Unlike Iraq, in which Israel kept itself failry hidden, the hand of its ruling Extremists can be seen throughout the plotting of, and drive for, this new Act of Aggression.
Note the willingness of the original source to repeat the long-refuted LIE that Ahmadinejad threatened to 'wipe Israel off the map', the result of a mistranslation from Farsi to English, which was corrected the same week it was made.
It's ironic that we're supposed to support a war, based on this lie, yet ignore the fact that Israel and the US are actually plotting to attack this sovereign country with absolutely no legitimate justification.
Israel, US meet to discuss common Middle East strategy
Minister Shaul Mofaz speaks about possible future sanctions on Iran, replacing current director of IAEA
Israel urges ElBaradei removal
Thu, 08 Nov 2007
Israel has mockingly called for the removal of IAEA chief from his post
IAEA Leader's Phone Tapped
U.S. Pores Over Transcripts to Try to Oust Nuclear Chief
Olmert: ElBaradei 'no fan of Israel'
Israel intensifies its criticism (slander) of IAEA, prime minister says its chief does not harbor positive feelings towards Israel. 'His lethargic and irresponsible conduct should have led to his dismissal,' says cabinet minister
Memo to Prime Minister Olmert: the only thing of which the Head of the IAEA, Mohamed El Baradei should be "a fan" is simply this: the truth.
And he seems to be. That's why the Neo-Fascists want to replace him with someone more 'pliable' ...
No Evidence Iran Building Nuclear Weapons: Mohamed ElBaradei
IAEA Chief: Attack on Iran an 'Act of Madness'
What is happening here is, as Yogi Berra used to say. "deja vu all over again". We are again witnessing the personal smearing and crafted innuendos against the man who has stated very clearly that Iran has no weapons program.
Iran is simply building a power plant, nothing more.
Does anyone remember what happened, right before the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, when Hans Blix stated that Iraq absolutely had no weapons of mass destruction?
Blix: I was smeared by the Pentagon
This is precisely the same thing.
Now, we can only wait to find out precisely when the US and Israel will declare the UN "irrelevant" again, and go in with guns blazing.
Given the plot for another Act of Aggression in the oil-producing region of the world, I thought this was rather timely:
Govt. plans to divert oil into reserve
WASHINGTON - Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman on Thursday defended plans to divert oil into the federal emergency reserve, although he acknowledged that tight supplies likely are one reason for surging crude oil prices.
The Energy Department announced it has awarded contracts to three companies — Shell Trading Co., Sunoco Logistics and BP North America — for 12.3 million barrels of oil to go into the government's Strategic Petroleum Reserve, beginning in January.
Deliveries are scheduled at a rate of 70,000 barrels a day for six months.
The Neo-Fascist Plot Against Iran
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White House frustrated with Brown over Iran
11.11.2007 19:02
By Tim Shipman in Washington and Philip Sherwell in New York
Last Updated: 11:17am GMT 11/11/2007
The Bush administration is losing patience with Gordon Brown over Iran, with senior American diplomats frustrated by his reluctance to declare bluntly that the Islamic state must never be allowed nuclear weapons.
Allies of Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, have told The Sunday Telegraph that the Prime Minister should emulate France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and warn that Iran may face military action, in order to help avert a new war in the Middle East.
(So ... the US wants Brown to join them in pursuing war, to prevent a war? Orwell was right ...)
Gordon Brown will not be drawn over Iran
The concerns reflect growing irritation in Washington, from the White House down, that Mr Brown will not match his more robust private conversations on Iran with hard-hitting public statements that would put pressure on the Teheran regime.
(And further Israel/PNAC's drive to create public fear and support for another illegal war.)
Ms Rice's inner circle argue that unless Iran believes that its defiance of the international community will lead to serious economic and military consequences, there is little hope of diplomacy succeeding. They regard Britain as a key to that effort.
(Diplomacy succeeding at what, exactly? Iran hasn't done anything, and the IAEA has proven this to be the case.)
A senior State Department official with close ties to Ms Rice said: "It would be helpful if he took a tougher line in public. We've got to convince Iran that the West will not tolerate them developing nuclear weapons.
"At the moment, I don't think Iran takes the threat seriously. We need Iran, and the rest of the world, to realise that this is not just a bunch of crazy Americans on the one side and flaky Europeans on the other - that we are united on this one."
(But it's crazy Israelis and Americans, nothing else.)
The concerns from such a senior official are significant because Mr Brown has previously been on good terms with the State Department. However, the Government under Mr Brown has already incurred the wrath of some US commanders in Iraq for the withdrawal of British troops from Basra.
White House officials have accused him of double-talk for offering support in private then sanctioning senior ministers to distance themselves from the Bush administration in public.
The State Department wants its closest allies to do everything they can to make diplomacy work, partly to convince hawks in the Bush administration to support the effort, and they are irritated that Mr Brown has failed to do so.
