The three main political parties in the UK each have a 'Friends of Israel' lobby group that ensures pro-Israel members are embedded at all key levels in Parliament and government. For example, the Foreign Office minister responsible for the Middle East is a former chairman of Labour Friends of Israel. His opposition 'shadow' is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel. Campaigners argue that this paralyses the government when it comes to taking a principled stance on issues such as Israel's vicious and unlawful blockade of Gaza, which is taking the lives of many innocent civilians and children.
The group is adamant that the Israel lobby falls squarely within the Standards Committee’s remit. "The man in the street is entitled to look at the Seven Principles of Public Life and say that the activities of lobbies like Friends of Israel are against the declared intentions of the Principles both in word and spirit. Otherwise what is the purpose of having them enshrined in the Committee's constitution?" They have pushed it back to Sir Christopher insisting that the case be put before the Committee for proper consideration.
The claim of undue influence is causing embarrassment in Westminster because the watchdog Committee has itself been infiltrated by Friends of Israel. The pro-lobby media are already disturbed. The Jewish Chronicle, for example, reports a "smear" on Isreal lobby MPs, one of whom suggests that if the Committee fails to investigate it might be accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy. The director of Conservative Friends of Israel, a would-be MP, confidently predicts there will be no investigation, his cocksure posture leading one to suppose that he and his like are a protected species within the Westminster village (see ).
Shadow Secretary of State for Defence Dr Liam Fox makes the group's case for them. He is quoted on the CFoI website as saying: "...We must remember that in the battle for the values that we stand for, for democracy against theocracy, for democratic liberal values against repression - Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together or we will all fall divided.”
Spokesman for the group is David Halpin, a trauma surgeon who last year led a team of 7 UK doctors to Gaza. He said: "Dr Fox presumably speaks for all Friends of Israel in the party that hopes to form the next government. The group includes the party leader and future prime minister and many on the front bench. He would have Parliament and the public believe that Israel's enemy, Iran, must become Britain's enemy. Such dangerous and irresponsible nonsense could lead this country to disaster.
"Claims that the Israel lobby’s activities are transparent are untrue since seldom, if ever, do its members declare an interest when speaking or writing about the Middle East. That is unacceptable in the 'Mother of Parliaments'."Stuart Littlewood, who was in Gaza two months ago, said: "The Israel lobby is embedded in the parties and in government. It blows the Principles of Public Life - integrity, honesty, accountability and so on - to smithereens. The Standards Committee is supposed to uphold those Principles. I'm afraid its new chairman is off to a bad start."
The group say that British people should not have to tolerate dual allegiance in their Parliament and Government, since obviously it puts national security at risk. They quote one peer who wrote: “I ask over and over again why Israel is allowed to get away with breaking International Law and the answer is silence from the government… they are afraid of the Israel Lobby who label anyone who speaks out as anti-Semitic and withdraw their support.”
More from David Halpin 01364 661115 or Stuart Littlewood 01760 755349.
Text of letter.......
21 January 2008
Dear Sir Christopher,
The Israel Lobby
Twenty signatories, mostly senior professionals, took the trouble to write to you on 9 January in furtherance of a submission, on 19 December, about the undue influence of the Israel lobby at the heart of British government. They expect the courtesy of a personal reply, please, rather than a dismissive note from your administrator.
It had already been made clear that we are not asking the Committee to investigate individual cases, or specific allegations of misconduct, so to be told yet again that the Committee is precluded from doing so is perplexing.You are now saying the subject is a matter of general policy for others but admit that the remit of the body you suggest (the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards) does not fit the circumstances.
It is plain to us that the matter falls squarely within the Standards Committee’s remit. The man in the street is entitled to look at the Seven Principles and say that the activities of lobbies like Friends of Israel are against the declared intentions of the Principles both in word and spirit. Otherwise what is the purpose of having them enshrined in the Committee's constitution?
The lobby media are already disturbed. The Jewish Chronicle, for example, reports a "smear" on Isreal lobby MPs, one of whom suggests that if the Committee fails to investigate it might be accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy. The director of Conservative Friends of Israel, a would-be MP, confidently predicts there will be no investigation, his cocksure posture leading one to suppose that he and his like are a protected species within the Westminster village (see
Moreover, claims that the lobby’s activities are transparent are untrue since seldom, if ever, do its members declare an interest when speaking or writing about the Middle East. This is an unacceptable state of affairs in the ‘Mother of Parliaments’.
