That's great, at very least he gets a few days out of prison where he's been kept in solitary for 23hrs a day.
Step up the campaign, circulate the petition.
See: =============================
Guantánamo in Germany
de The Guardian, 21.08.2007
In the name of the war on terror, our colleagues are being persecuted - for the crime of sociology. By Richard Sennett and Saskia Sassen
'Terrorism" has two faces. There are real threats and real terrorists, and then again there is a realm of nameless fears, vague forebodings and irrational responses. The German federal police seem to have succumbed to the latter: on July 31 they raided the flats and workplaces of Dr Andrej Holm and Dr Matthias B, as well as of two other people, all of them engaged in that most suspicious pursuit - committing sociology.
Dr Holm was arrested and flown to the German federal court in Karlsruhe; he has since been put in (pre-trial) solitary confinement in a Berlin jail. Of course the police may have solid, rational knowledge they are withholding, but their public statements belong to the realm of farce. Dr B is alleged to have used, in his academic publications, "phrases and key words" also used by a militant group, among them "inequality" and "gentrification". The police found it suspicious that meetings occurred with German activists in which the sociologists did not bring their mobile phones; the police deemed this a sign of "conspiratorial behaviour".
Thirty years ago Germany had a terrible time with indisputably violent militant groups, and that leaden memory hangs over the police. And it may well be that "gentrification" is a truly terrifying word. But this police action in a liberal democracy seems to fall more into Guantánamo mode than genuine counter-espionage.
Consider the hapless Dr B a little further. He's not actually accused of writing anything inflammatory, but seen rather to be intellectually capable of "authoring the sophisticated texts" a militant group might require; further, our scholar, "as employee in a research institute has access to libraries which he can use inconspicuously in order to do the research necessary to the drafting of texts" of militant groups, though he hasn't writtten any. The one solid fact the cops have on Dr Holm is that he was at the scene of the "resistance mounted by the extreme leftwing scene against the World Economic Summit of 2007 in Heiligendamm", perhaps mistakenly believing he is studying this scene rather than stage-managing it.
These are not reasons for Brits, any more than Americans, to cluck in righteous disapproval; in the long, sad history of the IRA, reality and fantasy entwined in an ever tighter cord. But, apart from hoping that our colleague Dr Holm will be freed if only he promises to carry his mobile phone at all times, we are struck by the grey zones of fragile civil liberties and confused state power that this case reveals.
The liberal state is changing. In the 60s, Germany had the most enlightened rules for refugees and asylum seekers in Europe; the US passed the most sensible laws on immigration in its history; France granted automatic citizenship to all those born on its territory, including all Muslims. Today all these countries have, in the name of the war on terror, revised their rules - the state of emergency prevails. The laws meant for real threats are invoked to counter shapeless fear; in place of real police work, the authorities want to put a name - any name - to what they should dread. States of emergency are dangerous to the legitimacy of states. In cases conducted like this one, a government stands to lose its authority and so its ability to root out actual terrorists.
If our colleagues are indeed dangerous sociologists, they should be prosecuted rationally. But, as in Guantánamo, persecution seems to have taken the place of prosecution.
Richard Sennett is a sociologist at the London School of Economics; Saskia Sassen is a sociologist at Columbia University
r.sennett [at]
Protests over terror arrest of German academic
The Guardian, 21.08.2007
Academics from around the world have protested to Germany's federal prosecutor about the arrest and detention of a Berlin sociologist who is accused of associating with a terrorist group - apparently on the basis of his academic work. By Kate Connolly in Berlin
Andrej Holm, from Berlin's Humboldt University, who specialises in urban gentrification, was arrested three weeks ago on suspicion of aiding a militant organisation suspected of carrying out more than 25 arson attacks in Berlin since 2001.
In protest letters the academics from across Europe, the US and Canada said Mr Holm's arrest was based on his academic writings, and the evidence used to connect him to terrorism was at best flimsy.
