In the UK anarchists have worked with Greens against GM,ID,anti war,pro union, consensus, proportional representation.
The German Greens coalition government under Fischer an ex pro violence anarcho did get involved in the invasion of Afghanistan after 911, though now the majority of German greens want withdrawal now. There were east bloc anarchists who supported NATO during cold war.
CNT in Spain voted for the Republican government & this helped set up the Spanish revolution, before Franco invaded with German & Italian Nazis. Green party members are increasingly joining syndicalist unions.
Green Campaign 2008 Presidential Candidate Forums are happening soon, many of them supported our protests in the political arena & they are most active nvda protest party in the world.
There needs to be debate on this, if this is taken off newswire it would be totally undemocratic. There is no true consensus on this, I know IMC veterans who support this viewpoint who are dictated oftenly by a minority who used to say all camera,media people where a fair target on demo's.