Why is the Oxford Union legitimizing,giving a platform& trying to make nazi apologisers champions of free speech?
If they dont want to extol Nazis views why did they invite 2 nazi apologisers to discuss free speech instead of Zapatistas,anarchists, activists from China or other popular activists with less access to mass media outlets?
Would the bnp let 90% of peoples beliefs even be discussed between themselves if they got into power?
Everyone knows fascists were spawned & cultivated by reactionary capitalism& decaying upper classes in their thoughts, actions & funding. They arent seperate from capitalism they are the extremely twisted part of it.
Is the human race going to continue to bicker & fight into another world whilst the Robberfeller elite manipulating us all plan to live in bunkers & satellites & fund transhuman cybernetics?
French resistance used stink bombs2 harmlessy humiliate nazis.
If we cant stop this bullshite from gathering, wonder what a few well placed stink bombs would do at an appropriate moment in the "debate" tomorrow?
Easy stinker:
take a mostly empty peanutbutter jar fill it mostly with water shake wait overnight. = baby poop stink bomb do not open in the house. It takes a while to clear out, like hours
Bravejeart stinker:
take 1 can of kidney beans along with the juice,add 1 pack of onion soup mix and some raw cabbage eat and wait 4 hours add pickled eggs to flavour
The great thing is this will be discusting but you can't get in trouble I've smelt some bad ones but I've yet to see anyone get arrested or kicked out of school for passing air. Or offer out
EGGy stinker:
1)An egg(hardboiled),organic freerange: sorry vegans this is for a good cause
2)Salt---2 tablespoons
3)Aluminum foil
Punch about 10 holes in the egg with the toothpick. Punch the holes in various areas.Once youpunch the holes leave the toothpick in the egg.
Partially cover it up with aluminum foil(like 50% of the egg).
Place it under sunlight for 24 hours(if you want the egg to be real stinky, put it for more hours!).The heat from the aluminum foil wiill reflect to the egg making it real hot.
Remove the foil.
Put salt all over the egg.This will keep it so the outside of the egg won't rott, just the inside will.
Place the egg wherever you want the smell to be. Take the toothpicks out and the stink will be unleashed!!!!!!!

Itching Powder can be made from the inside of rose after you have given it to your loved one & the outer rose dies, it gets a fruit called cythilicus
cut in half & carefully put in small cup next to steaming water for 15 mins so it absorbs, then dry out into the sun to make a v.v.v.v.itchy powder.Only for external use,avoid exposure to eyes or lips
Apperently its strong enough to go through clothing so maybe it could be sprinkled on any seating or furniture
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