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The Big Lie called the "War On Terror"

AlterNet | 29.09.2007 15:38 | Terror War | World

The fraudulence of the "War on Terror" is clearly revealed by looking at the pattern of actions that preceded and followed its launch.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie ... The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state." --Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

Since Sept. 11, 2001, the administration of George W. Bush has told and repeated a lie that is "big enough" to confirm Joseph Goebbels' testimony. It is a mega-lie, and the American people have come to believe it. It is the "War on Terror."

The Bush administration endlessly recites its mantra of deceit:

The War on Terror was launched in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It is intended to enhance our national security at home and to spread democracy in the Middle East.

This is the struggle of our lifetime; we are defending our way of life from an enemy intent on destroying our freedoms. We must fight the enemy in the Middle East, or we will fight him in our cities.

This is classic propaganda. In Goebbels' terms, it is the "state" speaking its lie, but the political, economic, and military consequences of the Bush administration lie are coming into view, and they are all catastrophic. If truth is the enemy of both the lie and George Bush's "state," then the American people need to know the truth.

The military incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq were not done in retaliation for 9/11. The Bush administration had them clearly in mind upon taking office, and they were set in motion as early as Feb. 3, 2001. That was seven months prior to the attacks on the Trade Towers and the Pentagon, and the objectives of the wars had nothing to do with terrorism.

This is beyond dispute. The mainstream press has ignored the story, but the administration's congenital belligerence is fully documented in book-length treatments and in the limitless information pool of the internet. (See my earlier work, for example.)

Invading a sovereign nation unprovoked, however, directly violates the charter of the United Nations. It is an international crime. Before the Bush administration could attack either Afghanistan or Iraq, it would need a politically and diplomatically credible reason for doing so.

The terrorist violence of Sept. 11, 2001, provided a spectacular opportunity. In the cacophony of outrage and confusion, the administration could conceal its intentions, disguise the true nature of its premeditated wars, and launch them. The opportunity was exploited in a heartbeat.

Within hours of the attacks, President Bush declared the United States "… would take the fight directly to the terrorists," and "… he announced to the world the United States would make no distinction between the terrorists and the states that harbor them." Thus the "War on Terror" was born.

The fraudulence of the "War on Terror," however, is clearly revealed in the pattern of subsequent facts:

In Afghanistan the state was overthrown instead of apprehending the terrorist. Offers by the Taliban to surrender Osama bin Laden were ignored, and he remains at large to this day.

In Iraq, when the United States invaded, there were no al Qaeda terrorists at all.

Both states have been supplied with puppet governments, and both are dotted with permanent U.S. military bases in strategic proximity to their hydrocarbon assets.

The U.S. embassy nearing completion in Baghdad is comprised of 21 multistory buildings on 104 acres of land. It will house 5,500 diplomats, staff and families. It is ten times larger than any other U.S. embassy in the world, but we have yet to be told why.

A 2006 National Intelligence Estimate shows the war in Iraq has exacerbated, not diminished, the threat of terrorism since 9/11. If the "War on Terror" is not a deception, it is a disastrously counterproductive failure.

Today two American and two British oil companies are poised to claim immense profits from 81 percent of Iraq's undeveloped crude oil reserves. They cannot proceed, however, until the Iraqi Parliament enacts a statute known as the "hydrocarbon framework law."

The features of postwar oil policy so heavily favoring the oil companies were crafted by the Bush administration State Department in 2002, a year before the invasion.

Drafting of the law itself was begun during Paul Bremer's Coalition Provisional Authority, with the invited participation of a number of major oil companies. The law was written in English and translated into Arabic only when it was due for Iraqi approval.

President Bush made passage of the hydrocarbon law a mandatory "benchmark" when he announced the troop surge in January of 2007.

When it took office, the Bush administration brushed aside warnings about al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Their anxiety to attack both Afghanistan and Iraq was based on other factors.


The Iraqi war was conceived in 1992, during the first Bush administration, in a 46-page document entitled Draft Defense Planning Guidance.

The document advocated the concept of preemptive war to assure the military and diplomatic dominance of the world by the United States. It asserted the need for "… access to vital raw materials, primarily Persian Gulf oil." It warned of "… proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." And it spoke of "… threats to U.S. citizens from terrorism." It was the template for today's war in Iraq.

