Interestingly, Notting Hill Housing Trust or is it Notting Hell Housing Mistrust is a scam that uses deceit and lies, corruption and the squandering of precious unaccountable taxpayers resources to the luxury lifestyle of the Chief Executive - Ms Kate Davies (29/3/56) - Specal Adviser to the Labour Party - who lives in the very lap of luxury at Corner Lodge, Flat 2, 107 Sussex Gardens, Radnor Place, Paddington, west London, London W2 2RU.
She is known as "The Ice Maiden" by staff. She is aloof and arrogant and never ever answers letters from tenants. If it was not for Tom Sawyer - the Labour Party head of the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) now called UNISON who stitched up all us public sector employees the talentless arrogant nasty cow would never ever have been promoted as chief executive.
Was she not responsible for the manslaughter of Onikhe Porther?
Was it not her that was also responsible for the manslaughter of many good tenants?
She takes hundreds of thousands in salary.
She takes hundreds of thousands in expenses.
She takes hundreds of thousands in perks.
She takes what she wants of the thousands upon thousands of properties.
She takes what she wants of the thousands of millions in property values.
The good reputable Trust has now become the Distrust Mistrust Corrupt entity...
It is a bad corrupt embezzling unaccountable creature of the Labour Party.
No Accountability.
No Transparency.
It needs to be closed down.
They use dodgy deceitful lawyers.
The Directors are ALL Labour Party members.
The Housing Advisers are ALL members of the Labour Party that refers people to the Law Centre.
But the Law Centre needs to be closed down.
Those that run the Law Centre in Hammersmith are they not also Directors of Notting Hell Housing Trust?
Is it not true that the Law Centrein Hammersmith will NEVER ever take the Council to Court for breaches of the Law?
But the Law Centre in Hammersmith is funded by the Council in Hammersmith so it must do what it is told by the Council in Hammersmith and by all its entities even if the Council in Hammersmith blatantly breaks the law?
Is it not true that the Hammersmith & Fulham Council Housing Department work hand in glove to try to destroy or manipulate the case of a god respectable responsible tenant so they always support the wicked Rachman-like Notting Hell Housing Trust, Housing Association?
One of the best methods is for Rotting Hell to phone up the Housing Department - in confidence of course - the Housing Department raises an Inhibition or stop to the Housing Benefit support to the tenant from the local authority Housing Department - all unlawfully and all against good housing practice...
If you want a flat from Rotting Hell Housing Distrust you can get one if you contact the right person at the Trust - 19,000 properties to give away - for the right price - is that not right?
As for Solicitors - the Solicitors of choice that are located in the most dodgy part of London which are based in Peckham. [The capital of Corruption, Conspiring to Crime, Cannabis, Crack and continuing collective Crime in London.] are used by Rotting Hell Mafia... the Crime Organization that knows no superior... it is bent... and bent like no other...
Is it not into drugs...?
Is it not into crime...?
Is it not into corruption...?
Is it not even into good tenant character assassination...?
Who are the Solicitors?
Are they not a back-street dodgy firm of Soliciors based in Peckham where Del Boy of "Fools and Horses" was based?
Are they not Glazer Delmar [the Labour Party firm of solicitors and Labour Party (Councillor Dame) Sally Powell who was a fellow partner of the firm]?
Did Glazer Delmar not give substantial financial contributions to the Labour Party?
Was Iain Coleman the ex Labour Party MP for Hammersmith & Fulham not married to Councillor Dame Sally Powell?
Is Councillor Dame Sally Powell not the Labour Party Councillor who is/was responsible for Housing & Regeneration of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham?
Is Councillor Dame Sally Powell not the recipient of a Knighthood by the deceitful Labour Party Tony B.Liar as a senior member of the National Executive Committee that controls the deceits of the Labour Party and its corupting way to wrest control of the electorate - such as through the evil and illegality of the Gerrymandering of the vote?
Oh yes, the SOLICITORS of choice for THE MOST ROTTEN Housing Association based in west London [NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST or is it more accurate to call it ROTTING HELL HOUSING (DIS)TRUST & (MIS)TRUST!!!] are they not using an interlinking Labour Party dodgy firm of solicitors that cannot be trusted that are in the far reaches of Peckham - the crime capital of criminals in London (and who defends them? is it not Glazer Delmar? - of course - would it not have to be a deceitful and dodgy firm of solicitors a long way from the headquartes of rotten and the unlawfully bad slum housing headquarters based in Hammersmith Grove - about to up sticks and relocate next to the Underground Station at Hammersmith and next to the West London County Court which appears to be corrupt and does it not specialise in "losing" court papers and supporting all Housing Association at the expense of good tenants that all employ exactly the very same dirty deceitful tactics to try to stitch up good respectable vulnerable tenants?)
Is it true that INDYMEDIA is not as Independent as it might first appear?
Is it not true that INDYMEDIA has employees who are closely affiliated to the rotten LABOUR PARTY who corrupt the Housing in west London through ROTTING HELL HOUSING DISTRUST...?
ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST shows that the UK is finished as a country...
ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST shows that most good people want to leave the evil ignorant controllers of the corrupt and discredited not fit for purpose LABOUR PARTY behind...
Is it not true that ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST provides better housing for its corrupt crony Labour Party Councillors in its supporting Boroughs of west London - like Hammersmith & Fulham & Kensington & Chelsea?
Is it true that ROTTING HELL HOUSING TRUST that was run indirectly by Tony B.Liar with his lies and deceit and spin meisters like Alistair Campbell and Peter Mandelson with the concocted non existent Weapons of Mass Distraction is now indirectly run by Gordon Brown?
More and more people see the disintegrating face of the UK in the inexperienced uneducated control of people who are cronies and hangers-on like the arrogant ignorant unaccountable not fit for pupose woman like Kate Davies...
This can only leads to disater for the UK as an economy...
This ignorance at the top of the corrupt evil political party that is currently in power will assuredly lead to war, destruction and the toppling of the corrupt crooks that hate and despise all good people in the UK...
That is why so many good people see the writing on the wall...
That is why Prince Charles and Chief of the General Staff of UK Forces, General Richard Dannatt talk about "The Great Game"...
They know exactly what is going on - as do we...
We are being conned left, right and centre...
The UK is collapsing fast with the gun culture and the gang culture which have taken over... and Rotting Hell oversee it...
It is too late... far too late..
We are now living in an emasculated society which knows no morals nor respect for others...
Live for today and fcuk all others...
That is exactly what the evil, venal, arrogant Ms Kate Davies teaches by her example of disrespect to good tenants and treating good tenants as scum and not being prepared to listen to them......