The federal prosecutor's office arrested Mr Holm on August 1 under paragraph 129a of the anti-terrorism law, citing the repeated use of words such as "gentrification" and "inequality" in his academic papers, terms similar to those used by the urban activist organisation "militante gruppe" (mg). According to the prosecution report the frequency of the overlap between words used by Mr Holm and the group was "striking, and not to be explained through a coincidence".
It also cited the fact that he had twice met three men who were arrested on suspicion of involvement in an arson attack in Brandenburg on July 31 and who are accused of belonging to the mg. The prosecutor's office said it added to the "conspiratorial circumstances" that he did not take his mobile phone to the meetings.
The fact that he and another academic had access to a library meant they were "intellectually in a position to compile the sophisticated texts of the 'militante gruppe'," the prosecutor's office said.
In one of the letters, signed by more than 100 academics, the federal prosecutor, Monika Harms, was urged to release Mr Holm from his single-cell in Berlin's Moabit prison. "We strongly object to the notion of intellectual complicity adopted by the federal prosecutor's office in its investigation ... such arguments allow any piece of academic writing to be potentially incriminating," the academics said.
Mr Holm, 36, made a name for himself with his research into the effect of urban renewal on residential areas of the German capital since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
"The police may have solid knowledge they are withholding, but their public statements belong in the realm of farce," Richard Sennett, a sociologist at the London School of Economics, and Saskia Sassen, a sociologist at Columbia University, wrote on Guardian Unlimited's Comment is Free site. "This action in a liberal democracy seems more to fall into Guantánamo mode than genuine counterespionage."
The Guardian, 21.08.2007
Professor's Research Results in Terrorism Charges
All Things Considered, August 21, 2007 · Prominent German academic Andrej Holm was arrested three weeks ago on terrorism charges. According to the arrest warrant, Professor Holm was linked to a militant group because of his research into "gentrification."
Robert Siegel talks with Kate Connolly, Berlin correspondent for The Guardian newspaper. ================
Guilty by Association, 23.08.2007
The Suspected Terrorist Dr. Andrej Holm. By Anders Mikkelsen
The Suspect
German academic Dr. Andrej Holm is the father of three children and lives in Berlin. He is a sociologist interested in the power relations of gentrification and urban renewal and is a critic of German government policies. He is also a suspected terrorist and under arrest in solitary confinement.
The Arrest
On July 31st 2007 the home of German academic Dr. Andrej Holm was searched by the German Federal Police. He was then arrested and flown by helicopter to the German Federal Court in Karlsruhe and brought before the custodial judge. This father of three children has been held in the Berlin-Moabit awaiting trial. He was charged with "membership in a terrorist association according to § 129a StGB" (German Penal Code, section 7 on "Crimes against Public Order"). He and three other people were charged with belonging to a "militant gruppe"/"mg" which is a militant group or terrorist organization. Several other academics also had their homes searched, and all had been under surveillance since September 2006.
Several hours before the academics had their homes searched, Florian L., Oliver R. und Axel H. were arrested in the Brandenburg region around Berlin and accused of attempted arson of four German Federal Army vehicles. These three are suspected of other acts of arson.
The four are detained in solitary confinement:
"Andrej H., as well as Florian L., Oliver R. und Axel H., are detained since 1st August 2007 in Berlin-Moabit under very strict conditions: they are locked in solitary confinement 23 hours a day and are allowed only one hour of courtyard walk. Visits are limited to a total of half an hour every two weeks. Contacts, including contacts with lawyers, are allowed only through separation panes, including contact with their lawyers. The mail of the defense is checked."
The Allegations
The Federal Prosecutor (Bundesanwaltschaft) is investigating all seven, as they are suspected of "membership in a terrorist association" according to §129a StGB.
Of the academics, only Dr. Andrej Holm was arrested. According to his supporters, he is alleged to have met one of these three suspected arsonists on two occasions in the first half of 2007 in supposedly "conspiratorial circumstances." According to the German Government – "This [arrest as a suspected terror group member] is the result of among other things the fact of comprehensive conspiratorial contacts and meetings in particular with the accused of Florian L." "Dies ergibt sich unter anderem aus der Tatsache umfassender konspirativer Kontakte und Treffen insbesondere mit dem Beschuldigten Florian L." The German Federal Prosecutors do not want to hinder an ongoing investigation so they have made no more information available.
