A protest was called yesterday by SOAS Detainee Support Group outside the German Embassy to call on German government to refuse entry to Meltem.
Dear German Embassy,
My name is Meltem Avcil. I am going to be 14 this month, on the 21st.
I am in detention centre since 27th August 2007.
I only want to say a few things:
I have been in detention for 3 months.
Would your heart take it if your children was in here without seeing her friends and families on the Birthday week and no education.
The only thing I am begging for is don't accept us. Please, my life would be destroyed then.
Please don't accept us.
Thanks very much,
Yours Sincerely,
Meltem Avcil
For more information or to support SOAS Detainee Support Group:

No Border Network