There is a season of demonstrations and protest actions coming up and we are hoping that the different Solidarity Groups might be interested in getting involved.
- A international protest on 9 September 2007 {9-11-07} about the "half baked farce" investigation into the events of September 11, 2001 see www.strike911.org
- On September 15, 2007 there is a Protest March in Washington DC against US/Western Middle East policy
see www.sept15.org
- 29th November is the 60th anniversary of United Nations GA Resolution 181, which created the fragmentation of Palestine and the the foundations to the present 'impasse'
There has not yet been acknowledgment of these crimes.
Which allows them to continue.
Our Political representatives allow this to continue with both direct and indirect support.
We realize the no one single European government can stand up to the Zicons but the European Union can.
The Bush Administration have one more year maximum, and we think that the European Union could show some backbone and make a stand for International Justice and the rule of Law for ALL.
We can cope with an economic stand-off for a few months if necessary ?
If we do not acknowledge that the West are very much a part of the problem in the Middle East, and demand an end to the criminal abuse, there will be no resolution and it will continue and the world will become more dangerous and unstable.
We are thinking of protest actions outside {and inside ?} the European Parliament.
{there is an action planned in Brussels for sunday 9-9-07 but we think something organized for outside the EU Parliament on 9-11-07 ?}
The Vlaamse Socialists and other Solidarity groups may be interested in organizing something ?
Some co-ordination may be useful ?

If the different groups and individuals who are going to make some action on 9-11-07 could contact

We think it is important to give those in the USA who are going to demonstrate on 9-11-07 and 15-11-07 etc, some moral support by letting them know that the outside world is watching and supporting them in whatever way we can.
Especially as the mass media will probably give little or no coverage of the events.
Every small action will be both supportive and a contribution.
It can be informing everybody and group that you can think off {think global}, about the upcoming demonstrations and their websites and getting them to inform everybody they can think off.
Another effective action is a banner {spandoek} by busy train and metro stations and outside the different national Parliament buildings with www.strike911.org and/or www.911truth.org on it, so that people will check the site out later.
Some photographs and/or videos of the different events would be great to share on the internet.
And any other ideas and suggestions are welcome.
some links