This is the only U.S. city on the Torch's world tour. The national and international media will be here. A nude torch run is being planned to coincide.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make an indelible statement for human rights.
12:30 pm sharp
near the front of Tacqueria Pancho Villa
Pier 1, the Embarcadero (waterfront side)
[ the next building north from the Ferry Building]
Look for faux "torch" labeled "Human Rights"
After the Official Run passes (estimate 1:10 pm), we will jog/walk fast to Bay/Embarcadero. When the Official Torch Run returns from the Marina District, we will follow the Official Run to the closing ceremony at Justin Herman Plaza. I estimate the total distance at a little over one mile.
We are not exactly a protest.
We are positively pointing out:
(1) The original Olympic Athletes participated nude;
(2) We support Human Rights, EVERYWHERE.
The original Olympic athletes covered themselves
with olive oil. I will bring Baby Oil for those who
wish the classical look.
[ Optional:
Make a faux-torch or two, labeled "Human Rights."
If you don't have one, don't worry. I am happy to relay a torch to you. Don't makle a real flame, because of Fire Marshall and permit issues. ]
Be sure to pass on this invitation to all interested parties.
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