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MHM | 12.10.2007 11:55 | Culture | Health | Repression | World

I should like to say that at the moment humanity is so much enslaved by mechanisation that the majority have become, consciously or unconsciously, robots.

On smoke
On smoke

Equal discrimination is no equality

Bill Clinton has signed his book "Give and change the world" in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on October 3, 2007.
The title of this book seems to refer to what Maitreya has said for so long: "Share and save the world."
The original English title of the book "Give and change the world" is just "Giving". Changing the world is automatically included in the term "giving" more so in English than in Dutch, it seems, where the intention of giving is perhaps less naturally accepted without an ulterior motive or at least a clear objective in mind, and needs explanation, as does everything.

Some measures are just a form of employment and sentimentality. People assert this as work to a degree they don't do anything useful at all. Fascism is a narcissistic and sentimental journey in these days.
Bill Clinton only made one small mistake when he was elected as president of the US, that he had to 'admit' in an interview that people must work before they eat. We forgive him this now he better understands how many people have died for this absurdity.

I have had moments on the beach that I saw what kind of things have happened in the past and how I was left alone totally by everyone, including masters of wisdom, when I got a handicap.
Benjamin Creme says it would be preposterous anyway to expect a kind of loyalty from these masters (of Maitreya), and this is what my brother said at the time.

According to Benjamin Creme the masters of course don't smoke, and neither does the pretender. Nor did they have sex until recently, but their image has so been adapted to the media that there may be a possibility. Whatever.

I nearly had a nervous breakdown recently by certain negative patterns I seem to attract. And my health was not so great, my heart. The last few years I made an effort to save some things I lived for which were never accepted.

Even as I went shopping for the first time in my life in a certain provincial town, the same day the front page of the local newspaper opened that a new safety plan will be worked out in the next two years to improve safety in the shops there. When I had to pass Rotterdam in the Netherlands by the Underground (Metro), I read that only certain passes, identity cards, will be accepted soon to enter.
These passes are fabricated from greed, in cooperation with banks.
So I can't pass here again or visit my mother in the future. I cannot handle even the supermarket with their passes for a discount and security guards. Really, these things give me heartbeats and heart trouble. The semi intimidation of these empty people is heart wrenching who make this control seem sexy. Many people start talking to me in a supermarket, often in an inquisitive tone of course, for they cannot do anything else to lift their own self-esteem than put the other down kindly and dirty your aura by direct or indirect suggestion, whereas everywhere else it will take ten years or so to get a normal conversation with anyone anywhere, if at all. People can not use their brains anymore outside the shop. It even seems they cannot think for themselves, independently, at all. They are so lonely outside the shop that they are even pretending and competing inside. And if you stand in the cue with just a few things, you are ridiculed, you are a tramp.
The reason people cannot think is also why there are so many accidents in traffic. Also here more rules won't help, they will confuse more. And the rules in traffic have been a model for those concerning public health and smoking and much more. This is all imitation.
Another element regarding this obsession with regulation and passes and so on, is hygiene, a kind of concern of mainly women in politics - (being forced to): always carry a tampon and frequently check.

I got a fine near the train station (Central Station) in Amsterdam for smoking, from a police woman, very intimidating. I walked the corridor underneath connecting two public roads, and lit a cigarette, and realised it might not be allowed to smoke either here (which I knew it wasn't on the quay), but I didn't want to throw the cigarette on the floor, so I took it in my mouth when I was outside the station and was arrested by these two women. I disagreed and they warned me that I would lose all my civil rights if I would make one more comment.
Some genius, a woman, once said to me that if I always get problems it could be saying something about me. That is true, but this 'something' has been not only used as a negative indication by many people, also friends until then, when something negative happened, this explanation itself was the main line in these negative occurrences, supposedly my own projection according to these mentally lazy people who can easily give a kick in the back in this way for no reason at all.

Many have contributed to this character assassination. I don't want to revenge, but it is the truth. The only spiritual idea from the West is that of negative projection in clinical psychology: alike attracts alike or creates alike. In the East which is more esoteric and closer to the truth, it is said that the more light attracts the more darkness. The analogy in thought and speech is that the more you think or see and speak the truth the more lies you get in response, if people have nothing to give.
So we can start and keep lying for a long time. For this is the truth.
This is also why the State is constantly pestering through its army of dumb people boasting and pretending in their silly power game, playing the boss in the street, but being nothing more than volunteering slaves, sadomasochists and perverts.
It is recommendable that the police will get a number on their back again, as in the past, so that they can be more easily identified if there are complaints about them instead of the other way round.

An innocent man in Amsterdam was forced to quit his job as a photographer because he had a parrot on his back, with which people can be photographed. Keeping a parrot in this way was seen as mistreatment of animals. Whatever it is, let us compare this sentimental type of justice to what is really taking place in the animal world as well as the world of humans, and then start a discussion about morals. But leave out the police. They only like discussions which were set-up and they can only win, a form of contemporary politics and politeness, and humiliation. In the Pyrenees in Spain, farmers were not allowed anymore to throw animal cadavers before the vultures (that had already nearly become extinct in the last century if no real measures had been taken), and so they spread around Europe. This rule was made by bureaucrats in Brussels, unoriginal people who have learnt to speak a few words, like parrots - also to protect animals from abuse. But who are the vultures?

When people start protecting people, we must suspect them.

Since Europe has become unified and communism disappeared, a certain check on our conscience was gone. Europe tends to even commercialise more than the United States in some fields like public services.

Next to public services that were really developed from and for the people, there are social services and secret services that have privatised it seems (as we can see from the rate of objectivity in the investigation of Iraq's nuclear capacity and so on that has led to the war 'on terror' in Iraq). And they seem to be working.

People do not even understand what competition is. So manipulated and drilled they are in a pseudo morality of competing, that they don't see this is what they are doing and demanding of others, which makes it really criminal. It is a form of control, no personal choice or freedom, the free market; it is lack of imagination and common sense. Men don't even trust you if you don't compete with them, emotionally, for their own wives as it were. Women don't even understand if you don't crave them, and their arrogance is a rejection from pretence aimed at thin air and no reality at all. What society can live which is based on no reality? Is this emancipation? In this way people constantly both humiliate each other and themselves. Only dying people are safe. Fearful, people are trying to show they are not afraid. How can one stand this degradation? The only form of self-respect and romance is gained from the police going after you. There have been times that police didn't even exist. But there is no use getting rid of them if everyone is controlling one another.

Life has no meaning in this way. One can not put the disrupted pieces of society together by a million discounts of a penny and petty passes, just because you don't have a car or a wife. Neither does it help to make the fine ten times higher for urination in the street, as planned in Rotterdam. A police officer even feels no shame to catch an adult in the act of pissing, and he orders him to stop immediately. I have seen it happen.
Who are the ones who are shameless?

If anyone, Bill Clinton will understand the moral level of the type of control on 'wild' urination, and other forms of genital fixation in politics, the police and society in general.
Indeed, who are the ones who are shameless?

After a young woman was murdered (before) being thrown from the window in a train, in France, the family of the victim has lobbied extensively and achieved that all trains in Europe are manufactured without opening windows.
This is, with all respect for the victim and her karma, out of proportion.
Trains in Europe don't have opening windows anymore or fresh air, and are air-conditioned with a quite cold, neutral breeze all year long; there are no seasons here, one gets a sense of a nuclear winter. Are we being prepared?
Some people get associations with the holocaust trains, it is suffocating. Others suffer from a slight claustrophobia and become ill-humoured or even aggressive in this way.
Passengers feel to be either potential criminals or victims or both.
People have to stop generalising their personal traumas and thus sour the life of all mankind in this way.
All this seems to be happening by the philosophy of woman always being a potential victim.
And so all humanity has to live in a cage.

As far as the masters: they cannot be controlled, and they use different names and modes of appearance, or a messenger, exactly to avoid instilling official habits, or a sense of status or pretence and control in people's mind. The requirement to carry a pass is a reaction against this only, and it therefore concerns the meaning of life, which is interfered with.

That is probably why I am ill.

We understand now why in the US everybody drives a car, which is not a sensible alternative either.

The above though makes clear how smoking prohibitions have developed in trains, in Europe, already without fresh air.
But smoking prohibitions in general were really developed a little earlier by coincidence, by a woman who had no other way of being creative in the late days of her life, suffering from cancer admittedly, than making her case a measure for the whole planet, and so become immortalised as a martyr.