The Draft Defense Planning Guidance was signed by the secretary of defense, Richard Cheney. It was prepared by three top staffers: Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis "Scooter" Libby and Zalmay Khalilzad-all of whom would fill high-level positions in the administration of George W. Bush, nine years in the future.

In proposing global dominance and preemptive war, it was a radical departure from the traditional U.S. policy of multilateral realism, and it was an early statement of the emerging ideology of "neoconservatism."

The document was too extreme. President George H.W. Bush publicly denounced it and immediately retracted it. Many in his administration referred to its authors as "the crazies."

But the ideology survived. Five years later William Kristol and Robert Kagan created a neoconservative organization to advocate preemptive war and U.S. global dominion to achieve, in their words, a "benevolent global hegemony." It was called the Project for the New American Century, quickly abbreviated as PNAC. Among the founding members were Richard Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Zalmay Khalilzad, Donald Rumsfeld and Jeb Bush.

In a letter to President Clinton on Jan. 26, 1998, the Project for the New American Century once more urged the military overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime.

President Clinton ignored the letter, apparently viewing this iteration of the proposal as no less crazy than the original.

As the presidential campaign of 2000 drew to a close, the PNAC produced yet another proposal for U.S. world dominion, preemptive war and the invasion of Iraq. It was a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For a New Century" (PDF).

Weeks later, in January of 2001, 29 members of the Project for the New American Century joined the administration of George W. Bush. Their ideology of world dominion and preemptive war would dominate the Bush administration's foreign and defense policies.

Within 10 days of his inauguration, President Bush convened his National Security Council. The PNAC people triumphed when the invasion of Iraq was placed at the top of the agenda for Mideast foreign policy. Reconciling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, long the top priority, was dropped from consideration.

The neoconservative dream of invading Iraq was a tragic anachronism, an ideological fantasy of retrograde imperialism. A related and far more pragmatic reason for the invasion, however, would surface soon.

No administration in memory had been more closely aligned with the oil industry. President Bush and Vice President Cheney were intimately tied to it, and so was National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. So were eight cabinet secretaries and 32 other high-level appointees.

By early February, Vice President Cheney's "Energy Task Force" was at work. Federal agency people were joined by executives and lobbyists from the Enron, Exxon-Mobil, Conoco-Phillips, Shell and BP America corporations.

Soon the task force was poring over detailed maps of the Iraqi oil fields, pipelines, tanker terminals, refineries and the undeveloped oil exploration blocks. It studied two pages of "foreign suitors for Iraqi oil field contracts" -- foreign companies negotiating with Saddam Hussein's regime, none of which was a major American or British oil company.

The intent to invade Iraq and the keen interest in Iraqi oil would soon converge in a top secret memo of Feb. 3, 2001, from a "high level National Security Council official." The memo: "… directed the NSC staff to cooperate fully with the Energy Task Force as it considered the 'melding' of two seemingly unrelated areas of policy: 'the review of operational policies toward rogue states' such as Iraq and 'actions regarding the capture of new and existing oil and gas fields.'"

As early as Feb. 3, 2001, the Bush administration was committed to invading Iraq, with the oil fields clearly in mind.

The terrorist attacks on Washington and New York were still seven months in the future.


The issue in Afghanistan was the strategically valuable location for a pipeline to connect the immense oil and gas resources of the Caspian Basin to the richest markets. Whoever built the pipeline would control the Basin, and in the 1990s the contest to build it was spirited.

American interests in the region were promoted by an organization called the Foreign Oil Companies Group. Among its most active members were Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state but now an advisor to the Unocal Corp.; Alexander Haig, another former secretary of state but now a lobbyist for Turkmenistan; and Richard Cheney, a former secretary of defense, but now the CEO of the Halliburton Corp.

Late in 1996, however, the Bridas Corp. of Argentina finally signed contracts with the Taliban and with Gen. Dostum of the Northern Alliance to build the pipeline.

One American company in particular, Unocal, found that intolerable and fought back vigorously, hiring a number of consultants in addition to Kissinger: Hamid Karzai, Richard Armitage, and Zalmay Khalilzad. (Armitage and Khalilzad would join the George W. Bush administration in 2001.)