The aim of Friends of Israel is to promote the interests of Israel and its government, which is racist in its treatment of its own Arab population, the Palestinians and the Bedouin. MPs who align themselves with Israel are not acting in the public interest of the UK but against our own anti-racist laws.
Shadow Secretary of State for Defence Dr Liam Fox proves the point. He is quoted on the CFoI website as saying: "...We must remember that in the battle for the values that we stand for, for democracy against theocracy, for democratic liberal values against repression - Israel’s enemies are our enemies and this is a battle in which we all stand together or we will all fall divided.” He presumably speaks for all Friends of Israel in the party that hopes to form the next government. The group includes the party leader and future prime minister and many on the front bench. Dr Fox would have Parliament and public believe that Israel's enemy, Iran, must become Britain's enemy - dangerous and irresponsible nonsense which could lead this country to disaster.
The Israel lobby and associated Friends of Israel groups, in supporting a racist regime with racist policies in contravention of international law and human rights, are a disgrace to Parliament and an insult to the people whose Parliamentary democracy this is. We note that they even use the House of Commons logo when advertising for officers.
Furthermore the British people should not have to tolerate dual allegiance in their Parliament and Government, since obviously it puts national security at risk. As one peer wrote: “I ask over and over again why Israel is allowed to get away with breaking International Law and the answer is silence from the government… they are afraid of the Israel Lobby who label anyone who speaks out as anti-Semitic and withdraw their support.”
The subject for investigation has little or nothing to do with the Jewish community in Britain. It is about the activities of the Israel lobby – groups of political activists and MPs who are, for the most part, non-Jews. It is disturbing to see their support of a racist, foreign government, which is also in defiance of numerous United Nations resolutions, so high on their agenda within the sovereign government they represent. The Committee’s job is to "make recommendations as to any changes in present arrangements which might be required to ensure the highest standards of propriety in public life." Accordingly we insist, please, that our case is put before the Committee for proper consideration.
For truth and justice,
Mona Baker, Professor of Translation Studies, BA, MA, DSc, Sally FitzHarris, MA (Oxon), Karl Sabbagh, writer, Sara T A Wood, MA (Oxon), Derek Summerfield, Hon Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College and Teaching Associate, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, David Halpin, MB, BSc, FRCS, Stuart Littlewood, BA, MInstM, Martin Birnstingl, MS FRCS, previously senior surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, Felicity Arbuthnot, Hon PhD, Rich Wiles, Artist,Dr.C.J.Burns-Cox, MD, FRCP, Dr Nur Masalha, Reader in Religion and Politics and Editor of Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal, David Seddon, MA PhD Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia, Robert Shearer, MB BS FRCS, Consultant Urological Surgeon (retd), Medical Director, Royal Marsden Hospital, London 1994-2000, James Goddard MBE and Tricia Goddard, Sue Fanous BSc, MA, Colin Imber, formerly Reader in Turkish Studies, University of Manchester, Mary Bedforth, Oren Ben-Dor, Lecturer in law, School of Law, Southampton University, Dr Andrew Rouse, MB, BS MPH, FFPHM, Consultant in Public Health, Heart of Birmingham Primary Care Trust
Hide the following 12 comments
what is anti-semitism?
21.01.2008 16:04
Detect and confront anti-semitism! Also in the left!
21.01.2008 16:46
Please remove
21.01.2008 17:30
" describes races such as the Babylonians and Phoenicians that existed in ancient times"
They are all dead. Move on.
Try the actual word:
anti-Semitism Show phonetics
noun [U]
the strong dislike or cruel and unfair treatment of Jewish people:
Nazi anti-Semitism forced him to emigrate to the USA.
Iron Lung
Who is a racist?
21.01.2008 17:47
In fact those names are misleading since Palestine doesn't exist unless you consider it the name for the whole geographical area, yet these groups are only concerned with Arabs there.
The above is also a very selective assessment. Kim Howells, the minister and former LFI chair referred to above was an outspoken critic of Israel's bombardment of Hezbollah in 2006 whilst then a minister. Monroe Palmer chair of LDFI told last autumn's Lib Dem conference "that Israeli academics were at the forefront of opposition to "illiberal" Israeli government policies."
same old same old
21.01.2008 19:46
... the Palestinians must first confront and defeat anti-semitism all around the world ... the 'left' must clean its house up of same ... etc etc
Is their anything else you want before we can start to legitimately ask questions about the racism inheirent in a lot of jewish literature, culture, politics and social life? Not to mention the utter horror unfolding for the people of Gaza and the prospect of a (one sided) nuclear first strike on a muslim nation ...
