We invite you to join us to call on the British government to take action to close Guantánamo Bay down once and for all and to help repatriate detainees who do not have anywhere to go on release. The British government must also seek the release and return to the UK of Binyam Mohammed and Ahmed Belbacha. Please join us in the evening and call on the British government to take action. This is an authorised event.
This demonstration comes at the end of a day of action organised by the London Guantánamo Campaign and Cageprisoners, including a letter being handed in to Downing Street by former Guantánamo detainees calling for the detention facility to be closed and a “statues” action all over London, visiting key sites in the capital. THERE IS STILL TIME TO JOIN IN TOMORROW'S DAYTIME "STATUE" ACTION.
No more torture! No more detention without charge or trial! No more anniversaries!
For more details, contact the London Guantánamo Campaign:

Part of the National Guantanamo Coalition. For more national events on the day: www.guantanamo.org.uk
This is an authorised event.