Unocal wooed Taliban officials at its headquarters in Texas and in Washington, D.C., seeking to have the Bridas contract voided, but the Taliban refused. Finally, in February of 1998, John J. Maresca, a Unocal vice president, asked in a congressional hearing to have the Taliban replaced by a more stable regime.

The Clinton administration, having recently refused the PNAC request to invade Iraq, was not any more interested in a military overthrow of the Taliban. President Clinton did, however, shoot a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan, after the al Qaeda attacks on the U.S. embassies in Africa. And he issued an executive order forbidding further trade transactions with the Taliban.

Maresca was thus twice disappointed: The Taliban would not be replaced very soon, and Unocal would have to cease its pleadings with the regime.

Unocal's prospects rocketed when George W. Bush entered the White House, and the Project for the New American Century ideology of global dominance took hold.

The Bush administration itself took up active negotiations with the Taliban in January of 2001, seeking secure access to the Caspian Basin for American companies. The Enron Corp. also was eyeing a pipeline to feed its proposed power plant in India.) The administration offered a package of foreign aid as an inducement, and the parties met in Washington, Berlin and Islamabad. The Bridas contract might still be voided.

But the Taliban would not yield.

Anticipating this in the spring of 2001, the State Department had sought and gained the concurrence of India and Pakistan to take military action if necessary. The PNAC people were not timid about using force.

At the final meeting with the Taliban, on Aug. 2, 2001, State Department negotiator Christine Rocca, clarified the options: "Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs." With the futility of negotiations apparent, "President Bush promptly informed Pakistan and India the U.S. would launch a military mission into Afghanistan before the end of October."

This was five weeks before the events of 9/11.

Sept. 11, 2001

A tectonic groundswell of skepticism, doubt and suspicion has emerged about the Bush administration's official explanation of 9/11. Some claim the administration orchestrated the attacks. Others see complicity. Still others find criminal negligence. The cases they make are neither extreme nor trivial.

Whatever the truth about 9/11, the Bush administration now had a fortuitous, spectacular opportunity to proceed with its premeditated attacks.

The administration would have to play its hand skillfully, however.

Other nations have suffered criminal acts of terrorism, but there is no precedent for conflating the terrorists with the states that harbor them, declaring a "war" and seeking with military force to overthrow a sovereign government. Victimized nations have always relied successfully on international law enforcement and police action to bring terrorists to justice.

But the Bush administration needed more than this. War plans were in the files. They needed to justify invasions. Only by targeting the "harboring states," as well as the terrorists, did they stand a chance of doing so.

The administration played its hand brilliantly. It compared the terrorist attacks immediately to Pearl Harbor, and in the smoke and rage of 9/11 the comparison was superficially attractive. But Pearl Harbor was the violent expression of hostile intent by a formidably armed nation, and it introduced four years of full-scale land, sea and airborne combat. 9/11 was al Qaeda's violent expression of hostility: 19 fanatics armed with box cutters. Yes, extraordinary destruction and loss of life, but the physical security of our entire nation was simply not at stake.

Though the comparison was specious, the "War on Terror" was born, and it has proven to be an exquisite smokescreen. But labeling the preplanned invasions as a "War on Terror" was the mega-lie, dwarfing all the untruths that followed. The mega-lie would be the centerpiece of a masterful propaganda blitz that continues to this day.

The wars

On Oct. 7, 2001, the carpet of bombs is unleashed over Afghanistan.

Soon, with the Taliban overthrown, the Bush administration installed Hamid Karzai as head of an interim government. Karzai had been a Unocal consultant.

The first ambassador to Karzai's government was John J. Maresca, a vice president of Unocal.

The next ambassador to Afghanistan was Zalmay Khalilzad, another Unocal consultant.

Four months after the carpet of bombs, President Karzai and President Musharraf of Pakistan signed an agreement for a new pipeline. The Bridas contract was moot. The way was open for Unocal.

In February of 2003 an oil industry trade journal reported the Bush administration was ready to finance the pipeline across Afghanistan and to protect it with a permanent military presence. Osama bin Laden remained at large.

The mega-lie, the fabricated "War on Terror" was an easy sell in the Afghanistan adventure. The shock of 9/11 was immense, Osama bin Laden was operating from Afghanistan and the "state," the Taliban, was at least sympathetic to his organization. And the signature secrecy of the Bush Administration had kept from public view its eight months of negotiating with the Taliban. The first premeditated war was largely unopposed.

