The Bush administration and Israeli government appear to be operating a
joint disinformation campaign, whose objective is to establish a media based
alternative reality from which to accuse Syria/Iran of developing nuclear
weapons with help from North Korea, by using a real event combined with
planted stories establishing a defining narrative. This accusation in turn
is augmented with stories about Iranian sponsored "Special Groups killing US
troops in Iraq" and purported naval incidents the Persian Gulf, creating
self-reinforcing, media based crisis.
The immediate purpose of this disinformation campaign is apparently to help
justify the planned US attack on a wide range of Iranian industrial and
military targets. And, as in the Israeli attacks on Lebanon, the objective
is to swiftly inflict substantial damage to the national infrastructure of
Iran, followed by an abrupt cessation of attacks and a call for a cease-fire
to prevent substantial Iranian retaliation. Again, as in the Israeli attacks
on Lebanon, the US likely will resist calls for a cessation of the attacks
until a significant portion of the Iranian target set has been addressed,
then it will accept calls for a cease-fire and demand Iran do the same.
Any subsequent attacks by Iran would probably be characterized by the US as
Iranian aggression, further justifying US follow-up attacks on remaining
Iranian assets as defensive measures. The transparent duplicity of such US
actions and claims is not a problem because US corporate media is prepared
to report repeatedly the administration's claims with little or no criticism
or mention of alternative assessments. In other words, subjecting its
audience to blatant propaganda masquerading as journalism, which is
effective as it is because of US corporate media's quantitative monopoly on
information provided the public.
As far as can be determined, no credible or even plausible evidence for any
of these claims has been presented by the Bush administration, let alone by
any independent verification of such claims. Instead, in the pattern similar
to the disinformation campaign before the invasion of Iraq, questions about
these claims, when raised at all, are ignored or "answered" with repeated or
additional claims. Essentially this disinformation campaign, as all such
campaigns, is an elaborate set of lies to deceive an enemy, in this case the
Unites States Congress and the American people, in pursuit of Bush
administration secret policy objectives for the benefit of a foreign
Campaign's Origin
The origins of this disinformation campaign was the the Bush
administration's appreciation in the late summer of 2007 that the National
Intelligence Estimate (NIE) subsequently released in November 2007 [1] would
undermine its attempts to claim Iran was developing nuclear weapons, the
then primary justification for an attack on Iran. When it became clear to
the Bush administration that the intelligence community would issue the
11/7/07 NIE, completely undermining the administration's claims of Iranian
nuclear weapons development, they apparently decided, instead of accepting
this judgment or objecting to it within official channels, that an
alternative foundation needed to be established for its planned attack on
Iran. This alternative would bypass not only the US intelligence community's
collective assessments, but also the judgments of the United States' Joint
Chiefs of Staff military command.
Essentially, the Bush administration, in cooperation with a foreign
government, Israel, decided to bypass the intelligence community as well as
the military commands of the United States, in order undertake attacks by US
military forces on a foreign nation, Iran, by deliberately ignoring and
undermining the judgments of authorities charged by law with informing the
US Congress about such data so it can make sound judgments in exercise of
its US Constitutional authority over matters of war and peace. Apparently
the Bush administration hopes for a fait accompli after attacks on Iran,
leaving the next administration with a region-wide tar baby, with Israel the
only remaining "friend" in the region, otherwise populated with outright
enemies or alienated former allies.
In addition, a likely last minute Israel-Palestinian peace deal negotiated
with the unelected Fatah based faction, in which Israel would be granted
costly long term aid and security assurances, in exchange for Israeli
commitments of limited value and voracity. With Israel positioned to attempt
an alliance with the Kurds upon the expected partition of Iraq, following an
inevitable US withdrawal. Again, as with the invasion of Iraq, the Bush
administration's planning is front loaded, focused on the mechanics of
military operations or manipulating public and official opinion, with little
or no thought given to what happens next, let alone second or third order
consequences, except the general intention to take maximum political
advantage of any resulting crisis.
