The Treasury, that solid, thinking Mr King, have both said the situation must alter in radical ways to avert disaster. But you had to listen quite hard to hear that - it wasnt in most reports.
Opinion influencers might have us blame either of them . . . . when we should remember where the crisis came from, echoing the way we are told to blame the old PM for the Iraq war rather than track the press releases, front pages, etc, to the "smoking rooms" that put out that dodgy info into the democratic process - or allowed it past when they should have seen past it, as, to their credit, certain people - groups of people - entire establishments too - did.
The "blame them - OR THEM - (the ****S! ) ! - but forget thm."
"Most of all, dont think about WOW LOOKOVERTHERE WOW what nothing" aint ALL n ew, in fact, as scams go, most of them are quite old.
But all the more reason to alert people to it, all the more reason for people to "unfreeze" the prescriptions from their critiques, shear the offputting jargon off their words as much as possible - economist or political types - ( on inspection often it WAS the long words that were dumbest).
Actual thinking about it, but with ALL types of others input, is happening - it might - in fact - as a world it probably COULD happen in time to get us all safely around a sharp corner when we were pointing over the waterfall into the sewers, to twist a metaphor a bit.
list of recent subtitles, phrases about this in the sundays is going to get added to this for the archives - with the comments - but as a wonderful intro to this world wide web interaction, "audience-creating-news", you could add your free thoughts to this process too, if you have them.
(see also "remember cyberbullying" item from this newswire - but also remember that much - perhaps most - of the "worst" seeming of these incidents are faked, staged, or treacherous set-ups by "friends" or work colleagues - terror, yes, for sure, but often in actual fact attempts to exagerate the actual effects to cause those effects to others - remember, the inadequacy of bullies often means they are fraudsters most, to the extent that the "power" they abuse is often 99 or 100% fake or faded - there is a lot of that "wizard-of-oz" "dont look round the curtain" bit to it all - - - - sometimes the "amazing-people-controller-emp-wurlitzer" effects are faked up too! Yes, there are a lot of weird things in those U-tube sewers, in real life too, sometimes - but remember - FRAUDSTERS EXIST TOO - most ! ! ! !
The fact that bits of this "cyberbullying", blackmail or coercion might also get used against people in the media by a few of the people misusing old, re-fried scams etc from the "internal" pasts of the last 80 years of serious, "nations-future-at-stake" covert operations, despite the fact that most of the people doing it might have got most of their info about it from cable TV, or taking bungs doing low grade "economic" or "defence of the realm of the tuckshop, bus-stop, etc" is by the way - the effects over people unaware of these scams - or stolen/misused rigs of tech - is a traumatic spin designed to seem, at times, a "deep, isolating "terror" bullying", despite its actual emp tiness, most often - or the sad, pathetic, actual facts about the actions that others have got caught up in. "Doing to others as they were done to" is often the pattern of bullying people "into" the group - the difference these days is that it is also done by people that set up as "opinion influencers" in a sort of "gumshoe-for-hire" way - "for" corporations or loaded "magnate" types, to shake "protection" cash out of them, to assuage new, odd ersatz-paranoias they might have sensed . . . . due to the fact that in "peace", to recoin the old phrase, the early casualties of "infowar" are often the customers.