slogans spraypainted across
the shop.
-Furshop 'Brødrene Torkildsen': the shop gets a big window smashed up.
-Fur shop 'Oslo Pelssenter': both lock are glued.
-Furshop 'Olsson pels': Locks superglued and 'Murderers' spraypainted at
the shop.
* 20th of march:
-Furshop 'Brødrene Torkildsen': the shop gets covered in paint.
-Furshop 'Hansson Pels': gets its windows broken.
* 10th of april:
In Oslo: Anonymous activists smashed another window at the fur shop
'Atelier Henry Phillip' in the night. This shop has been hit numerous
times during the last six months.
* 17th of april:
In Drammen: The furshop 'Pels Larsson' was targetted by anti-fur activists.
The activists smashed the shops two windows and superglued the lock of the
* 13th of april:
In Oslo: Activists from Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront (norwegian ALF) claimed
responsibility for an attack against the head office of the Norwegian
fur farmers. Skinnsenteret in Oslo host many offices for all of the
organizations of the Norwegian fur farmers.
Dyrenes Frigjøringsfront (DFF) says they cut through a surrounding fence,
went into the area smashed twenty windows, spraypainted slogans and
smashed a car at the site."
reported anonymously:
"better late than never:
this delayed communique was inspired by the recent ALF action in Oregon.
in the early morning of November 6th, an estimated 150-200 mink were released from a fur farm on Cornell Creek Road off of highway 542 in northern Washington.
this action was planned and carried out by a single activist working alone.
no excuses. do something."
reported by activists in Finland:
"2.4. Turku - Locks of five fur shops glued.
22.4. Turku - Locks of two fur shops glued and windows smashed at one fur shop
29.4. Kotka - Windows and front of Halonen shop covered in paint."
reported by activists in Italy:
"April 4th - Ravenna - Italy
Local media announce that the house of Fabrizio Matteucci, Mayor of
Ravenna, has been hit with paintbombs and sloganized during the night. The
slogans read 'no to the zoo' - 'Matteucci stop the zoo' - 'Shame on
A project to build a new zoo has been approved by the local authorities
and a campaign is trying to stop this project with continuous demos and
information stalls. Two months ago 400 people marched in ravenna aginst
the construction of this zoo."
UK: Urban development sabotaged, 1st

Global reports, 29th April

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