On the face of it, some elements of the Bush administration's undertaking
appear to be acts of treason, by giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the
United States, in as much as it aided Israel to act in its own interests and
without regard for, or to the detriment of, the manifest interests of the
United States; however, we defer such judgments to another, more appropriate
venue, and only pursue our limited assessment of the administration's
actions with regard to their immediate objectives.
First Overt Act
The first known overt act in pursuit of this effort, besides Israel's attack
on Syria, was a letter Bush wrote to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, as
reported by the BBC on December 6, 2007, wherein Bush asked the Korean
leader to reveal any assistance to others in the development of nuclear
weapons. While a matter of speculation, this letter combined with other
demands by the US government, were meant to pressure the North Korean
government into making accusations against Syrian and Iran, in exchange for
concessions in the form of released impounded funds and oil shipments
promised as by part of the US-North Korean agreement on its weapons
development program. According to the NYTimes Dec 15, 2007 report [2] , Bush
wrote a letter to the North Korean leader demanding, among other things, he
reveal who he have helped with his nuclear technology, as specified in the
nuclear declaration or so-called "come clean" section of the US-North Korean
Because the usual glacial movements of North Korea's foreign policy were
incompatible with Bush administration's Iranian timetable, attempts were
made to pressure North Korea to give in sooner to US demands by the end of
the year, but as U.S. Will Hold North Korea to Nuclear Commitments [3] by
Reuters 01/03/08 reports, these efforts failed thus far. Instead, North
Korea made a forthright statement, North Korea Says Earlier Disclosure Was
Enough [4] by The New York Times 01/05/08, which repudiated such claims.
Since this was contrary to Bush administration objectives, it was apparently
largely ignore by US corporate media. Pressure continues on North Korea to
make such admissions.
Change of Policy
Overall, it appears the sudden US agreement with North Korea, after years of
the usual "Bush diplomacy" whereby he refuses to speak to the other side
until they concede every major point of contention, was an attempt to clear
the decks [5] for attacks against Iran. Among the most informed and
insightful observers of national security affairs, Seymour M. Hersh, in a
video interview at The New Yorker, [6] suggested that a US agreement with
North Korea would be among the clearest signs of US preparation for an
attack on Iran. He further discusses, in an interview with Al Jazeera on Feb
7, 2008, US intentions and the likelihood Cheney may have overrode US Joint
Chiefs of Staff objections to the attack [7] .
As part of the administration's disinformation campaign, Israel attacked a
Syrian site, which was later linked to North Korea through a set of stories
released over time to give the impression of information being slowly
revealed over time, hoping to establish "facts" more firmly than making
accusations at the time of the attack on Syria.
US Corporate Media's Role in the Nuclear Weapons Development Story
It appears that certain media outlets were a party to the disinformation
campaign, in that they misled their readers and others with stories clearly
designed to establish the impression that North Korea was helping Syria, and
likely Iran, to develop a nuclear program, to be conveniently confused in
the public's mind with the far more costly and complex development of
nuclear weapons. Among those noted, Harretz, the Washington Post and New
York Times appear to have been willing conduits of this disinformation
campaign, since it would strain all credulity to believe they themselves
were deceived, especially since no effort was made to report on other
observers who question the validity of these claims:
Israelis `blew apart Syrian nuclear cache' [8] , Sunday Times, Sept 16, 2007
Israel, U.S. Shared Data On Suspected Nuclear Site [9] , Washington Post,
Sept 21, 2007
Israel Admits To Sept. Air Attack In Syria [10] , CBS News Oct 2, 2007
Israel Struck Syrian Nuclear Project, Analysts Say [11] , NYTimes Oct 14,
Photographs Said to Show Israeli Target Inside Syria [12] , Washington Post
Oct 24, 2007
North Koreans said killed in IAF strike on alleged Syria nuclear reactor
site [13] , Harretz Staff and Reuters, Apr 28, 2008
It should be noted: All of these ginned-up, hand ringing stories about
programs "to develop the capability; to learn technologies; to establish
potentials for securing; etc.," not once mention that Israel is armed with
several hundred nuclear warheads, some of which are aboard submarines
capable of attacking Europe, Russia and the US.