Selling the Iraq invasion to the American people and to the Congress would be far more difficult.

With the Trade Towers and the Pentagon still smoldering, President Bush and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld ordered their staffs to find Saddam Hussein's complicity in the attacks. Of course they could not, so there would need to be a sustained and persuasive selling job -- a professionally orchestrated campaign of propaganda.

Soon after 9/11, fear-mongering propagandizing became the modus operandi of the Bush Administration. It began in earnest with the president's "axis of evil" State of the Union address in 2002, full of terrorism and fear. "The United States of America," the president said, "will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons."

No regime anywhere was in fact threatening anyone with anything, but Bush appointed a 10-person "White House Iraq Group" in August of 2002. Chaired by Karl Rove, its members were trusted partisans and communications experts skilled in perception management. Their role was explicitly to market the need to invade Iraq. The group operated in strict secrecy, sifting intelligence, writing position papers and speeches, creating "talking points," planning strategy and timing, and feeding information to the media. This was the nerve center, where the campaign of propaganda was orchestrated and promulgated.

The group chose to trumpet nearly exclusively the most frightening threat-nuclear weapons. Rice soon introduced the litany of the smoking gun and the mushroom cloud, Cheney said hundreds of thousands of Americans might die, and Bush claimed Saddam was "six months away from developing a weapon."

In the 2003 State of the Union address, President Bush uttered the infamous "sixteen words": "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." This was typical of White House Iraq Group work: The CIA knew and had said the information was bogus.

The propaganda campaign was ultimately successful, not least because of the axiomatic trust American people extend to their presidents: Nobody could have anticipated the range, intensity and magnitude of the expertly crafted deception. And the campaign was aided by a compliant mainstream press that swallowed and regurgitated the talking points.

The Congress was persuaded sufficiently to authorize the use of military force. The American people were persuaded sufficiently to accept the war and to send Mr. Bush to the White House for a second term. But no other war in the country's history had to be so consciously and comprehensively sold.

Much of the deception, distortion and lies was eventually exposed. The link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, the weapons of mass destruction, the aluminum tubes, the mobile laboratories, the yellowcake from Niger: none of it true. Only the mega-lie, the "War on Terror," survives.

On Feb. 5, 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the Security Council, waving the vial of simulated anthrax and claiming "there is no doubt in my mind" Saddam Hussein was working to produce nuclear weapons.

But the Security Council, not so easily propagandized, refused to authorize American force.

On March 14, 2003, President Bush met in the Azores with Prime Ministers Blair of the United Kingdom and Aznar of Spain. They abandoned the effort for U.N. authorization, claimed the right to proceed without it and a week later launched the war.

Four years of violence. Nearly 4,000 young Americans dead. Seven times that many maimed. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead. Millions fleeing as refugees, their economy and infrastructure in ruins. A raging civil war. Half a trillion dollars and counting.

Stopping the madness

And for what? Neither face of the war has come remotely close to success. The "War on Terrorism" has not suppressed terrorism but has encouraged it instead. The premeditated war -- for ideological dreams of world dominion and the pragmatic capture of hydrocarbon assets -- is a colossus of failure.

The Afghan pipeline is a dead issue. As the warlords and the poppy growers in Afghanistan thrive, and as the Taliban regroups and regains dominance, the country tilts ominously into chaos once more.

The Iraqi hydrocarbon law -- the clever disguise for capturing the oil fields -- is fatally wounded, its true purpose becoming more widely known. Organized resistance is growing quickly, both in Iraq and in the United States. And the factions who need to agree on the law are otherwise engaged in killing each other.

The Iraqi war has not resulted, either, in the global dominance sought by the Project for the New American Century people, but in global repugnance for what their pathetic ideology has wrought.

Clearly the involvement of the U.S. military in the Mideast must cease. Pouring more lives and dollars into the quagmire may keep alive the warped dreams of the Bush administration, but those dreams are illegitimate, indeed criminal.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney reject any alteration in their course. They ask instead for more time, more money and even -- in threatening Iran -- for more targets.

There is no apparent way to the stop madness, to end the hemorrhaging of blood and treasure, but to impeach these men and, if found guilty, to remove them from office.

