Author: Zahir Ebrahim - the plebeian nemesis of ubermensch Hectoring Hegemons
Foreword 2007
© Zahir Ebrahim
March 31 2007.
I wrote this book during April-May 2003. That was exactly four years ago. What has changed in America since then? Has this book become obsolete even before it got published? With another aggression against another defenseless nation in the offing, I inexplicably find the American peoples still quite absorbed in the pursuits of their 'American Dream' and hardly anyone gives a damn! Those handful who do, are entirely neutralized, with the efficacy of their anemic protests exactly ZERO! And I continue to hear the same nonsense as I heard in 2001 and 2002 and 2003 and 2004 and 2005 and 2006, and once again in 2007, from my American friends, colleagues, and from the general mainstream population, about the necessity of lifetime of battle against the 'terrorist Islamists' and 'evil doers' which is “Not [even] a Clash of Civilizations, It's a Clash between the Civilized World and Barbarians” as per its 'notable exponent Daniel Pipes', and the “primacy imperative” of the so called “preemption” in self-defense of a Goliath superpower state possessing the largest and widest assortment of the most horrendous 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' against defenseless nations. The roots of the 'jihadi terror', taking its toll on the civilians in many nations - so deliberately unleashed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CIA with the clarion call of “God is on your side” to “have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war” - is now cleverly 'forgotten' by the 'profound American intellectuals' as its rotten fruits are deftly re-harvested for another “imperial mobilization” by purposely sustaining its growth in the very modus operandi employed to presumably fighting it. 'What is indeed the purpose of this so called war on terror'? Who are the real terrorists, the real war mongers, the superterrorist monumental criminals from whom “all the evil that follow[ed]”? Is it the “populist democracy” in the lone superpower nation who cleverly enable their elected leaders to commit monumental crimes through their uncourageous acceptance of barbarianism upon defenseless nations that they watch on their television screens, never mind that they prefer to not read the multiple 'American Mein Kampfs' existing among them? Or is it only their testosterone laden “legally conspired" leadership who abuse their authority in the name of the peoples because “hegemony is as old as mankind” and “radical Islam, sometimes called Islamaism” works really well as the quintessential “doctrinal motivation” du jour for “imperial mobilization”? Can the 'hectoring hegemons' be checkmated on the Grand Chessboard by ordinary peoples? If not that fear, why would the fiction of 'war on terrorism' be even erected? It is to that fear of the hectoring hegemons that this plebeian book and its preface spoke to four years ago which no publisher deemed worthy enough to print. It's relevance today four years later? You dear reader be the judge! And as a judge, you are also obligated to issue the final verdict – a peoples of conscience or a barbarians in suits?. Some times, binary choices are indeed the only choices as your favorite American President George W. Bush Jr. has already informed you. It's now your judgment to identify to which of the two sides you belong “either you are with us or with the [super]terrorists”!