All this with the purpose of forcing her to stop her hunger strike aimed to defend her rights and the human rights of all the Mapuche political prisoners as well as those of the Mapuche Communities; so aiming to end
the Hunger Strike of the comrade without her consent they have attempt to force her to, since yesterday night, to ingest food and as she refused she has been bound to the bed by diverse parts of her body. The Gendarmeria de Chile (Chilean Police), dependent of the Government, is responsible for this treatment. Thus we demand to the Government, to the Politic Parties Concentration for Democracy, and to her president, Dra. Michelle Bachelet Jeria, to end immediately this inhuman and degrading treatment to Patricia Troncoso Robles.
We want all mapuche and no mapuche communities to learn about it.
We want the international community to learn about it: in Chile a woman on hunger strike, that has lost 30 kilos from her original weight, has been tortured and she is seriously and without energies!
So for all the above; we - the Support Nets to the Mapuche People, from Osorno,Concepcion, Temuco, La Serna, Chillan, Rancagua and Santigo- summon, all throughout Chile and other Countries to help us and to set up and support demonstrations of Solidarity with our sister Patricia Troncoso Robles.
Freedom to all the Mapuche Political Prisoners!
Immediate end of the Wallmapu militarization!
Derogation of the Antiterrorist Law!
For the life of our Lamngen Patricia!
Not to the State Crime!
Stop the Etnocide!
It is Enough!!
Marrichiweu! !!!!!!!!
Coordinación de Organizaciones Autónomas Mapuche de Santiago, COOAMS
Agrupación Mapuche Kilapan, Consejo Mapuche Pikunche, Jufken Mapu.
Redes de apoyo de Osorno, Concepción, Temuco, La Serena , Chillán,
Rancagua y Santiago
Más informaciones a: COOAMS@gmail. com, Celular 90101191 (Ricardo
Inalef), Celular: 7661 81 44, Celular: 90199386. Comunicaciones:
Celular: 097629052
South London Solidarity Federation
PO Box 17773, London SE8 4WX