Urgent message from the Free Tibet Campaign
Call on Gordon Brown to talk Tibet in China next week
Please act as soon as possible
Prime Minister Gordon Brown will be visiting China for three days
between 16 and 19 January 2008. This is an opportunity to ask Gordon
Brown to break with the policies of his predecessor Tony Blair and
place human rights at the top of his discussions with China.
While Gordon Brown has been an outspoken critic of Burma's crackdown
on protestors and on the regime in Zimbabwe, he has been so far
silent about Tibet.
Write to the Prime Minister and ask him to raise the issue of Tibet
with Chinas leaders.
1. The British government should publicly call on China to ratify
the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), which would address many of the systemic human rights abuses
ongoing in Tibet.
2. The British government should demand the immediate and
unconditional release of Lama Jigme Tenzin (Bangri Tsamtrul
Rinpoche), Lobsang Tsuitrim and Jigme Gyatso. Although Dr Manfred
Nowak, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, called for their release
in 2006, all three men are still languishing Tibetan prisons.
3. Tell the Prime Minister that you want him to meet officially
with the Dalai Lama in May 2008 when His Holiness will be in the UK.
Please write to the Prime Minister about these issues immediately.
There is very little time to contact him before his departure.
Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
Fax: 020 7925 0918
Or you can send an e-mail message via the website: http://
www.number10. gov.uk
Please send a copy of your letter to your MP to ensure he or she
knows how strongly you feel about these issues.
Name of MP
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
You can email your MP on www.writetothem. com
If you haven't done so please sign Free Tibet Campaign's petition
that calls on Gordon Brown to meet the Dalai Lama in May 2008. The
petition is on the Downing Street website:

You can email Gordon Brown via the Number 10 website (got to Contact at the top)
Or you can send an e-mail message via the website: http://
www.number10. gov.uk