Gideon Levy
September 28, 2007
Nineteen inhabitants of Beit Hanun were killed with malice aforethought. There is no other way of describing the circumstances of their killing. Someone who throws burning matches into a forest can't claim he didn't mean to set it on fire, and anyone who bombards residential neighborhoods with artillery can't claim he didn't mean to kill innocent inhabitants.
Therefore it takes considerable gall and cynicism to dare to claim that the Israel Defense Forces did not intend to kill inhabitants of Beit Hanun. Even if there was a glitch in the balancing of the aiming mechanism or in a component of the radar, a mistake in the input of the data or a human error, the overwhelming, crucial, shocking fact is that the IDF bombards helpless civilians. Even shells that are supposedly aimed 200 meters from houses, into "open areas," are intended to kill, and they do kill. In this respect, nothing new happened on Wednesday morning in Gaza: The IDF has been behaving like this for months now.
But this isn't just a matter of "the IDF," "the government" or "Israel" bearing the responsibility. It must be said explicitly: The blame rests directly on people who hold official positions, flesh-and-blood human beings, and they must pay the price of their criminal responsibility for needless killing. Attorney Avigdor Klagsbald caused the death of a woman and her child without anyone imagining that he intended to hit them, but nevertheless he is sitting in prison. And what about the killers of women and children in Beit Hanun? Will they all be absolved? Will no one be tried? Will no one even be reprimanded and shunned?
GOC Southern Command Yoav Galant will say with exasperating coolness that apparently there was "a problem with the battery's targeting apparatus," without moving a facial muscle, and will that be enough? Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh will say, "The IDF is militarily responsible, but not morally responsible," and will he thus exculpate himself?
And who will bear the responsibility for the renewal of the terror attacks? Only Hamas? Who will be accused of the tumble in Israel's status and its depiction as a violent, leper state, and who will be judged for the danger that hovers over world Jewry in the wake of the IDF's acts? The electronic component that went on the blink in the radar?
No one is guilty in Israel. There is never anyone guilty in Israel. The prime minister who is responsible for the brutal policy toward the Palestinians, the defense minister who knew about and approved the bombardments, the chief of staff, the chief of command and the commander of the division who gave the orders to bombard - not one of them is guilty. They will continue with the work of killing as though nothing has happened: The sun shone, the system flourished and the ritual slaughterer slaughtered. They will continue to pursue the routine of their daily lives, accepted in society like anyone else, and remain in their posts despite the blood on their hands.
A few hours after the disaster, while the Gaza Strip was still enveloped in sorrow and deep in shock, the air force was already hastening to carry out another targeted killing, an arrogant demonstration of just how much this disaster does not concern us.
Israel after the disaster was split: There were those who did their duty and "expressed sorrow," like the prime minister and the defense minister, and there were those who hastened with appalling insensitivity to cast the responsibility onto the Palestinians, like the "moderate" foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, and the deputy defense minister from the Labor Party, Sneh. The silent majority did not bother to emerge from its yawning indifference. The entertainment shows on television continued to make people laugh, and one of the radio stations even broadcast, in a demonstrable lack of taste, Sarit Hadad's song "You're a Big Gun." Mourning, of course, did not descend on Israel, and there was not even a single manifestation of genuine participation in the sorrow. It did not occur to Israel to promise compensation to the families and it did not provide help, apart from transferring some of the wounded to hospitals in Israel. We provided more aid to the victims of the earthquake in Mexico, even though there we didn't have a hand in the disaster. For the most part, the media were not very disturbed by the killing and devoted less attention to it than to the Gay Pride parade.
A day or two after the disaster it was totally forgotten and other affairs are filling our lives. But it is impossible just to go on to the next item on the agenda. This disaster is not an act of God. There are people who are clearly responsible for it, and they must be brought to justice. The fact that the International Court of Justice in The Hague still looks very far from Israel, and the various "Halutzes" and "Galants" can still move around freely in the world, because in Israel they forgive nearly everything, does not mean that war crimes are not being committed here.
The IDF may well be a big gun, but an army that is responsible for needless killing in such large dimensions, as in recent months in Lebanon and in Gaza, is a failed and dangerous army that must urgently be repaired. The Defense Forces are not only killing Arabs for no reason, they are also directly endangering Israel's security, disgracing it in the world and embroiling it again and again.