A New Casus Belli: "Iran Is Killing US Troops"
The Bush administration has augmented and subordinated the nuclear issue and
naval incidents as casus belli to the "Iran is killing US troops" propaganda
offensive, which immerged with the invention of the so-called "Special
Groups" by the US military command, first mentioned by the US Military
Command in Iraq on July 2, 2007 [14] . They took on new life at the end of
March 2008, as reported by [15] Agence France-Presse (AFP) on March 26, 2008
[15] , when military spokesman Major General Kevin Bergner, as part of the
US Military's effort to "document" Iranian sponsored operations in Iraq,
revealed these "Iranian-supported Special Group criminals" [16] were
apparently and suddenly everywhere.
Within a month, hundreds of stories in the US corporate media [17] reported
all about these "Special Groups", almost without exception identifying them
as Iranian trained and fielded. The NYTimes reported by April 24, 2008 [18]
that, " [18] 73 percent of fatal and other harmful attacks on American
troops in the past year were caused by roadside bombs planted by so-called
'special groups.'" according to "Senior officers in the American division
that secures the capital." As far as can be determined no credible or even
plausible evidence for such groups has been presented by the US Military
command in Iraq. Clearly, weapons stamped with Iranian manufacturing labels,
while subject to counterfeiting, would mean little, even if genuine, in as
much as such small arms are trafficked throughout the Middle East and
indicate nothing about the actions of the government of Iran. Instead, in a
pattern similar to the run up to the invasion of Iraq, questions about these
claims, are ignored or met with additional claims.
By the time General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker testified before the US
Congress in early April, the "special groups" were an established element in
the alternative reality maintained by official Washington and US corporate
media [19] . In addition, the ever compliant Congress allowed the two to
testify for just a single day before the Senate and another day before the
House committees in a mockery of oversight, during which not much was made
of the question as to whether these claims about "special groups", even if
true, legally justified attacking Iran under international law.
It is highly likely arrests of "Iranian agents" and weapons store seizures
of "Iranian weapons" will continue, along with "counter infiltration"
operations along the Syrian and Iranian borders.
The New York Times Particularly Duplicitous
The New York Times in particular, after its public vows to do better
following exposure of its reporter Judith Miller, who made a significant
contribution the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" disinformation campaign run
out of Cheney's office prior to the invasion of Iraq that ultimately proved
to be totally false, now seems to have slipped back into its old habit of
blatant pro-Israel coverage and disinformation, while objecting in its
editorial page to the very policies it advances in its reporting, making its
practices especially duplicitous and irresponsible, given its undisputed
influence both on official Washington and the rest of US corporate media.
In another example, a NYTimes Apr 26, 2008 article "Questions Linger on
Scope of Iran's Threat in Iraq" [20] that nominally purports to question the
US claims about Iranian/Iraqi "Special Groups" and Iranian involvement in
training and arming fighters in Iraq; in fact, reinforces such claims using
"directly or indirectly quoted unnamed officials an astounding 30 times,"
according to an insightful analysis of the article by Jeff Huber "When Did
Iran Start Beating Its Wife Again?" [21] . The importance of the "Special
Groups" claims is clear in that the Bush administration has shifted part of
justification for a war with Iran to the charge that "Iran is kill US troops
in Iraq", adding to this to its "warnings" about naval incidents in Persian
Gulf and nuclear weapons development as Casus Belli options.
That Old Standby Casus Belli: Naval Incidents
Recent encounters involving US and Iranian naval vessels show a evolution
toward a much more aggressive and manipulative posture in the Bush
administration's characterization of these events. The widely reported
incident between US and Iranian vessels [22] on January 6, 2008 in the
Strait of Hormuz [23] was actually the third such recent encounter. The
first two encounters occurred in December 2007 [24] , during one of which on
December 19, 2007 the USS Whidbey Island fired warning shots toward an
approaching Iranian vessel, causing the Iranian vessel to alter course. The
first two encounters passed unreported at the time and were largely routine
for the area of operations.