The integrity of the Constitution and the rule of law are at stake as well, but the Congress continues its indifference to impeachment, effectively condoning the administration's behavior. Should this continue, thinking Americans will discard the last crumbs of respect for the incumbent legislature -- polling shows there's not much left -- and punish its members, Republican and Democrat alike, in next year's election.

Impeachment will expose the fraudulence of the "War on Terror" and liberate us from the pall of fear the Bush administration has deliberately cast upon the country. Both political parties will be free to speak the truth: Terrorism is real and a cause for concern, but it is not a reason for abject fear.

We need only compare the hazard of al Qaeda to the threat posed by the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War. On the one hand is a wretched group of sad fanatics -- perhaps 50,000 in all -- clever enough to commandeer airliners with box cutters. On the other was a nation of 140 million people, a powerful economy, a standing army of hundreds of divisions, a formidable navy and air force and thousands of nuclear tipped intercontinental missiles pre-aimed at American targets.

We were a vigilant but poised and confident people then, not a nation commanded to cower in fear. We can and must regain that strength and self-assurance.

Ending the nightmare will take far less courage than the Bush people exhibited in beginning it. Taking a nation to war on distortion, deception and lies is enormously risky in many respects: in lives and in treasure, certainly, but also in a nation's prestige abroad and in the trust and support of its people. The Bush administration risked all this and more, and it has lost.

We risk far less by embracing the truth and acting on it. Our nation cherishes honesty: the fraudulence must end. But Bush and Cheney have shown themselves incapable of honesty, and we also cherish justice. They must be impeached. .org /waroniraq/63632/?page=1

Whatever happened to 'The War on Terror'
Sept. 11, 2007

It appears the Global War on Terror is coming to an end. It may even be over. No armistice, no surrender ceremony, just a rhetorical adjustment, and the clash of civilizations shrinks and shifts and morphs, and emerges as … a struggle.

Members of Congress noticed it on Monday as Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of the U.S. forces in Iraq, trod Capitol Hill on President George W. Bush's behalf. He was trying to assure the legislators who control the public's money that all the slaughter notwithstanding, things are looking cheerier in Iraq.

Petraeus, an immensely self-possessed man so decorated with brass and medals that he seems to sit with a stoop, used crisp, unemotional language to describe the vicious civil conflict in Iraq that he's trying to dampen. There was no florid talk about meeting and defeating the forces of evil and terror on the battlefield of history.

Ethnic and sectarian violence will continue, he said. Shia death squads are still active. And, as he put it, elements of "the global Islamic extremist movement" are there in force.

Global Islamic extremist movement?

The phrasing was not overlooked. "I find it absolutely astonishing that after three and a half hours of testimony that I can't recall anyone saying 'International War on Terrorism,'" observed Congressman Gary Ackerman, a New York Democrat who heads the House subcommittee on the Middle East. "Because that is why we were supposed to be fighting there. So they're not fighting here."

The big buildup
Ackerman's confusion is understandable. Like other Americans, he has been listening to his president and his president's officials say for years that this nation is at war — a Global War on Terror — in which Iraq is the "central front."

As Ackerman noted, Americans were told repeatedly that they had to take the War on Terror to the terrorists, to keep the terrorists from bringing the War on Terror here. "Make no mistake about it," said President Bush in Texas on August 4, 2005. "We are at war. We're at war with an enemy that attacked us on September 11, 2001."

He used the phrase "War on Terror" five times during that address, and hundreds, if not thousands of times since the attacks of 9/11.

It worked pretty well, too. The whole country internalized it. Everybody started using it, even the Democrats.

Fox News and, to a lesser extent, CNN seemed to have "WAR ON TERROR" permanently plastered across the bottom of their TV broadcasts. Bumper stickers blared it. Anyone who questioned it was regarded as subversive.

Bush referred to himself as a "war president" and insisted, successfully, on special wartime powers. These included: warrantless wiretapping of American citizens; "extraordinary renditions;" and powers of arbitrary detention that flouted the U.S. Constitution.

Who exactly is the enemy?
Of course, the brilliance of the War on Terror, as a political device at least, was its imprecision. Who was the enemy?

In the end, the enemy was anyone the administration said was the enemy, and often that information was classified. Soldiers went off to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan as well as uncounted secret battles worldwide as special forces descended on places like Somalia.