The heedless and arrogant reaction to such deeds contains a dangerous moral message. If it is possible to dismiss mass killing with a wealth of technical excuses, and not take any drastic measure against those who are truly guilty of it, then Israel is saying that, as far as it is concerned, nothing happened apart from the faulty component in the radar system or the glitch in balancing the sights. But what happened at Beit Hanun, what happened in Israel on the day after and what is continuing to happen in Gaza day after day is a far more frightening distortion than the calibrating of a gun sight.
Hide the following 19 comments
Titfer Tat
29.09.2007 19:42
Titfer Tat
29.09.2007 20:36
Israel has defenses against these rockets, but without the rockets, they wouldn't be able to justify its continued Aggression against the Palestinians, or keep their own citizenry frightened into acquiescence.
Are the Palestinians not allowed to fight back, since they've been under an actual deadly bombardment and occupation for four decades?
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Yes , you are wrong
29.09.2007 20:58
The Palestinians have been under heavy bombardment by illegal invaders armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated weaponary of the day. Supplied free of charge by the biggest war mongering nation the world has ever seen.
Tit-for-tat ??
29.09.2007 21:05
They say the camera cannot lie - unlike you two.
Titfer Tat
29.09.2007 22:34
29.09.2007 23:10
Are they legitimate military targets?
Titfer Tat
Can't Justify Zionist Murder, There's Just No Way
30.09.2007 00:03
That's kinda the hatred underlying Levy's article ...
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Wrong again
30.09.2007 00:33
Titfer Tat
Mate....Have you even read the article
30.09.2007 01:04
1 How many Israeli children have been killed during Palestinian mortar attacks aimed at their school?
2. What reasons does the BBC cite for these (suspiciously unsuccessful) attacks on the Israeli School.
Are we supposed to believe that this school has been under constant attack by Palestinian extremists and has never been hit??
The article states that six people in that city have died from palestinian rocket attacks in the last 6 years. Thats 1 person a year. You may say those six people are six too many and i would agree with you if this war had not proven to be a brutally one sided affair involving a fascist militarist plan to eliminate a country and its peoples (as Israel has been doing to palestine/palestinians for decades) who for decades have been uprooted from their homes, systematically tortured, degragated, and killed, while the rest of the world (including ourselves) have quite happily played the role of hte passive onlooker. 6 murdered palestinians in Gaza would be considered the longest period of peace enjoyed by the Palestinians since before Israel came to existence. Yet 6 dead Israelis in 6 years in the town bordering Gaza is considered a time of danger, terror, and intolerable mental torment.
The palestinians have been cornered by Israeli oppresison at its peak, and our silent consent to it; and as is usually the case, when some1 has his back against the wall their actions will rarely need further explaining. It's funny though how you seem to place the life of an Israeli child higher on the value scale than that of a palestinian child. Almost as if you dont really regard palestinians as humans; in the same way as many from the so calle left here in Britain seem to value british lives lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Northern Ireland more than civillian lives lost in those countries. Says a lot about the 'left' in the developed world.
Opponents of peace
30.09.2007 01:22
The truth is that both the major Palestinian political factions, and people like you, didn't like it when Israel evacuated completely from Gaza because you were done out of a grievance, however much better it could have made things for Palestinian citizens in Gaza who could have lived free from crossfire. Now when Israel periodically reacts to this daily provocation you condemn Israel and not the provocateurs.
Btw what are Israel's "defences" against the rockets that you speak of? Arrow/Patriot type devices are ineffective with such short range rockets and were reckoned to have increased civilian casualties anyway during the first Gulf War.
Camera doesn't lie
Palestine isnt only Gaza
30.09.2007 10:38
Maybe you should read about what Israel's been doing since the start of this 'pullout' operation.
In the mean time, the occupation of Palestine has continued, the murder and degragation of palestinians by the Israeli military has continued, and the apartheid wall which separates the palestinian peoples still exists.
This daily abuse suffered by palestinians has been happening since 1948. It is noe 2007 (for those who think this battle began when some palestinian decided to go into Israel and blow himself up 10 years ago)
Who is the real provocateur???