However, the third encounter on January 6, 2008 was not only characterized
as a far more grave "incident" by official Washington, accompanied by
reports by official US sources of threats made against the US vessels [25] ,
based on video and voice transmission [26] "evidence" released by the
Pentagon to vast coverage by US corporate media. Examination of the voice
transmission recordings indicated the actual segment containing the only
threat was of doubtful authenticity; and, a later release of an Iranian
video [27] of the same incident indicated the Pentagon had mischaracterized
its own video, revealing another blatant disinformation effort, but received
little coverage in US corporate media.
Another two naval incidents have been hyped by US corporate media, one in
the Persian Gulf where a US military chartered cargo vessel, Western
Venture, fired warning shots at approaching unidentified small boats without
known injuries or damage. [28] While the media attention added to regional
tensions and increased oil prices, the incident was much like the other
incident at the entrance to Suez Canal [29] , except in that case a boat
borne local vendor was shot to death by personnel aboard a US military
chartered vessel Global Patriot. Needless to say the dead vendor was of
little note in US corporate media.
Finally, the Accusations and Warnings
Perhaps the most transparent effort to link the alleged Syrian and North
Korean reactors is the Apr 25, 2008 report in the BBC [30] , which included
pictures provided the CIA that "said to have been obtained by Israel -
showed striking similarities between the Syrian facility and the North
Korean reactor at Yongbyon, the US said." The report goes on to note: "The
CIA briefing and statement coincides with the end of a two-day meeting
between US and North Korean officials on Pyongyang's nuclear programme,
which both sides say have gone well - fuelling speculation that a deal may
be imminent." What this "deal" is remains to be seen, but bribes paid to a
foreign government (North Korea) in exchange for accusations against another
foreign government (Syria), in order to justify claims against a third
foreign government (Iran) are hardly the stuff upon which grave policy
decisions (going to war with Iran) should be made. Unless your objective is
to lead the US into yet another war no matter what the facts actually are,
as the Bush administration and Israel appear to be trying to do.
Finally, we have Bush himself taking the money shot in the Israeli press,
with a truly bizarre parlaying of the accusations against Syria into a
warning to Iran: Bush: Revealing details of attack on Syrian site was
message to Iran [31] , in a Haaretz Staff and Reuters, Apr 29, 2008, stating
that "U.S. President George W. Bush said yesterday he released U.S.
intelligence about the nuclear facility that Israel bombed in Syria in
September so as to put pressure on North Korea and send a message to Iran
that it could not hide its own nuclear program." Apart from the fact that a
nuclear reactor is not proof of a weapons program in Syria, Iran is not
Syria, any more than Saddam Hussein had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks
on the US.
These Bush "warnings" have become a mainstay of US corporate media, in which
often baseless threats against others are portrayed as "last, best efforts"
to change alleged behavior before action is reluctantly taken, after giving
the ever-preferable "diplomacy" a chance. The most blatant example of this
is the number of times Saddam Hussein was "warned" about "weapons of mass
destruction" and we were all warned about not letting the "smoking gun being
the mushroom cloud" as well as warning about his final chances to "come
clean." The added virtue of "warnings" is they contain an embedded assertion
that the warned party knows full well the truth of the accusation as does
the one issuing the warning, as well implying a reasonableness in that the
target need only comply to avoid getting what they would otherwise deserve.
Should North Korea finally agree, at likely unknown cost, to "come clean"
and mention help to Syria or Iran, such bribery is likely to be no more
credible than confessions of tortured prisoners in the Bush administration's
special prisons, whether they be "Iranian Agents" or "Terrorists" turned
over to US authorities as part of the US's far flung bounty programs. After
all, we have all become prisoners to the attendant lunacies of the Bush
administration and US corporate media's alternative reality, in which new
"warnings" based on disinformation lurk: hair-trigger "facts" poised to
"provoke" the US into "defending" itself by attacking Iran, including
nuclear program/weapons development; "Special Groups" killing US troops in
Iraq; and, hostile naval incidents. By the time time the attack on Iran
comes, the US corporate media will be asking why it took the US so long to





























