to end governmental murder and war.
a man so handicapped he did not know he could not save his pecan pie til later.. and after Clinton Huckabee state-murdered 19 more.
The man in jail in another state.. he signed a confession
.. ashamed to say he could not read
The man in jail in a third state.. career minded
prosecutors used nicotine addiction to get him to sign
The man in jail in a 4th state.. beaten until he signed
Did Hillary ever speak up about the 4 Arkansas executions?
These 4 remind one of another 4:
Moses.. who killed an Egyptian in anger.. God spared his life
Saul Paul: who killed Christians in obedience to
an unjust govt. God spared his life
Cain.. who killed in jealousy.. that his ignorant father preferred violent
animal serial killer Able to him. God spared his life
David.. who killed in lust.. sending his lover's husband to
the front lines.. God spared his life
God wants us to spare all lives of any being God has created
God give a firefall of Spirit grace to the
nine of the Supreme Court. God give us
Your choice for president.
(The Rumpole series author has exposed
many cases of legal injustice.)


Romney said in Iowa he wanted to send 100,000 more men and women to Iraq. He himself received a draft exemption, not because
he believes killing is wrong, but because
Mormons receive exemptions from the draft,
though as a group no sect has more supporters
of war, including Romney's 5 sons,
none of whom is in combat.
It is time for McCain to ask forgiveness of
the women in the lightbulb factory he killed
when he was shot down. No killing is more
abstract than that of a bomber pilot.
May he also ask forgiveness of the water buffalo,
the brightplumed birds, and every other being
he burned with his bombs.
In the executing states in the US, 2 to 4 times as many blacks on death
row as whites are murdered by the government.
John Edwards, before his primary victories in Iowa, Nevada, and South
Carolina were stolen by vote fraud, asked for an end to the question
many prosecutors ask... the potential juror's opinion of the death penalty. This
question, he says, stacks the jury in the prosecutors' favor.
Before Thomas Edison publicly electrocuted a prisoner with voltage so high
the man's bones caught on fire,
Thomas Edison tied an elephant
and gave him a public execution,
sending volts through him
... a barbaric electrocution.
God inside you expand joylovepeace inside you and all beings in all ways and always