Note that Dr. Andrej Holm, according to the German Government Web Site, is arrested only for suspected membership due to meeting with only one of the accused. How dangerous is this group? The primary suspected activity of this group is arson of vehicles – most recently government vehicles. He was not arrested for doing or planning anything. This is an admission that he is only guilty by association.
Why He’s Guilty
The only information anyone has explaining the reasons for Dr. Andrej Holm’s suspected membership in a terrorist organization is the warrant.
According to US Professor Peter Marcuse
The prosecutor’s files include some 200 folders with approximately 80,000 pages, presumably including many of the publications of the four academics. The details aren’t yet clear, because the prosecutor’s office is short-staffed and hasn’t had time to Xerox the contents for the defendant’s lawyers. According to Indymedia, "a substantial part of the documents consists of analyses of… comparisons of formulations and punctuation of texts [of the defendants with the writings of the mg.] Is the word "imperialism" used, is G8 written G-8 or G8, is the IWF [IMF] referred to." And, frequently, "gentrification."
According to the text of the warrant, Dr. Andrej Holm and the alleged arsonists are suspected of using similar keywords and phrases in their writings. That is how they know he’s a member in the group – as well as meeting one member a couple of times. It is suspected that Dr. Andrej Holm is contributing to texts created by the alleged arsonists. Everyone’s favorite example is the word gentrification, which is on only 2,400,000 web pages and is a common English term for anyone discussing urban social or real estate trends.
As political scientist holding a PhD, Matthias B. is seen to be intellectually capable to "author the sophisticated texts of the ‘militante gruppe’ (mg)". Additionally, "as employee in a research institute he has access to libraries which he can use inconspicuously in order to do the research necessary to the drafting of texts of the ‘militante gruppe’"
Apparently the alleged arsonists are not qualified to write their own texts, and a suitably qualified academic had to be found. One wonders if the alleged arsonists could not be charged with writing texts without a license.
They also appear to associate Dr. Andrej Holm with G-8 protestors. When the G-8 summit was in Rostock Germany in 2007 the 16,000 German police faced 25,000 to 80,000 protesters. There were multiple incidents of violence by both sides. Total number of injuries is unclear, but was probably hundreds on each side. It is probable the police view anyone associated with the protestors as probable terrorists.
I have no indication that Dr. Andrej Holm advocated any sort of violence. Sociologist Rainer Rilling says
His political and academic publications, most of which I am familiar with, neither call for damage to property – even though most critical urban sociologist might have a hard time suppressing such desires – nor for violent assaults on persons, let alone for terrorist attacks. He also never tried to justify them. The whole affair stinks to high heaven.
Academic Terrorist or Terrorized Academic?
This appears to be a case of guilt by association. Dr. Andrej Holm is not an advocate of violence. He is not accused of planning or committing any acts of violence. He is accused of membership in a terrorist group – that is to say association with suspected terrorists. Even this is tenuous as he appears to have only met one member a few times, and the crux of the association is the similarity between the group's writing and his. This assumes that the terms and phrases aren’t common jargon, and the group couldn’t have liked his writing and plagiarized or borrowed heavily.
This is quite disturbing. Apparently in Germany one can meet a couple times with someone one shares some common interests with but doesn’t really know and doesn’t necessarily agree with on all issues, and one can become a suspected member of any organization the new acquaintance belongs to. Just because two people agree on problems in society doesn’t mean that both agree that violence and terrorism are the answer. This is an ominous attack on free speech and freedom of association.
Hopefully there will be enough international outrage to force the prosecutors to release Dr. Andrej Holm or come up with real charges. It is unfortunate that civilized countries like Germany or the US continue to violate the people’s rights. It is extremely worrisome to imagine that this trend of criminalizing our right to free association and free speech might continue to expand to include more and more people., 23.08.2007