Pictures copyright © 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
As well as placards, banners and T-shirts from a number of organisations, there were also many women carrying obviously very strongly personally felt statements against male violence.
This was an all-woman march and I had to work from the sidelines. The police had responded with an unusually high proportion of women officers, although their presence was hardly required other than for traffic control. The only incident with police I saw during the march was an argument with a woman standing on a roadside box taking pictures of the march who ignored their requests to come down. I can't think she was endangering herself or others, but there seem to be a few police who don't like photographers climbing on anything. Usually I just take my picture and get down when requested - it doesn't seem worth arguing.
I left Trafalgar Squares as the rally started, needing a rest (and, as it happened, a Shropshire Lass.) Later I was dismayed to hear that at least one of those expected to speak had been prevented from addressing the rally after the organisers had read her draft text.
More about this – and many more pictures – on My London Diary soon.

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