The latest Shortwave Report (November 16) is up at the website

This week's show features stories from Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
From NETHERLANDS- First, 3 press reviews. The Dutch Health Care Council has proposed that free health insurance be given to people willing to donate organs for transplanting during their lifetime. Dutch Planning agencies have released a report on what it would take to achieve sustainability in 2040. Dutch cannabis growers are moving their crops outdoors, following crackdowns on indoor cultivation. Former Pakistan Prime Minister Bhutto has rejected any kind of power sharing deal with President Musharraf- however support for Bhutto and her protests have waned according to an analyst. The former head of Doctors Without Borders says that aid organizations and intellectuals are spreading a false image of the situation in Darfur- which led to members of a French organization, Zoe's Ark, ending up in jail in Chad for trying to take 103 children back to France.
From CUBA- A report from the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines on the progress of 29 countries who signed a treaty to remove land mines by 2010. The Pentagon is seeking funds for the Prompt Global Strike Program, which will launch guided missiles from space. US military officials are pressuring interrogators in Iraq to find incriminating evidence pointing to Iran. Human rights groups have filed an appeal before German courts to reopen investigations of Donald Rumsfeld and others for torture and other war crimes- plaintiffs claim that the German courts dismissed the investigations due to political pressure from the US. A Viewpoint on the proposals to reform the UN Security Council, especially the veto power held by a few countries.
From RUSSIA- The leaders of Russia and India met this week in Moscow to express global partnership- they signed agreements on oil development, nuclear reactor development in India, and jet fighters.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line at-

I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available at

All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better- Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this program on Friday at 9:00am and Monday at 5:30pm(PST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts)
Check out the amazing streams at
And Radio For Peace International at
I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! (maybe a little)
link for broadcast edition-
link for smaller file and streaming-
¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane.
- Philip K Dick