Urgent call for support at Lismullin Henge. Contractors have moved in heavy machinery onto Archaeology site to divert the Sacred Gabhra River. SOS. Your help needed now.
Vigil Ph : 0861758557
-6mm and 12mm polyprop rope
-Appropriate wood for tree houses and signs
-Tarp and Canvis Material
-Sleeping bags and blankets
-Climbing equipment / harness etc
-Chains and clips
-Head Torches
-Second hand Bikes
-Sealable containers
You can call the vigil phone for directions to Rathlugh or to arrange for a drop off of supplies to site.
Please network this callout.
Vigil Ph : 0861758557
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How do people who live internationally save Tara - There has to be more.
19.09.2007 09:54
I live in Australia and was wondering if there was anything more people internationally can do to save Tara other than sign a petition. Maybe some news coverage over here might help, being a member of the Commonwealth. There has to be a way we can have more of a say and our say counted for something. How can our support be counted? I felt that something might come of the online petitions, but to mean nothing at all. There has to be another way.
Thanks for trying and keep fighting. For those of us who can't be present personally too.
Maybe we could send little people cut outs, signed, to you guys and you guys could plant them in a field near the sights - over here the breast cancer awareness group has the pink field - a sight designated for cut-outs of little people in pink for women who have breast cancer, little blue ones for men, and little white ones for those who died with breast cancer. The end effect is quite moving.
Just an idea that might get across to the government and all those involved how many people are actually against this abomination. Just pick a colour and a design (or if you like i can design one for you) and we might just start getting somewhere. It's the next best thing to actually being there.
Would like to hear your thoughts?
thanks again,
geornette james