"Vygaudas Usackas wrote to the Conservatives demanding an explanation for Mr Cameron's comment at a recent arts funding lunch that he hoped no grants were being given to "one-legged Lithuanian dance troupes"."
Ok, I'll try and explain your excellency. ...errr, lets go back a few years. Think mid 80's, think red ken, rabbied tabloids and Thatch. Great days in many ways, but also an era of right wing nutters. What the good doctor was merely saying, was in actual fact expressing the right wing UK polititions/taboid editor/mad moron zombie member of the public's cleeshay of the multicultural society/leftist councils funding program for a whole load of things. You guys were just represented the 'rainbow alliance' so hated by the torys and right wingers of the werr-ruld of blightyhorror - some sort of 'weirdos' that 1980's leftish Labour councils funded and promoted so generously in right wing mythology. The explanation for Cameron propagating this sort of shit are basically due to his background and upbringing. David led a very closeted life, a life of money and priviliage - the elite of blightyscum. It is towards these group of people you must look if you seek the roots of racism in the UK. They really are very very very serious vermin on the backs of the real English. Please except my apology on behalf of my countrymen to then insult this sad bwitish twit of a cretin made towards your hospitable and interesting country!