We also understand now why there are haerdly any cafes in the US.

In trains, before, people were always merry and communicating; all this is gone now, and the Internet is the only means of communication left.

Not only the Arabs are committed to their martyrs.

Every day I suffer from a sense of restriction and near suffocation and I have to exercise to not get heart trouble from the bourgeois happiness people have and seek. As soon as I come to a point my soul breathes, people will get an automatic tendency to mock and humiliate me. This way, life has nearly become impossible, and it has been so since long. Even the fact it took so long and I am exhausted was exploited.
We must think clearly, if we want to contribute to this, and how far our scepticism can go. It seems it is ninety per cent women who are ultimately responsible for this degradation in society.
Even the best willing, like one loving, are foolish and think they do a favour trying to adapt me to their mainstream society. Trying to help they ruin my life even physically.
Like innocent sheep they follow all and make no problem to anyone, but try to pull me along and incapacitate me in all I am.
They think they can follow everyone and are loyal to me, and they make a point of this. A greater disloyalty and treason are not possible than such an arrogant illusion.
This sweetness honestly is the worst assassination, not even character assassination anymore. It blows one's mind.
And all this for an occupation.

Let us think of the film "Sicko" by Michael Moore. And let us see this in perspective. Those who are ill or handicapped are treated like criminals, those who are more or less okay and healthy are nurtured like handicapped, and start to 'behave' - accordingly.

What is inside the skull of many people can be seen from the outside as well; there is nothing more.

Finally, I should like to say that at the moment humanity is so much enslaved by mechanisation that the majority have become, consciously or unconsciously, robots. It is necessary to liberate them from this calamity, which threatens to destroy many subtle abilities of man by benumbing his spirituality. Honest and great scientists openly declare that many of their discoveries cannot be revealed at present. They are so much in advance of average humanity that the application of these discoveries in life might bring more harm than benefit.



Hide the following 11 comments

Don't worry

12.10.2007 12:06

we will all be so thick we will be unable to invent machines and roll back to being animals


Manneken Pis

17.10.2007 13:18


The Capital of Europe


More blue

19.10.2007 10:24

An accident was reported in the newspaper that a bicycle was overridden by a truck, and a young woman died in this way. We did not read that the police is frequently checking bicycles near this busy intersection, and that people approaching either with perhaps no identity card in their pocket or a bicycle that may have some minor defect, hesitating have an automatic impulse to turn or stop.
We can imagine the rest, and it is symbolic of many other problems in society -
"More 'blue' in the street! More police! More safety!"



22.10.2007 13:11

The woman mentioned above reminds me of Riemke, a shy, telepathic spammer and stalker from virginity to menopause, sad product of the culture of futility of Maitreya or his emergence which has wasted a complete generation.



23.10.2007 17:47

One of the predictions was that there would be a world stock-market crash which would begin in Japan. Maitreya made it known that he would come out openly precisely to help cope with the effects of such a crash. Every crash of a major type occurs when the index is at its highest. He is prepared to come out as soon as that appears to be continuing and is not merely a phase - before the chaos starts.


This cannot go on for ever

24.10.2007 16:41

There is a growing awareness that things have to change. The very speed of the advance of greed through market forces and competition is forcing us to the edge of a precipice.



25.10.2007 09:20

It is rigidity of thought which has brought about the collapse of the communist system. They have been unable to adapt to the changing needs in their societies. On the whole, the political groups in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union are not enchanted by the blandishments of Western capitalism. They do indeed want to regenerate their economy. That they wish to have a more successful social democracy is not in doubt. That they desire more goods is certain. That they wish to have greater participation in government is already evident. But this is not to say that they wish to swallow capitalism whole. On the contrary, there will be many experiments, successes and partial failures before a working synthesis is achieved which will satisfy their physical needs and social ideals.



28.10.2007 16:45

Since the invention of cigarettes, some people have said that smoking causes for instance blindness. The cause of blindness (when it happens) is due not to the smoking but because cigarette tobacco is prone to soak up nuclear radiation from the earth and atmosphere.

For this reason tobacco is already often sealed.