US diplomats want the Prime Minister to say publicly and repeatedly that a nuclear-armed Iran is totally unacceptable and that Teheran cannot and will not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons under any circumstances.
(in other words, telegraph their Propaganda for them ...)
Until now, Mr Brown has stressed his support for a diplomatic resolution and, while not ruling out military action, has played down the prospect of war.
He told The Sunday Telegraph last weekend: "We are not going to rule anything out. The road that we want is a diplomatic road and the sanctions, we believe, are an important element of persuading the Iranians about the strength of feeling in the international community."
In stark contrast, Mr Sarkozy has made clear that war will come. Last week, while in the US, he pointedly said that it was "unacceptable that Iran should have, at any point, a nuclear weapon", the exact words that the State Department wants to hear from Mr Brown.
The French President had previously said that Teheran was presenting the world with a choice between "an Iranian bomb and bombing Iran". His foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, warned in September: "We must prepare for the worst. The worst is war."
(Only Fascists speak in such black and white absolutes, especially when Iran has done nothing wrong, and the Extremists clamouring for war have no evidence to present.)
American diplomats believe any chance of persuading Russia, China and other European nations to support tougher sanctions on Iran is undermined if Britain appears publicly queasy about the consequences of failure. An official said: "I'd like to see more stick from Europe if any carrot from us is to work."
(Brown, as well as the other nations, know full well that the American "diplomacy" charade is just a way to leverage a feigned legal justification for a war of aggression they view as an inevitability.)
The complaint comes at a critical moment in both the Iranian nuclear crisis and transatlantic relations. The International Atomic Energy Agency will this week release a new report on Iran's nuclear programme.
After that report is sent to the IAEA board on November 22, it is expected to lead to another United Nations Security Council discussion of sanctions.
Iran's announcement last week that it now has 3,000 nuclear centrifuges in operation - seen as a precursor to a nuclear bomb – sparked speculation in Washington that Israel may soon consider military action against the nuclear sites.
The concerns were revealed as Mr Sarkozy made his high-profile trip to Washington, sparking anxiety that France is usurping influence once enjoyed by Britain. This weekend President George W Bush is host to Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, at his ranch in Texas, during which Iran will be a key talking point.
Nile Gardner, a former adviser to Margaret Thatcher and an expert on transatlantic relations at the Heritage Foundation think tank, said: "Britain is clearly losing influence in Washington after Tony Blair. Brown is the invisible man in terms of his profile here.
"It should be of concern in London that France is muscling in on traditional British territory."
People need to stop being sidetracked by the Propaganda about this phony threat, and start talking about the real reasons the Extremists are plotting this war; control of Middle Eastern oil, eliminating an entity Israel doesn't like, and strengthening Israel and America's regional influence.
What A Load
12.11.2007 18:01
Israel is not leading and should not be leading the standoff against Iran, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday afternoon.
Israel Radio additionally reported that the prime minister warned government ministers to be cautious when making any public comments regarding Iran.
Last week Defense Minister Ehud Barak hinted that Israel might have to tackle Iran's contested nuclear program without help from the US or its allies.
(Even though he knows full well that defense agreements signed with the US state that, even if Israel starts the war, the US will assist. How many lies are you going to accept from this Government before you do something about it?)
Barak's utterance, the clearest and boldest Israeli reference to an Israeli strike on Iran to date, was answered Sunday with a warning from the Islamic Republic that Iran will retaliate on any Israeli aggression. Additionally, Iran accused Israel of trying to wreck relations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA.)
(I guess we know why the Plant's been Censoring this thread over and over, abusing the 'rate down' feature. It proves Olmert is lying to Israelis about the role of Israel in starting a war from which we might never recover.)
Bolton Smears ElBaradei As Iran Apologist, Says ‘Even A Stopped Clock Is Right Twice A Day’
Two weeks ago, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said on CNN that an attack on Iran would “lead absolutely to disaster.” He added that there is no evidence of a “concrete, active nuclear weapon program” going on inside Iran.
Today on CNN’s Late Edition, neconservative warhawk John Bolton responded by smearing ElBaradei as “an apologist for Iran” and said the United States is “paying the price” for not opposing him more vociferously.
When host Wolf Blitzer reminded Bolton that ElBaradei correctly warned prior the Iraq war that there was no evidence of a nuclear weapons program, Bolton derisively dismissed his warnings by claiming “even a stopped clock is right twice a day”.
Apparently, Bolton has been chosen as the US's tag-team front man in the "Blixing" of Mohamed El Baradei. Right now, Israel is screaming for his head on their platter at the UN.
The problem is, El Baradei was absolutely correct when he stated that Iraq had no WMDS.
Of course, the US knew this was the case, but went along with the invasion and occupation of Iraq anyway.
It was all about the oil, and "neutralizing" Israel's perceived enemies.
And it will be the same should the US and Israel attack Iran.
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