Secret prisons were set up as well. And Congress paid up, making hundreds of billions of dollars available to the president.

"Terrorists" were everywhere in those first few years after 9/11. Nests of them were uncovered and arrested in the U.S. and in Canada, too.

Some of them seemed dangerous. Others seemed clownish, people clearly incapable of actually carrying out any attacks — some were even homeless.

But no matter. Terrorism in the American discourse had become a state of mind, an intent and an attitude as much as an action.

The already murky definition of terrorist expanded far beyond those who slaughter innocents to advance an agenda. Government officials began describing those who attacked American troops in their own countries as terrorists. Entire towns and cities in Iraq were deemed to be teeming with terrorists. Battles against terrorists lasted days and convulsed cities.

Other national leaders picked up on it, too, and who could blame them? Governments from the Mideast to Eastern Europe and Asia found new legitimacy in often brutal efforts to crush opponents. The War on Terror conferred a licence that could not be argued with.

Even Stephen Harper, in Canada saw the power in the phrase. "Canada," Harper declared in January 2006, "has made an important contribution to the war on terror in Afghanistan."

Re-branding a war
But six 9/11s have now passed since the original. And, as Congressman Ackerman noted, the phrase War on Terror is out of vogue. British leaders stopped using it a while ago. And even here in the U.S., as a political tool, it's clearly exhausted.

Because, as the people who run focus groups here are no doubt telling their masters, the average citizen expects some sort of resolution to a war. You win a war, or you lose a war. At some point, though, and that point has clearly come in the U.S., people start asking when they can reasonably expect a VE Day. Or in this case, VT Day.

The answer to that, of course, is maybe never. Certainly not in this lifetime. Because the phenomenon the West commonly calls terrorism is not militarily defeatable. It stems from ethnic nationalism, tribalism and religion, forces as powerful and primordial as sex.

And when governments all over the world are calling their political opponents terrorists, the word loses its impact and, eventually, even its meaning.

The Pentagon knows that very well and has been trying to modify its message for some time.

The U.S. military dropped the phrase "the long war" last spring, and, as Ackerman noted this week, it generally avoids "War on Terror," too.

In 2005, at the behest of the military, then defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld tried to phase out War on Terror and test drove the phrase "global struggle against extremism" instead. It didn't take. His boss smacked it down in that Texas speech a few days later.

Now, though, even President Bush has come around. He's still clearly fond of Global War on Terror, and uses it from time to time, but "global struggle against extremists," or a variation on that theme, is now making it into his speeches, too.

It popped up in a speech in Washington in June, then in his remarks at Montebello, Que., in August and in Sydney, Australia, last week, at the Asia-Pacific meeting.

Perhaps it's seen as a less alarming term. It invokes something less apocalyptic and, importantly, more long-term. You can, after all, struggle forever, and the struggle itself remains a noble endeavour.

This rhetorical shift at the top can seem a bit rich to journalists, many of whom had reservations about using the term War on Terror, or even the word terrorist, in the first place.

Many reporters preferred to use words like, yes, "extremists," and took tremendous blasts of heat from conservative and special interest groups for doing so in the early years following 9/11.

Some of those groups fight on. A group called Freedom's Watch, for example, placed a full-page ad in the New York Times today, throwing President Bush's old rhetoric back at him and at Gen. Petreaus: "WE ARE FIGHTING A GLOBAL WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. SURRENDER TO TERRORISTS IS NOT AN OPTION. VICTORY IS AMERICA'S ONLY CHOICE."

It had an almost nostalgic ring to it.



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The WOT allows a break from the past

30.09.2007 11:10

These are both well written articles: clear, concise, well argued, using verifiable details to build their case. No cause for concern there.