29.10.2007 13:41

Worldwatch, the global environmental monitoring agency, welcomed the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a "triumph for the planet and its inhabitants". Worldwatch issued a press release headlined "Planet Wins Nobel Prize".
"It is with extreme satisfaction that we receive the news that Gore and the IPCC have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize," said Oystein Dahle, Chairman of the Board of Worldwatch Institute and a leading Norwegian environmentalist. Speaking from his home in Oslo where the Prize was announced, Dahle said: "With their decision, the Nobel Committee has for the second time signalled that peace with the environment is an essential requirement if we are to have peace between human beings."
Asked for his reaction former US Vice President Gore, whose documentary film An Inconvenient Truth won an Oscar at the 2007 Academy Awards, said he hoped the award would bring a "greater awareness and a sense of urgency" to the fight against global warming.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said that the impact of the prize winners' work has helped to "lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract [climate] change".
The Committee praised the contribution made by the IPCC with its more than two decades of scientific reports comprising the expertise of more than 2,000 leading climate change scientists and experts. It was such reports, said the Nobel Committee, which gradually built a broader and better informed "consensus about the connection between human activities and global warming".
Of Al Gore, the Committee said: "He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted."
"We face a true planetary emergency," Mr Gore warned. "It is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity." Asked what he intended to do with his share of the prize money (in total $1.5m) Gore said that he is donating it to the Alliance for Climate Protection.
The IPCC report stated that with global warming will come storms, droughts, floods and increased natural disasters and so tax the world's food and water systems. These in their turn can be cause for conflicts over territory and resources. The world's poor, who already suffer from a lack of clean water, sanitation and food security, will be most directly affected.
"Climate change is the greatest long-term threat to peace and security the world has ever known," says Christopher Flavin, Worldwatch Institute President. "This prize marks another turning point for the climate issue – the question now is whether lawmakers around the world will rise to the challenge of implementing new treaties and laws that reduce the world's dangerous addiction to fossil fuels."



18.11.2007 13:22

The (OV) chip card to pay in public transportation in the Netherlands was originally part of a 20 point plan to help reduce environmental pollution from cars and traffic in the cities. It was merely intended for car keepers to park their cars in the outskirts of the cities from where to proceed by public transportation (Metro or underground), facilitated by (using) a chip card.
The chip card was a subservient element to a kilometre (or mile) tax plan, by a telephone device, to make taxation proportional to the kilometres driven, fuel used, and pollution created.
The plan was discussed with technical business representatives advising the government, but while seemingly ignoring the original idea and its intellectual owner Joop Dekker, it proceeded.
The plan has been discussed now in the Dutch parliament and has admittedly possibilities, but the intellectual owner never intended a single chip card for all citizens, as an extension to the already controversial and repressive identity card, excepting all other more conventional or current forms of payment.



05.01.2008 15:11

People can be true and still not be relied on. So it is with Benjamin Creme, editor of SHARE International and evangelist of the multicultural Christ.

He sets up people, and stimulates them with promising views about supermen ('It is not very useful to say there is another guru down the street as good as this one') to next allow gossip among his initiates what illusions the drop-outs have.

Even honest people who were in despair were sent away, their questioning rejected. This is also the type of concern typical of mainstream society. You are invited to the underground and behave like the upper class. No wonder that it takes so long for Maitreya to reveal himself.

The only thing which keeps certain citizens awake and sensitive to social issues are racial issues, which make them nearly feel religious - Adam and Eve being black - and other forms of Darwinist rationalisation and humbug for the Oprah Winfrey Show. (Eve was raped and this was the start of mankind.) Even crude atheists get tears in their eyes.

Les Misérables is only still known in the Opera. A tip for Oprah: perhaps she can read the book, and promote it as she did Anna Karenina (a woman).

And now: from Osama to Obama.

If you visit SHARE and are not important, you will likely be sent off because there is a gathering only for initiates. And all this in the name of Christ. I am sorry I cannot conform to this type of Christ, multicultural or not. (They will think: we are happy you cannot conform.)

Cynicism is the right of the chosen few.

The Theosophical Society lost Krishnamurti by a culture of initiates and initiations, and so he 'went private'.
I foresee the same with Maitreya who is to become a recognised teacher for non-initiates as well, after all of which there are so much more.
We live in the days of democracy, and so a world teacher will also have to be elected, we presume, and speak the language of the common man. There is still a disadvantage: that he is not a woman.

From Osama to Obama


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