Shame that the term 'anti-semites' only cover the grievances of a people for the most part who DON'T have semitic origins and ignores the indeginous population of Palestine that almost universally HAVE. Turn a thing on its head to rob it of meaning and power - like 'New labour' had nothing to do with Labour at all etc, the antithesis in fact ... inversion magik some might call it.
The term 'anti-goy' has no currency because such a thing never arises and I must be a hitler lover just for mentioning it ...
Very Dubious Article Title
22.01.2008 00:54
On the MediaLens message board, there is this:
Signatory letter to Standards Committee re Friends of Israel, and reply
Posted by John Hilley Email (jhilley) on January 20, 2008, 7:59 pm
Saved at:
On their forum it appears that this is the original letter:
Castle Acre
Sir Christopher Kelly
Committee on Standards in Public Life
35 Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3BQ
9 January 2008
Dear Sir Christopher,
Replying to Mr Ramsden's letter of 2 January, it seems perfectly clear to those who signed our submission on 19 December that the Standards Committee is established to uphold the Seven Principles of Public Life.
As already explained, the activities of the Israel lobby in Westminster seriously undermine a number of those Principles as defined by the Committee itself, namely Selflessness, Integrity, Accountability, Openness and Honesty.
A large majority of Conservative MPs and MEPs are Friends of Israel. The lobby also claims a very large number of Labour MPs and ministers. The Liberal Democrat FoI website brazenly states that its first aim is "to maximise support for the State of Israel within the Liberal Democrats and Parliament", furthermore to "develop and maintain a broadbased LDFI membership inside and outside of Parliament". We are not discussing individuals, as has been suggested, but powerful groups within Government. All MPs (and many parliamentary candidates) are exposed to the lobby's influence and a disturbingly large number apparently carry its message into their parliamentary work, causing great damage to our parliamentary democracy, harm to Britain's reputation throughout the world and risk to our security because a just solution in the Holy Land is excluded by such partisanship.
We therefore fully expect the Standards 'watchdog' - at least those members of it who do not have a prejudicial interest - to act, and we are more than happy to meet with you to clarify any points at issue.
Commenting on the forthcoming US presidential election Stephen Walt, whose recent book exposed the Israel lobby in the US, tells Al Jazeera: "Almost all of the major candidates are falling over themselves to demonstrate how deeply committed they are to America's special relationship with Israel. Hardly a word of criticism is directed at anything Israel does and that is due to the activities of the lobby."
John Mearsheimer, co-author of the book, says "If you look at who is pushing the US to use military force against Iran, the two driving forces are Israel and the Israel lobby."
Quite apart from the question of propriety in allowing the Israel lobby to penetrate to the heart of UK government, we firmly maintain that nobody who stands for justice, or who has troubled to study the facts, can possible support this foreign regime or its conduct, and that promoting Israel's interests in the British Parliament seriously compromises our own national interest in the Middle East and beyond.
The rules regarding non-pecuniary interests in all public bodies below the Houses of Parliament, e.g.,6251,en.pdf ,
are strict. And yet it is rare for any minister or MP to declare this interest in speech or in writing. Very few UK citizens know of these potent affiliations.
We are reminded of George Washington’s words: "Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all... The nation which indulges towards another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave...a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils."
Enclosed is a sample of useful references for circulation to Committee members in electronic form so that they can access the items automatically.
For truth and justice,
Mona Baker, Professor of Translation Studies, BA, MA, DSc
Sally FitzHarris, MA (Oxon)
Karl Sabbagh, writer
Sara T A Wood, MA (Oxon)
Derek Summerfield, Hon Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College and Teaching Associate, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
David Halpin, MB, BSc, FRCS,
Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 9XR
Stuart Littlewood, BA, MInstM
1 Hannant’s Piece, Castle Acre, Norfolk PE32 2FG
Martin Birnstingl, MS FRCS, previously senior surgeon at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
Felicity Arbuthnot
Rich Wiles, Artist
Dr.C.J.Burns-Cox, MD, FRCP
Dr Nur Masalha, Reader in Religion and Politics and Editor of Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal
David Seddon, MA PhD
Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia
Robert Shearer, MB BS FRCS, Consultant Urological Surgeon (retd)
Medical Director, Royal Marsden Hospital, London 1994-2000.
