Washington puppets & corporate dictators need to message,if in US vote green & encourage libertarian municipalism or spoil your ballet,"democrats" & Brezinski have crazy plans for cold war with China.
Potemkin like uprising was possible, seems many uk officers are against war also. The whole russian navy refused orders to shoot on the battleship Potemkin 1905 rebels led by the people & its anarchist NCO.
USS constellation was last best example where whole a large ship rebelled, going to Vietnam the crew mutinied & sailed back to US where the punishment was minimal because of unity& public support, in fact they were honoured by people around the world. Most of US & UK are against the war!
Most of Afghansistan does not want us there, the official 911 conspiracy is unravelling!
The illegal corporate dictators doing this go beyond G8, they meet in Washington mid april, check their website
Check labour activist Holly Sklarr & analyst Stephen Gills books on the Trilateralism & world mamagement, not the official or right wing conspiracies.
Get a trike,bus,tram,taxi,electric moped or bicycle & watch who killed the electric car+ get labour activist Holly Sklarrs book on Trilateral Commission or analyst Stephen Gill's.
Transition plans made by many in cooperative movement are in process from Nottingham to Sydney, with green activists & those in international cooperative alliance which has 800,000,000 members growing!!!!!!
Its politics include mutual aid although many alliance leaders have become stuck with "Social democractic" parties, reclaim our movement!, from the bottom up

For libertarian municipalism & a cooperative alliance!