Not bad for a part-time job at a bank.
But then JP Morgan are one of the largest banking institutions in the world and Blair is now a senior advisor. Not only that, but JP Morgan have long supported war criminals, nazi's and fascists regardless of moral considerations, if it has been in their financial interests to do so.
Blair should feel right at home
By way of example Morgan money was behind an attempted 1933 fascist coup plot that would have imposed a Hitlerite fascist dictatorship in the US and ended the FDR New Deal programme, that was used to tackle the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The programme created tens of thousands of government sponsored public works jobs. This seriously affected the available workforce of several capitalist enterprises many of whom were paying less for their industrial workers than the government was under the New Deal and began to lose its labour force.
According to newspaper articles by John Spivak entitled 'Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy' (New Masses. January 1935) a congressional investigation, the Dickstein Committee, suppressed the testimony of witnesses including General Smedley Butler which named JP Morgan as ultimate financier of the plot.
$300 million was made available by Morgan and friends, to carry out the coup which would have raised an army of 500,000 veterans under the banner of the American Legion and the American Liberty League.
Butler's exposure of the plot that he had been asked to lead effectively brought it to an end, but
the secrecy of the congressional hearings into it meant that none of the backers of the 'Business Plot' were ever prosecuted.
Spivak's articles revealed that several congressmen on the Dickstein Committee were in the pay of JP Morgan, DuPont, William Randolph Hearst,and Lehman Brothers which all had large financial interests in Nazi Germany and opposed a boycott with it.
Spivak also names the leaders of the American Jewish Committee as these same members and directors of the Dickstein Committee who suppressed evidence of the fascist plot and its financial backers.
'I point this out not as casting reflection upon the great body of sincere Jews cooperating with the Committee's work in fighting anti-semitism but to point out that the banker, whether Jew of gentile, is interested first in his class interests and in fighting for these interests he forgets racial and religious affiliations'.
A 2007 BBC Radio 4 documentary 'The Whitehouse Plot'

names Prescott Bush, grandfather of the current President of the United States as deeply involved in the fascist coup plot of 1933...
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