James Goddard, MBE and Tricia Goddard
Sue Fanous, BSc, MA
Colin Imber, formerly Reader in Turkish Studies, University of Manchester
Mary Bedforth
Oren Ben-Dor, Lecturer in law, School of Law, Southampton University
Dr Andrew Rouse, MB, BS MPH, FFPHM, Consultant in Public Health,
Heart of Birmingham Primary Care Trust
Labour Friends of Israel uses official House of Commons logo for its job adverts. Presumably the taxpayer is funding these posts....
"... The Israel lobby's support in the US encourages Israel to act without fear of international sanction.
This has emboldened Israeli leaders to sanction the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, the building of settlements and for the Israeli military to carry out numerous human rights abuses."
'Camp David': what the official report says.
Israel's bold new UK strategy, by Ambassador Prosor
Palestinian Children Do Not Have the Right to a Fair Trial Under the Israeli Military Court System
Gaza Marine Gas project wrecked
In 2007 Israelis killed 373 Palestinians including 53 children. 35% (131) were taking no part in hostilities.
Palestinians killed 7 Israeli civilians and 6 Israeli soldiers.
In 2006 Palestinians killed 13 Israeli civilians while Israelis killed 657 Palestinians including 140 children.
In 2007 Israelis increased the number of manned checkpoints in the West Bank to 459 and forbid travel on 300 km of roads, resulting in massive fragmentation of Palestinian social structure, services and economy.
'Jewish state' explained
Israel denies access to Christian clergy
Israel's West Bank settlements.
Settlement building/peace talks
Israel conceals settlement report. Brown takes on JNF role.
Architects against Browns involvement in JNF
Cameron's big Jewish backers
The UN resolutions Israel has ignored/defied (51)
Christopher King argues that underlying the USA’s Middle East policy is the need for cheap oil and that fighting “Islamic terrorism” – a consequence, not a cause of US policy – is simply a fake pretext that has been bought lock, stock and barrel by dishonest and ambitious UK politicians.
And this is a reply to it:
To all signatories at the end of the letter
Sent on behalf of Jan Ashton, Secretariat Manager
Thank you for your letter of 9 January regarding the ‘Friends of Israel’ organisations. Charles Ramsden has asked me to respond on his and Sir Christopher Kelly’s behalf.
I regret that the Committee on Standards in Public Life has no remit to help you in this matter. I should perhaps explain that the Committee was set up in October 1994, by the then Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Sir John Major. Its terms of reference are:
To examine current concerns about standards of conduct of all holders of public office, including arrangements relating to financial and commercial activities and make recommendations as to any changes in present arrangements which might be required to ensure the highest standards of propriety in public life.
However the Committee’s terms of reference specifically preclude it from investigating individual cases, or specific allegations of misconduct. Nor has the Committee any powers to require others to do so. The Seven Principles of public life were set out as a ‘blueprint’ for individuals to follow and, whilst widely adopted, are not regulations which can be enforced (by us or any other body). This Committee is an advisory, not a regulatory, body.
In answer to your specific questions a) no, the Committee have not examined the situation you describe as it is not appropriate for us to do so and b) no further action will be taken by the Committee in this area as it is a matter of general policy for others.
The body who does deal with matters regarding MPs is the Parliamentary
Commissioner for Standards. However, their remit seems to cover misbehaviour rather than more general policy issues. The contact details
are as follows:
Mr John Lyon CB, Commissioner
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 0311 / 3738
Fax: 020 7219 0490
Clear Pattern
22.01.2008 02:02
In Canada, formerly-Jewish organizations have had their popularly-selected boards replaced with Zionist "emergency cabinets" to "deal with increasing hostility towards Israel". This has created a great deal of anger within the Jewish community, but has also turned these organizations into Lobbying groups on behalf of the Israeli Government.
The Neo-Conservative Harper Regime in Ottawa has created an "Israel Allies Caucus", and reversed Canada's traditional policies towards the Apartheid State.
"the belief in/fear of a Jewish/Israeli conspiracy"
"Israeli" is not synonymous with "Jewish".
Talking about the evidence of multimple conspiracies on the part of relatively small groups of Extremists has nothing to do with an irrational fear/hatred.
You've simply pulled out the "Antisemitic Sword" because you support the indefensible, but cannot argue the facts. You just don't want anyone talking about them.
Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace
22.01.2008 02:52
Then came the antisemites
Then the holocaust deniers
Now we have people attaching grand Jewish conspiracy theories to other people's work.
