Major economies meeting on energy and climate (Paris, 17-18 April 2008)
*The third Major Economies Meeting on Energy and Climate Change (MEM), *which will be held in Paris on April 17 and 18, will be chaired by European *Affairs Secretary Jean-Pierre Jouyet. Brice Lalonde, Ambassador for climate *change negotiations, will represent France.
* The MEM is a forum for political discussion grouping 16 countries *accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions. Its mission is to *advance the talks on climate change.
* This meeting is specifically to prepare for the December 2009 *Copenhagen conference which will be preceded by the Poznan conference in *December.
It so happens that the "16 countries accounting for 80% of world carbon dioxide emissions" also have the greatest interest in maintaining a global economy based on the dominance of oil, so it will be interesting to see what level of inaction results from this gathering.
A press booth has been set up so that journalists can be at hand when the participants are prepared to release an announcement. Expect them to start arriving soon.
Official Contact:
Marina LOUVET 0033 1 40 81 27 65

Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement durable, et de l’Aménagement du territoire
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