The production process damages the liver causing it to become diseased. The technical name for this is “hepatic lipidosis” and is when the liver ceases to function properly. Diseased meat, how appetising!
Even on this rainy day members of the public came up to the campaigners to sign the petition calling for an end to the sale of Foie-Gras. Midsummer House on the other hand was almost empty!
On this demo we were delighted to welcome two veteran campaigners, these two individuals came out despite the rain and the fact one of them had been unwell. This kind of dedication is an inspiration to us all. Thank you everyone who makes it to demos, we couldn’t do it without you!
We would love to see more people outside Midsummer House so if anyone can make any of our demos it would be brilliant! If you are unable to make a demo why not do your own? This could be as simple as hand writing a sign and doing a one-person demo or as much as ordering some leaflets from VIVA (

You can also download the campaigns spoof menu leaflet here:

If you can’t get to Midsummer House then please make your feelings known via phone, post or e-mail:
Midsummer House Restaurant Midsummer Common, Cambridge, CB4 1HA
Phone: 01223 369299
Fax: 01223 302672