Rosario, Argentina. Year III, No. 38/39

The oral history in Argentina, by Fernando Cesaretti and Florencia Pagni. School History. Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario.
Hortencio Quijano: Can one caudillejo province?, by Cecilia Gonzalez Espul. History Department. Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires.
Inquiries about the kidnapping, torture and disappearance of Bertha Perazzi. Last part, by David Andenmatten. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto.
"La Hora de los Pueblos", by Damian Descalzo. Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires.
Christianity, Marxism and Revolution in 60/70. Last part: the Second Vatican Council to the origins of Montoneros, by Pablo Mariano Ponza. Faculty of Geography and History at the University of Barcelona.
The Indians in the British invasions of 1806-07, by Roberto L. Elissalde. Bonaerense Institute of Numismatics and Antiquities. Board of Historical Studies of Recoleta.
Documents Argentine political history, by Maximo Mantovani. Faculty of Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires, and Javier Mauad. School of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires.
They see the Peronism not see it, by Raul Emilio Acosta. Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the National University of Rosario.
Cacho Carranza, master degree, missing, by Martin Almuna. Department of History at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires, and Gustavo Lopez. Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires
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Daniel A. Zarate (Director and General Editor), Esteban Mestre, Humberto Vial Sotomayor, Walter Iampietro, Norberto "Otto" Gonzalez (Editorial Board); Adriana Natalini, Anabella Arpresella, Fabian Fabre, Emiliano Valentino, Gabriela Chavez, Marcelo Guirado, Esteban Langhi, Rodolfo Caminos, Ivo Gabuzzo, Luciano Fernandez, Roxana Luca, Facundo Zarate (Advisory Council); Cristian Didier (Media and Communication); Ruben Crocetti (Department of Commerce); Jorge Solis (Digital Edition).
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