We showed pictures and films in the cinema workshop tent which was well attended. The first film is about the occupation of the boats in january 2005 during the building process. The boats will detain some 300 migrants each and are located in an isolated part of the harbour. The action was done under the name of Migranten Welkom, Migrants Welcome. We managed to stop the work for one day with some 20 people arrested. About 60 people took part in the actions. The film is subtitled in english and available for groups doing actions on immigration. The boats will detain some 300 migrants each. For pictures on the boats see

The second film was a premiere (never showed for a big public) about a direct de-fencing action at the detention boats again by Migrants Welcome. On eastern monday a group of 90 activists turned up at 1 pm, opened the gate to the fence and stormed the area around the boat. Some 120 m of fences were effectively pulled down. Press was present at the action. We wanted to do a radical action as open as possible. The 10 security guards were totally surprised, called the police who arrived with two cars. The de-fencing went so fast that we disappeared again after half an hour leaving the police and guards behind. Some weeks later six people were lifted from their bed, arrests based on pictures. This film is not yet available, but in process.
We explained in the workshop also about a police raid in Amsterdam where 111 migrants were arrested. More english info about this on

Pictures from the actions on the noborder camp are on the dutch indymedia: