1415 HRS GMT
London Sunday 16 December 2007

Khoodeelaar! The campaign against CrossRail hole bill is taking the objections to the formal parliamentary committee in a few weeks’ time…
Khoodeelaar! The brick lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London e1 area campaign is embarked on a multi-faceted campaign against the attacks via CrossRail hole bill on the east end of London. One of those facets is manifest in the challenges to the conduct of the promoters inside the formal UK parliament.
The objections will be detailed by follow the procedural route that is undergoing finalisation by the particular administrative unit that has recently been set up in the house of lords for the purpose of ‘allowing formal objections to the CrossRail bill’ to take place.
The Khoodeelaar! Objections will incorporate all the main points that remain unaddressed by what was done by the poodle ‘select committee’ called the CrossRail bill select committee, that has just been wound up in the uk lower chamber or the HOUSE OF COMMONS. The next Khoodeelaar! Series of objections, being initially put to the UK HOUSE OF LORDS [Crossrail Bill] Committee starting in a few weeks’ time, cover the gist of the work done by Khoodeelaar! Over the past 4 years. In the four years [January 2004 to December 2007], Khoodeelaar! Campaign has carried out the study of thousands of documents and special reports. In diagnosing the contents, Khoodeelaar! has created millions of words in response to the ‘CROSSRAIL-TROJAN HORSE ATTACKS PLAN AGAINST THE EAST END OF LONDON’. Those words include the detailed subject by subject dissection of everything that CrossRail hole promoters have said. The diagnoses of the CrossRail hole plotters’ lies are accompanied by a comprehensive series of material rebutting the claims initiated by big business and parroted incessantly via the mouths and the offices of the ‘undone mayor’ ken Livingstone and by the ‘local’ tower hamlets council and their colluders, co-touts and co-agents..
The evidence that has been found shows that the planned digging of the holes in the east end of London has been invited by the locally installed ‘tower hamlets council. How? Answer: by the controlling clique on that council being itself controlled by agents of big business via many secret means.
Those agents wanted to use the excuse of placing a ‘CrossRail hole station at Whitechapel’ as a ’benefit’ to the area in return for the ‘local council’ as the de facto planning regulator for the area, allowing the big business interests to carry out takeover experiments and assaults against the best parts of the ordinary residential and community areas in the e1 parts of the borough which they could then link with their other, almost wholly-occupied [by big business] target of the former 'isle of dogs'…
the secret means used to rob the east end of democratic say and democratic defence of the community against the big business CrossRail hole Trojan horse will be a plank in the next series of Khoodeelaar! campaign demands for constitutionality and legality in the conduct of and by the uk govt…
On the evidence of the UK govt’s conduct SO FAR, it has been established that the Govt has been allowed to flout the law and to violate its duties. This serious flaw in the actual conduct of the parliament itself will be the focus of Khoodeelaar! ]s legal and constitutional campaign at a stage in the future.
The UK Govt is under constitutional and legal duties to abide by the obligations to respect the environment. To respect the local people. To respect the legitimate and reasoned arguments against the plan.
Against the scheme. Against the entire Crossrail Bill. The Govt has failed on all those counts…
. Instead the Govt has flouted its duties to enable Big Business to go ahead with their claims that Digging holes is ‘beneficial’ to the people whom the digging attacks. Disrupts. Distablises and displaces…
Digging holes. Digging up dust. Dirt. Causing noise. Vibration. Fumes. Distress.
Anxiety. Loss of access. Loss of space. Dirty the air. Bad air. Inhaling toxic stuff being brought out from under the ground. Ventilation? Ventilate bad air.
Ventilate bad air from deep under the ground and into the local air making the local air worse.
Moving vehicles.
Heavy goods vehicles through narrow streets. Built up area.
Children, families, old people … people are harassed, destabilised, distraught… then there is the likelihood, the chance, that war time German bombs dropped on the east end of London may be found. Could be found. Unexploded bombs.
What if one of those gets ‘accidentally’ set off by the digging process? Unstable land. Soil condition. ……
[This Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill update is continued online . To access this and other parts of the Constitutional Law commentary by Muhammad Haque against the Crossrail hole Bill, visit

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