The post with its classic racist title is still visible as are the subsequent comments from the antisemitic conspiracy theorists.
Can it sink any lower or are you done trashing this place?
Weak, Broken Record
22.01.2008 04:18
There are such groups active within most of the Western Governments at this time.
In Canada, formerly-Jewish organizations have had their popularly-selected boards replaced with Zionist "emergency cabinets" to "deal with increasing hostility towards Israel". This has created a great deal of anger within the Jewish community, but has also turned these organizations into Lobbying groups on behalf of the Israeli Government.
The Neo-Conservative Harper Regime in Ottawa has created an "Israel Allies Caucus", and reversed Canada's traditional policies towards the Apartheid State.
Talking about the evidence of multiple successful Lobbying efforts on the part of relatively small groups of Extremists has nothing to do with an irrational fear/hatred.
You've simply pulled out the "Antisemitic Sword" because you support the indefensible, but cannot argue the facts. You just don't want anyone talking about them.
Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace
Too stupid to be a good racist
22.01.2008 09:46
NeoNazi Coding 101
It's supposed to go (in my best twee little voice) "It's not the Jews it's the Zionists!" Generalising the Israelis is still racism you moron. As would be generalising any nation you care to list.
Or do you have proof that every single Israeli on this planet is running this country and others too?
Remembering that little deception is obviously too onerous a task.
And to be called repetetive by someone who appears to generate their posts from an MS Access program is hilarious. From someone who tours and spams the length and breadth of Indymedia fixated on Jews, Jews, Jews. And reposting antisemitic material.
You see a Jewish name and you you are off like a rocket. You assume that everyone who takes exception to your badly clad racism is a Jew and that every Jew is a Zionist.
You are a racist. But you may just be too stupid to even realise it.
And I'm an anti-Zionist for your information. But you are probably to stupid or bigotted to be able to resolve being an anti-Zionist and anti-racist.
Not more Jewish conspiracies please.
22.01.2008 09:55
and ...
this fuckwit obsession with Jewish conspiracies. Going back to a false document called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" that washed around Europe 150 years ago and contributed massively to growing European anti-semetism through to David bloody Icke who enjoys some success with our more "spiritual" comrades.
Get a life.
22.01.2008 13:05
The crimes of the State of Israel are not "Jewish crimes", they are crimes committed by people who very often happen to be Jews. There are many Israelis also opposed to what is going on. In fact, they aren't even Israeli crimes, but individual crimes, but the shorthand is hard to avoid.
I have nothing against people targeting Zionist criminals and holding them accountable for their actions. I think it is the only decent thing to do, especially considering how successful the PR against Palestine is.
I think it is also commendable to take task MPs who are only to willing to grease their palms with Zionist money whilst the people of Gaza starve. They will grease their palms off BAe and other global heavyweights too. In fact I dare say some would sell their grandmother. Politicians are largely lying, cheating thieves. That is their nature and always has been. What other reason would anyone have for taking the job?
What is totally not acceptable is to attack Israeli criminals on the basis of their ethnicity. I know many of them are scumbag racists themselves, but sinking to their level is just to become what you hate.
Attacking the Jews or the Israelis at a collective level is racism. We all have the right not to be collectively punished and freedom of identity. There is no such thing as a typical Jew, just as there is no such thing as a "lazy nigger" or an "efficient Kraut". That kind of ignorant stupidity should have drowned in its own bile in the 19th Century. It is sad to see people who claim to be left wing giving it CPR.
There is no grand Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. If there was Israel would be richer than Switzerland and begging off the West. The US and UK economies are not owned by Israel to any significant degree. In fact Israel's economy isn't largely owned by Israel. hat kind of power is that? There's a virtual industry in lobbying for Israel and paying lipservice to it, but that doesn't amount to a Zionist Occupational Government.
You may also note that the UN doesn't have a secret army waiting in Cuba to attack the US. Which is another ridiculous claim that originates from NeoNazi groups in America.
Interpolating racism into the Palestine issue can only damage Palestine. It is a ready made excuse to marginalise their case.
And no that observation doesn't equal: Palestine should do something about racism first blah blah blah. Because like most people, most Palestinians aren't raving bigots. It isn't their fault that a few scumbags use their suffering as a vehicle. But what excuses do people in their cozy front rooms here have for indulging in it?
If you really believe the Jews lied about the holocaust. That they are governing the world by proxy. That racial stereotypes are okay. Then you really need to reconsider your political affiliations.