This citizen is concerned however with the subtle sleight of hand that is beginning to emerge as more and more people wake up to the reality of what Bush and Blair's War On Terror actually means. I very much doubt that too many would be all that bothered had the "war" been resolved within a few years. But now it is dragging on, with no clear end in sight. Moreover, ordinary citizens of the US and the UK are realising that the War On Terror is having some very significantly destructive effects on domestic policy and governance. In the US there is the Patriot Act; in the UK there is SOCPA (amongst so many others, thanks Tony!!). Perhaps when citizens survey the smouldering landscapes of the modern post-9/11 world, the lack of security each citizen experiences now at the hands of their own governments let alone any erstwhile "terrorist", the worm holes of doubt that perforate the official narratives of the UK 7/7 event, the "liquid bomb" debacle, how legitimate protest is being systematically squashed through arrests and intimidation, the near-total surveillance of ordinary society; perhaps when citizens survey these landscapes that Bush and Blair's War On Terror has wrought, perhaps concerned citizens everywhere will begin to notice that the War On Terror very much resembles a War Of Terror instead.

But even this is not really sufficient. For the WOT is a useful rhetorical device, a sleight of hand that serves now as the lightening rod that distracts concerned citizens everywhere from recognising the long history of US and UK interference into other countries, heralding rape and pillage of those sovereign states, and the whole-scale deceit of leaders as they propagandise their colonisation, subterfuge and invasions as the necessary execution of justice and security. We need only think back to the activities of the CIA in South American countries for a lurid reminder of American efforts at "peace" and "justice". These hideous atrocities have been comprehensively documented in Ward Churchill's book "On the justice of roosting chickens" (2003), in which he and his students provide the history of American imperialism from 1776 to the present day. A similar history has been written by Mark Curtis in his "Unpeople" (2004), although not as extensive as Churchill's book, Curtis' work documents the unrelenting assault on human rights and dignities as promulgated by the British government inevitably to forward the aims of corporations and governmental imperial aspirations.

This citizen is concerned that, in the emerging indignation and outrage of other ordinary and concerned citizens, the Bush/Blair WOT is not written off as some strange anomaly that blots an otherwise pretty clean copy book. It doesn't. If anything, concerned citizens everywhere - particularly in the US and the UK - should be noticing that in actuality, the Bush/Blair WOT is actually US and UK corporate and imperial history writ large, that the WOT exemplifies par excellence this long and sordid history of violence, genocide, abuse, and plunder, and is thus merely the most blatant and dramatic concentration of what both the US and the UK have been doing for decades, even centuries. God only knows, the British government and its peoples are drenched in blood going back far more centuries than the US given the relative age of each nation. But the US has done a great job of catching up - Hiroshima and Nagasaki by themselves catapulted the US into the Big League of Global Murderers alongside the UK.

While other nations also share an inglorious past of homicide and plunder, what makes the US/UK history all the more galling is the droning repetition of hypocrisy that is spewed out of the mouths of governmental representatives of the US/UK at any chance they get. These representatives drape fine cloth of human dignity and rights, security and welfare over their long blades of exploitation, negligence, expedience, collateral damage and unilateral gain. And citizens swallow the pill and go back to sleep. This citizen is concerned that as more and more details of the deceit perpetrated by Bush and Blair (&c.) come to light and as we citizens of the UK and the US come to realise just what we have allowed ourselves to be dragged through by association and what mammoth machinery of state control we must now find ways of dismantling, that we citizens will forget that the events of the last six years are but a concentrated realisation of our long and sordid history. But ridding ourselves of the architects of terror that are primarily the US and UK governments, recognising that so many other governments now have jumped on the bandwagon to some or other degree, that doing this is the first step in a protracted journey of trying to make things right, to be accountable, to own up, and to do things differently.

Concerned Citizen

Indeed. Great Response.

30.09.2007 15:14

Great response, and yes, that is exactly what's happened here, and I don't think that it's any coincidence that this "crisis" arrived just as Resistance to the policies of Global Corporatism was gaining the upper hand, strengthened by the documentation that these policies of exploitation and corruption were destructive, and harmful to all but a relatively minority of persons and interests.

I find it also interesting how this crisis was brought about in the US, as throughout 1998-2000, the arms industry was hemhorraging from the 'peace dividend', with senators such as Trent Lott forcing the military to purchase equipment, such as aircraft carriers, that it neither needed nor wanted, simply for the contracts. The Osprey program had failed and had to be scrapped, as anger from the families of the soldiers it killed resulted in growing calls for lawsuits, not to mention the corruption highlighted by Enron threatened to connect to the White House. At the same time, the FAA was complaining about its crumbling infrastructure, since the air transport industry was limited to what had been created, basically since the 70's.

911=PNAC, CIA, Mossad


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