For immediate release:
ALF cell demands autonomous zones for Wild Boar.
Recent press activity has focussed on the need to either manage or cull the wild boar population of the UK. This has progressed down traditional anthropocentric lines, with an argument developing for new food sources, supporting wild flower populations and for 'enjoyable' countryside blood pursuits.
However, there is the alternative view, that wild boar support the growth of wild flower populations through rooting, that they have a right to exist on their own non-commodified terms, ungoverned by humanity, and free from persecution from urban and rural dwellers with guns.
It is in this matter that we demand that wild boar (and for that matter all wildlife in these subsequent zones) are given vast areas, where they can live in their natural habitat, free from human intervention and trespass.
One of the biggest issues with the growth of wild boar populations, (still actually very small around 1,000 though blood sport and farming interests would give a contrary view) is the encroachment of human development on wild boar habitat. This is a far bigger issue than the one of wild boar appearing in urban areas.
Alongside the introduction of autonomous zones we are committed to end farming, domestication and commodification of wild boar in the UK, and to see these animals live out an increasingly natural life in woodland and forest. They do not belong in desolate pens, many have freed themselves, many have been freed with help of the Animal Liberation Front.
May wilderness areas flourish.
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