Republican nominee John McCain plans at least one campaign event on his week-long congressional trip to Europe and the Middle East: a March 20 fundraiser in London.
An invitation sent out by the campaign says the luncheon will be held at Spencer House, St. James's Place, "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon Nathaniel Rothschild."
Tickets to the invitation-only event cost $1,000 to $2,300. The fundraiser will be limited to Americans, as foreigners are not permitted to donate to presidential candidates.
Senator's Supporters Are Invited to Lunch With a Lord

On the eve of his first overseas visit since becoming the Republican nominee, John McCain has warned that an early withdrawal of US troops from Iraq would lead to "chaos and genocide across the region". While adopting a more conciliatory tone to US allies than George W Bush, the man he hopes to succeed in the White House, the Arizona senator will take his uncompromising message on the war to London, Paris and the Middle East next week.
John McCain: Early US pull-out from Iraq will cause 'genocide' (13 March 2008)