gathering at gates of Fort Benning SOA(School of the Americas) now known as WHITSEC(Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) in Columbus Georgia
Sat, 20 Nov 2004
part 1
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480

part 2
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480

Sun, 21 Nov 2004
part 1
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480

part 2
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480

part 3
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480

Mon, 22 Nov 2004 - prisoners of conscience released in Columbus Georgia
160 x 120

320 x 240

640 x 480