That is why the correct
30.09.2007 12:28
Camera doesn't lie
Zionists Blame The Victims
30.09.2007 14:58
They encircles Gaza with artillery emplacements, in an operation ominously called "First Rain". Soon after, Israel brought an end to Hamas' unilateral, two-year cease-fire, by firing upon an murdering a Palestinian family, picnicking on a beach that only weeks before, had been segregated Jews Only. No doubt the person who fired the rounds was angered by their smiling faces.
The Palestinian response has been used to justify a complete clampdown on the Palestinians, which was no doubt the plan all along, and Israel's actions basically turned Gaza into the world's largest Concentration Camp.
The "takeover" by democratically-elected Hamas, now being used to justify Israel's increase in military aggression, murder, and Collective Punishment (and soon, a full-scale invasion and reoocupation), was the result of a US/Israel-funded and coordinated Coup attempt, using corrupt members of Fatah as proxy soldiers.
So don't try to spin this.
Israel's Zionist Extremists know that what they're engaged in is wrong, but don't care, because they don't want a Palestine that contains Palestinians, they want to see "Greater Israel", so they will not negotiate or compromise for peace, because they know they will lose, and their power will be limited.
This is, after all, a Zionist war, intended to wipe Palestine off the map.
Are the Palestinian People not allowed to respond to decades of Aggression?
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Published by
Jews for Justice in the Middle East
As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice.
"Btw what are Israel's "defences" against the rockets that you speak of? Arrow/Patriot type devices are ineffective with such short range rockets and were reckoned to have increased civilian casualties anyway during the first Gulf War."
That's why israel, since Gulf War I, developed new defenses. And with the satellite intelligence capability at their disposal, there is no plausible way they are unable to stop these from being fired at all. They want the rockets, because they are their last excuse to murder.
Since, as the article shows, Palestinian civilians, and children, are being butchered at a rate unknown by Israelis, doesn't everything you say in defending Israel's Extremists apply tenfold to the Palestinians, and their right to self-defense ... ?
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Then why
30.09.2007 19:50
If it were Israel's intention to drive the Palestinians out of Gaza, how would it help Israel to give up all its infrastructure, fort and land settled there? Come on.
Camera doesn't lie
Already Answered
30.09.2007 20:31
They encircled Gaza with artillery emplacements, in an operation ominously called "First Rain". Soon after, Israel brought an end to Hamas' unilateral, two-year cease-fire, by firing upon an murdering a Palestinian family, picnicking on a beach that only weeks before, had been segregated Jews Only. No doubt the person who fired the rounds was angered by their smiling faces.
The Palestinian response has been used to justify a complete clampdown on the Palestinians, which was no doubt the plan all along, and Israel's actions basically turned Gaza into the world's largest Concentration Camp.
The "takeover" by democratically-elected Hamas, now being used to justify Israel's increase in military aggression, murder, and Collective Punishment (and soon, a full-scale invasion and reoocupation), was the result of a US/Israel-funded and coordinated Coup attempt, using corrupt members of Fatah as proxy soldiers.
So don't try to spin this.
Camera Might Not Lie-But Zionists Do
Are you seriously claiming
30.09.2007 21:50
As for your idea Israel withdrew its infrastructure and settlements so as to turn Gaza into a "concentration camp", imagery still doesn't answer the question.
"That's why israel, since Gulf War I, developed new defenses. And with the satellite intelligence capability at their disposal, there is no plausible way they are unable to stop these from being fired at all." - see the original post above, this is the sort of thing that happens when they try and that is their dilemma.
Camera doesn't lie
Simply Can't Defend Israeli Murder
01.10.2007 00:10
Your Distractions only highlight your inability to address the topic of the article.
Regarding "who shot first" ...
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Published by
Jews for Justice in the Middle East
As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice.
Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
But then...
01.10.2007 03:40
2. The chronology is more complicated than your referenced article makes out (e.g. there were refugees on both sides of Arab Israeli conflict and Camera has alternative data on land ownership in Palestine in 1946) but I don't propose to distract you with that.
Camera doesn't lie - or does it?
Can't Defend Israeli Murder
01.10.2007 13:13